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A member registered Dec 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for asking!

I'll make a proper announcement sometime tonight/tomorrow on what the plans are with the game.

Edit: The announcement :

Hell yeah V2 update~! Honestly adds so much that was needed.
Appreciate the shrines, familiars buffs, and partner addition too~ :D

Also either one of the new areas has a great track, or I forgot one has a banger.

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

I'm hoping the game will be a lot more readable/understandable in an update I'm pushing out sometime in the coming week or so- but it'd be hard to have a brand new first impression.

I also love dress up systems. I kind of want to play with them more in the future, sometime~ Maybe next year too? hehe~

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

I absolutely sent your praise to the pinup artist Funky Kiki the moment you posted it, hehe~ (Pssst she's available for commission in case you'd like to steal her for your own work~)

And thank you bunches on the other art praise- I did all the sprites, backgrounds, cards, etc~!
I agree on the gameplay needing more, there's some framework for more (Action Cards), which is being worked on for a future update.  You're also right on the money with the icons or indicators for elemental strengths and weaknesses.

Also thank you~! I was hoping the system of database RPG Maker has would be great for putting together a game with lots of items (cards in this case). Maybe one day I'll outgrow the engine, but not today, haha!

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

Thank you for your praise!
If you're curious, I chose RPG Maker is because I'm a newbie at programming. The overhead would have been too much trying Godot for the first time. So here we are!

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

Thanks bunches! I'm working on the story mode as a we speak~ Here's hoping everyone finds it good. 

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

Thank you for all the kind words! And glad you enjoyed the card game, I personally like them simple and easy to pick up myself!

Also noted on the AI. 
Defensive plays seem to be the way to go a lot of the time, but our AI favors aggressive choices. We have more variation to the AI ready it just needs me implementing it.  So look forward to that in the near future!

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

The honest reason for the choice of RPG Maker is because I'm a beginner at programming, and I needed the means to make the game in case our programmer (Cooper) had to attend to personal life matters. He didn't have to- so the game turned out great instead of passable!

Card effects are planned for a future update, though I have no timeframe for when that'll be.

I hope you'll forgive late reply, I didn't want to effect anyone's ratings of my game!

Thank you kindly! You can expect selecting the card directly in a (eventual) future update, it's something I wanted but didn't have time to prep/implement.

Honestly this kind of puzzle/roguelike game is straight up fun and relaxing.  The mechanics took a second to learn, but as soon as I figured it out I started working out strategies for it.  Estimating how much energy I had left to squeeze out of the map, or how much I could do per scouting on a map was nice.
Also, it felt like a great accomplishment to find the door, and use the rest of my resources to stock up on items.

The sound design was great and matched the pixel art style. All in all, it felt very classic and classy.
There's also a lot to it for the amount of time you had to make a game. Which is awesome!

I haven't completed it,  but here's quick praise before the rating time is up.
I loved the the intro and the usage of the narrative to create a sort of pensive feeling in a cool robot character.  The aesthetic and UI is on point, and so cool. Cheers!

Very neat; I see where you intend more with plenty of room for VIP guests, expansion upstairs and a bar, and look forward to it if you do.

Gameplay, I'd like to see more systems of consequence or goals and purchases for completion. Perhaps a quota you have to meet with the boss every few minutes, or maybe interest raises steadily when unpaid. Less consequential goals like the option to spend money to change the appearance of the brothel would also be cool.

So far what you have for visuals is good! Good animations, character design, and I enjoy the dynamic lighting! It would be a treat to see more characters, from clients to more hired help, or a bartender or DJ. Moreover, if you played with the colored lighting more, such as the option to turn on strobe or party lights for the VIP lounge.

Sound wise, all the sound effects are good. The lack of any kind of music does sadden me a little, but the choice of SFX and usage was all good in my books.

I had to stop before I paid back the boss, because all my helpers softlocked into a lewd animation with no one, and that made it harder to make money as their was only one stall I could attend to.

Judging this on what exists:
Art style the character models and scenery style are very cute and curvy. It feels pretty professional. Judging from the other games you've released, it seems pretty on point for what you do. Good stuff.

Controls are also very tight and responsive feeling. Platforming feels good. Though it's hard to tell exactly what I think of gunplay because there's no targets. Do the bullets come from the camera, or the gun? That matters a lot. I also would accept any sort of feedback on hitting scenery (i.e. sparks or bullet decals for hitting geo)
Also, no way to zoom the camera in and out. I'd like to be able to do that a little bit with the scroll wheel, either to examine cute character models or get a better view of the area.

Story seems good, and the intro cutscene feels neat and has some drama to it.  I am rather baffled from the fact I'm given duel guns but the test area only lets me fire one? Wouldn't be easier to animate the usage of two guns instead of dealing with an arm clipping through the chest?

Sound wise ; The music didn't *quite* feel like it fit the rest of the aesthetics, but the choice of SFX did. Though the SFX was a bit shrill.

All and all, neat demo. If you could deliver on the full game or a more complete public-intended demo, I'd give it a shot.

Hell yeah! It's so good in sound and visual design~ I am biased towards the sort of PS1/N64 era 3D- and you tackle it very well! The style of font, the sound choice, and the slight jitter of every model is very cool!
I can't overstate how much I like the aesthetic, it's very good. If you do more games in this style, lewd or not, I'm game to play them.

Combat and gameplay is very solid, a little bit of a learning curve, especially since I was playing on keyboard and not using any controller mapping, but very good. I appreciate the methodical, careful gameplay and the distinct enemy types. I know you mentioned your way of playing was to let them approach then retaliate, but my go to method was to step forward, hit once, backpedal out of swing, repeat.  
Running out of stamina was one hell of a penalty, I usually got hit 2-3 times for it,  but I think it's just enough for where the game is.

Thank you for the pillars and directors comments. Because of them I found out I could kiss the defeated Drakes.

Overall, I know you've covered your own gripes with your own game already in game, so here's a tip on level design from what little I know: Try and think of some of it like unwritten signposts. Give a room or hallway some distinct feature so if someone has to leave for a moment and come back, they roughly know where they are in the dungeon. Some features like discarded armor, weapons, chains and shackles, or even bones would fit in fine to the narrative.

Also, hot dragons. 10/10, I did enjoy all the Drakes thoroughly.  Mostly by accident.

Love the game loop, and the uniqueness of each run! It's really easy to play again when I know I'm going to see a brand new monster. Also each new monster wife has a fair amount of different strategy. Highlights of this are the Succubus, Dragon, and Cerberus.
Each monster girl is also very cool and creative,  the description in the Glitch's bio of "This is not the corruption kink I was thinking of" comes to mind. Hehe~

Sound design wise, music is good, SFX is good. I do like the choice of the the triple SFX for the three hits from Cerberus. It's good game design/player feedback for what's happening.

I'd like to see one more bit of feed back like damage numbers over characters to help indicate how much damage is happening, and when it's occurring like between turns with fire, or when you seduce the succubus.
All in all, very good!

I want the full game oh my lord.
You've got a great setting, interesting characters, and the start of a good mystery.
Aesthetically the game is very strong, particularly the textured, thick lineart art style. It feels carefree, much like how the protagonist is. The UI matching was also great. Points at which when it swapped back to Ren'py's default look was a bit jarring. (Naming the main character, loading, etc. )

The writing is pretty good! Without spoiling, I'm excited for the rest of the story, and I would so far recommend this to anyone who doesn't mind the cliffhanger. We just have to wait together for more.
As well, I identified with the protagonist a lot in forgetfulness, wandering, and otherwise just jumping into things good or bad. 

I enjoyed the music too, but I felt like the writing and artstyle was stronger and more important to Airship Chef's identity and personality as a game.

My biggest gripe is I want more. 
I'm already a bit invested into the mystery of the main character, ofc.
I'm sad that the messed up food (food gorn?) isn't colored in any variation.

For a stealth game, it's not secretive at all about the horny lewd gameplay. ;D
Speaking of the gameplay, it's pretty great! All the inputs felt snappy and responsive. There is clear progression when you gather treasure.
I came back a few times to play it again while writing this review, and could see myself playing again after updates.

For lack of a better term, naked mode is a great feature. It's a neat way to naturally raise difficulty and hype. The fact it effects gameover screen is just a wonderful silly cherry on top.
I really like the aesthetic and character design. I want to say the character design reminds me of 60's anime or cartoons, but I cannot for the life of me find an exact example of what I mean.  But it stands out, looks good, and is aesthetically on point with the classic pixel style and limited colors.  The scanlines and very slight chromatic aberration is also very cool!

On ways you could improve:
More options. I would like the option for changing keybinds. Having optional scanlines might be better for some.
A better win screen. Happy but naked is fine, but maybe happy, naked, and holding the main treasure? I went through all the effort after all!
The pearl room itself was anticlimatic. There were neat new platforms, but no dangers.  You could do a lot from basically add a few guards, cameras that switch on and off,  to creating a whole escape sequence.
The stock moans; already mentioned by another, but I offer two ideas: Either ripping lines from old anime/cartoons or taking the sounds you have and bitcrunching them to match the classic gaming soundscape.

A good concept for someone who wants sweet bubbly fantasy romance. It's aesthetically solid, sound, UI, art style, writing, are all bubbly-cute.
Also, I do enjoy that there are moments of phone UI, or a sort of 'mini game' of designing a bouquet to spice up the normal visual novel reading format. All in all, despite not being into overly sweet cute romance, I was impressed with the overall quality.

Now onto the flaws.
The biggest one is that the game just kind of... ends abruptly very quickly. I took breaks so I couldn't measure the length, but it was maybe 15-20 minutes? I haven't judged the NSFW version because it's paid- but if all the rest of the content is hidden behind that paid version I would rather at least some sort of short ending or conclusion. It's a version, not a demo, right?
It's even more wildly jarring because it's the same song in the scene prior to returning to the title screen.

On a subjective writing note: I want the choices to mean something. Maybe even just a throw away line from Anya about Cam trying Luka/etc's favorite. Something to world build or any other ideas.

Unrelated to any serious judging, hit the skip-text at phone for mass popping noises for the giggles.
I am also mixed if this fits the horny game jam theme, but the main character is maybe lowkey horny on main for a waitress so I feel kinda fits?

TLDR: Good polish and direction, needs more substance.

The sound design in this is AWESOME. I love squishy noises. Also the title theme is a bop and I before I got to play, I was jamming.

Gameplay is great! It's hard not to compare to say, Sandtris, but I like that you took pages from their book- in that the exact squares didn't seem to have to be in the exact spot. It's also very forgiving about rotating, which is very fun for reasons that aren't optimal to gameplay, hahaha.
I do wish there was more visual area and room to rotate blocks above the cuttoff line. Perhaps if the container had a red line with just a simple "CAUTION" label, and the hood that drops blocks is higher up from the gameplay area.  

I feel like this is one of the most complete feeling games of the jam that I've played. Still, if you added more, I'd play it. And if you made more games with squishy themes and with this quality, I'd also play them!

There was some slowdown/lag when there was a lot of jelly trapped above the bottom vents for me. I wager that the jelly being there is meant to be some level of difficulty/fun/chaos, still. Figure it's worth mentioning.

Very neat- there's a lot more I wanted from the game, but I really like the idea of world-sim voyeurism.

Someone mentioned the activity animations, and I agree, I think that's my favorite part.  Anything from Goblins talking to eachother, or rare happenings might make the early game waiting for more goblins interesting.

There's a million suggestions I keep thinking of, from menu-hotkeys, to job preferences - but all these suggestions just come from a place of wanting to see both more content and more polish.

I enjoyed it! 
The art/aesthetic style is solid and on-point. The cupid mechanic is clever, and I like that the lewd features weren't tied to losing, which is a common trait of platformers I've played in the past. 

If the game is given updates in the future I'd be down to play more outside of reviewing it.

As an improvement, I'd like to see  options menu for volume control or keybinding. If you make a basic options menu and reuse it in all your projects, it'll make all your future games feel more pro and accessible.

(2 edits)

Nice work as usual~
If you're cool for suggestions, is there any way to put in the .ini to only open the arm.exe or the tablet.exe?

Either that, or allowing the .exe to close one without closing both.

I don't intend to use the tablet portion myself, and I saw that some people don't want the arm.

Thanks for your extreme patience! Hopefully I can get more of this cooked up and ready for public eye.

Thanks for asking!
Not completely but production is super slow. I'm the only dev of Scarlet Dream, and my day job has me working 10~12 hour shifts 6 days a week. I do all the art, sprites, writing, extra code, and everything so there's not much to show for what's been done.
While I was planning to make a beta release this year, that's been shelved until overtime stops at work, and I don't know when that will be.

Are you all prepared for the second demo?

Thanks! I do pride myself on art, and I'm glad that appeals to you despite the genre!

Woo! I hope you enjoy it~! And thanks so much~