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Will do! Here is our game:

Controls are only "left" and "right" to rotate. Dying is expected, try to remember where you failed last time to progress, the game will help you ;)

Fun little game, controls felt responsive

Very fun game, love the unique idea of controlling multiple robots!

Cute style! Fun game but quite hard

Beautiful game, a shame you cannot move built "towers" :'(

Reached 586m. Very fun to play, nice sound and visual effects when turning, feels responsive and satisfying. I can see myself spending a lot of time reaching for the records. Music also give a nice flow feeling when playing

Great stylistic choice with the screen within screen!

Very fun to play! Like the drums soundtrack, somehow fits perfectly!

Nice style and fitting music! Beautiful backgrounds (and foregrounds)

Hands down best game I've played yet in this jam, extremely well polished. Easy to understand, some puzzles had me scratching my head and rightly so! Well balanced speed of the crocodile, had more than one level where it was down to a second.

Well deserved full marks in every category, was a pleasure to play this!

Beautiful atmospheric game! Finished it, maybe sometimes hard to see but that is the challenge of a blizzard

Very fun game, nice idea! Like the relation of the music with your speed.

nevermind, I missed the main mechanic of the game :D

Fun game, would be nice to have more speed, I think if you spam the jump you do move a bit faster which is nice. Also beautiful world

Beautiful simple little game, fitting soundtrack, good job!

full well deserved points from me in every category

(1 edit)

Definitely one of my favourites, loved the minimalistic style (and the blooom of course). Took some time but managed to beat it. One thing that could improve it even further would be the camera movement, you cannot see what is happening further so you get jumped instantly after the camera transition.

Fun game! Maybe a bit complicated to click the buttons when you need to crouch reload and move almost at the same time

I like cars so I liked the game! love the amount of gears, a small inconvenience maybe that you have to steer with mouse but also press buttons on keyboard while also accelerating


Very simple and relaxing game, like the style and idea! Took me a while to understand the jump level but feels satisfying to yeet the car.

unique idea to create a puzzle with the concept that you have to move forward!

peak gameplay,at first i thought oh i can just keep on mashing spacebar and survive, but then it ALL BECAME ABOUT NUMBER GO BIG, reached  3650, try and beat me

how can you stop moving when they play such a banger

Some keyboard combinations kept closing the tab xd but it was still fun artstyle and idea

Very unique art style!

It was fun, the visual style and ambience really created a spooky mood. A suggestion: maybe the enemy should be more dangerous, because you can easily run away, perhaps stamina bar would solve that. Flashlight could also have a function with reprecussion of getting noticed, unless it already does then maybe should have more impact? But overall very good game <3

yeah when testing myself I also thought using spacebar or something would be great to restart, but sadly did not end up adding it :'(

Nice and satisfying to play, some drift would also be nice!

Will do! Here is our game:

Controls are only "left" and "right" to rotate. Dying is expected, try to remember where you failed last time to progress, the game will help you ;)

Nice! But quite hard

Fun pure shooting and parkouring!

Loved the art style!

Nice game, but ran into issues with the mouse when playing in the browser, if I turn too much to any side, the mouse leaves the game screen and the game stops turning

Will do! Here is our game:

Controls are only "left" and "right" to rotate. Dying is expected, try to remember where you failed last time to progress, the game will help you ;)

Beautiful atmosphere..

Nice, liked the cute eyes following the cursor and the music!

Quite hard but fun, original idea with the moving lamp!

Loved it, played both endings. Nice mechanics for replying! Atmosphere is great