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A member registered Sep 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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I've seen a bunch of change-player-scale games during the jam but the shape shifting idea and level design on this one are on point. Great job!

Didn't quite understand the concept but I guess it's good if it's one of your first games. Keep up the hard work!

Cool game, such nice art and a cute idea. Good job!

Super polished! Nicely done.

Such juicy animations! Kind of difficult to understand though...

Kind of similar to Super Hexagon. Good job!

(1 edit)

Such a cool idea! I'd say it needs more polishing but can definitely see it growing into a bigger game (pun intended).

Nice idea. The game is really cute but the camera kind of botches it? Can see it growing into a great game in the future, good job!

Cute and clever.

So cute! The mouse is a bit glitchy when playing by web but the idea is so on point it doesn't really matter as the enjoyment remains the same!

(1 edit)

That climbing system is such a feat for a 96h game! Jumped out of my chair when the wall suddenly exploded.

Cute game, although a bit easy mind I say. Could definitely be expanded into a pretty interesting sokoban.

Masterpiece! I love the way it tackles the Wario-like structure, the level design is on point, the enemies and power ups all well thought and the art insanely polished. Well done!

Nice game! 

Clever gameplay loop. You achieved such a polished and juicy arcade-style game that's gonna be difficult to put down. Well done!

Nice game! The art and music are fantastic, and the different sets pretty unique and versatile. All I could ask for is for the cursor to move a bit faster, other than that, this is a nice little game!

Wholesome art style and good take on the reversed Asteroids game. I specially like how you introduced an economy system in such an arcade game. Good job!

Super clever game. The idea is so well executed, the artstyle cohesive and the level design is on point. The only thing I can ask for is for it to clearly show the grid while paused. Great job!

Thank you for coming here just to play my game!

The idea was the role change would be clear enough given that it happens following the rhythm of the song, but you're right, maybe I should have made it clearer with some kind of countdown. Thank you for playing it and writing a comment!

That would have been cool not gonna lie. Thank you for playing it!

(1 edit)

Got that from someone else in the comments. Guess I'll have to go back to the drawing board to figure out how to fix that. Thank you for your feedback!

True, was tight on time and decided to fix some bugs instead of doing that. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you! I thought the same about those last moments of the game, it truly is almost impossible to get someone to win.

I tried to make it without any real dice. The theme is applied in the random outcome of the race. Yes, you get to pick the frog you wanna bet on, but the winner depends on the dice after all.

the original idea was to put a clapping system during the race, didn't have time, though....

Un consejo que siempre funciona cuando quieres hacer el arte de tu juego (y que yo mismo he usado en el mío por el corto tiempo que había para desarrollarlo) es limitar la paleta de colores y el tamaño de los sprites, consigues una estética consistente y un apartado visual atractivo con (relativamente) poco trabajo. En cuanto a los controles del juego, estudia cómo lo hacen los grandes del plataformeo (Super Mario, Celeste, Shovel Knight, etc), calcula cuánto tardan en subir y en bajar, implementa la altura dinámica de salto, cuánto tardan en acelerar y frenar cuando corren; hay bastantes artículos en YouTube y similares que pueden ser una buena guía para pulir este apartado.

La idea es muy buena, y desde luego eres de los que mejor ha aplicado el tema, pero la presentación es muy pobre, y la sensación de juego igual. Te aconsejaría que trabajaras esos aspectos de cara a posteriores trabajos, pues nos guste o no, son los más importantes; un juego bonito y que se sienta agradable de jugar puede ser todo lo genérico que quiera, que siempre se le preferirá sobre uno original pero no tan agradable jugable ni visualmente. ¡Ánimo, ya verás como con tiempo y dedicación consigues juegos más atractivos y apetecibles!

Aquí tienes el mío, los datos hay que descargarlos por separado.

Aquí está el mío, los datos se descargan por separado. 

Este es mi juego, Limousine's Nightmare; los datos del juego se descargan por separado.

El mío es Limousine's Nightmare, los datos se dercargan desde los comentarios, espero que no haya problema...

Básicamente lo que dice el título, es mi primer juego, así que he cometido el terrible error de subir solo el ejecutable, y no me he dado cuenta hasta que no era demasiado tarde. Al final he acabado subiendo los datos a los comentarios, ¿entrará eso en las normas? El juego es Limousine's Nightmare, por si queréis jugarlo, gracias.