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Bastiaan Olij

A member registered Mar 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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I don't know, I keep posting the link to my twitter from time to time, but indeed we're lacking a good place to really advertise it

Thanks everyone for joining in on this first Godot XR game jam. I hope everyone had a lot of fun, I sure enjoyed trying out all your creations.

So I'm not entirely sure if itch has an overall winning category, I think we just marked the first as primary... My take on it is that we have a tie between Super Steam Hands and Cloud Shepherd, both taking 2 out of 5 categories.

That said, I was super impressed by the quality of the entries, amazing how much people put together in 3 days especially was I noticed we have a few new people amongst us that were still learning the ins and outs of Godots XR implementation.

Same as Malcolm, wasn't able to download it. It's best to use itch.ios ability to upload a game

Very well put together, I had some troubles with the 2nd puzzle, nearly got it working but obviously doing something wrong :)

It took a minute to figure out movement, but it is a nice approach, just felt a little strong. Really liked the concept. 

This was a lot of fun! Took awhile to get a hang of it but managed to get through a few levels.

Great use of VR, could use a little more precision in chipping things, I always made shapes too rough and the gas got stuck. But excellent execution on the theme!

Very fun concept, got 999 score :)

Nice little game, shows a lot of progress, didn't feel any haptic feedback but that might not have been part of the game. 

Ok, I know how to give you a link that you can still submit the entry, but not sure how to DM it to you :) chuck me an email on mux213 at gmail dot com
I'll be out for an hour but we'll see if we can add it still. Might not get enough votes but atleast you'll be properly on the list :)

Ah ok, that makes sense, that would have been good to have explained somehow because it is a bit confusing. I would have like to be able to walk up to things to examine them a bit better, or wonder whats behind something and whether that is part of the things I need to escape.

yeah that is actually my fault, I've had that on my todo list for about 2 months now, DigitalNumbers actual made a nice solution for that, I was cleaning that up, still need to finish that **shame on me**

Oh, and I managed to clip the bottle through the wall and loose it outside the sauna :)

Especially when it's written on the door that you should! Maybe the cookies are ok then? Or is it trying to trick us?

Love the look of this, I couldn't move around, not sure if that was intentional. Eat the cookie, made the steam, wasn't able to escape :)

Very possibly, I think haptics is one area of VR that hasn't got enough information about how to do it well and there are definitely differences in the platforms that make settings that work well on one, not work well on another. 

HEY! Judges don't get to compete :P :P

Seriously though, this is a really fun little project that shows Godots Tiltfive capabilities off nicely. A few teething problems on the TiltFive drivers we still need to work out. Shame not many people will be able to try the entry just yet.

Note that there is a video of the gameplay on the games page.

Technically impressive, though I couldn't get the browser to do anything. Not really fitting the jam theme though. 

Really nice looking entry, got a lot of potential. I love the hud, I love the general look. Found the plane to be a bit hard to control, then again, I'm a little out of practice when it comes to flying games.

Would love to be able to play this with a HOTAS

Very cool entry, can definitely see this has a lot of potential. It looks amazing too! I was surprised I did not get any motion sickness even though you're flying around like crazy, a bit more control would be nice but I probably just need more practice.
I do suspect people who are much more susceptible to motion sickness than I have might like a warning :)

I loved everything about this, perfect usage of the theme, great visuals, only thing I missed was the ability to rotate which I think could be added to the movement mechanic easily. The movement mechanic btw is SPOT ON. 

Did I miss something re haptics? I didn't experience any rumble.. so maybe there is an issue on Index and I feel bad for scoring haptics low :)

Definitely a cool entry, if it wasn't for watching the video I wouldn't have known there was a button to show where I still needed to steam. That could have used a hint in game. 

Sorry that you missed it by less than half an hour. I don't know if itch has a way to allow us to sneak in people who just didn't make it in time. Hope you had a good time building though!

Good morning everyone, just came back from the school run, haven't had time yet to catch up on all of the messages that have gathered during the night (well for me it was night :) ). The submission deadline finished 30 minutes ago, a quick look and I see 17 entries, that is absolutely amazing!

I hope everyone had fun, even if you didn't manage to get your entry done in time, I hope you try and finish it anyway and post it later.

Now it's voting time. Everyone who has made an entry should be allowed to cast votes on the other entries, so please take the time to look at what others have made.

Love it!

Hey All,

We've nearly hit the halfway point, lots of discussions on the XR channel, some issues for people getting started with the setup but it looks like many people are getting through it. The biggest startup issue seems to be Godot having some issues with caching data from new code when the plugins are installed. Often just restarting Godot can get it to fix up the cache and once all is in place, you should be home free.

If anyone is streaming their progress, please feel free to post links to your streams here for the duration of the jam. Would love to drop in and watch some people work and maybe lend a helping hand.

Also just in case people have missed these, I did a video on getting Godot setup for VR (OpenXR): 

Malcolm in the meanwhile posted a video with a complete run through to setting up a TiltFive project:

Ok everyone, 

So the theme we choose is "Vapor":

You can interpret this as broadly as you wish, it will be very interesting to see how people adapt that to their game jam design.

While it would seem straight forward to go for volumetric fog effects and such, be warned that it is effects like these that generally don't work well in VR, especially stand alone VR as they can be very GPU intensive. This will be a matter of thinking outside the box. Go for a stylised look, good use of (transparent) textures, particle effects, etc.

Good luck everyone!

@nicwonderland it went live at the start of the jam so probably Youtube hadn't made it visible yet

Thanks @andyman404 for posting it:)

Hi All,

I have a video scheduled on my Youtube channel that should go live at the start of the Gamejam which announces the theme. We'll update the gamejam page shortly afterwards, and we'll answer any theme related questions in this topic!



Ok somehow I lost a post of mine, anyway Malcolm and I decided to extend the deadline by 9 hours. This means the jam will take exactly 3 days, so we're hoping that makes it fair, some people will have more time at the start, some more at the end, but in essence everyone has the same number of waking hours. 

Less then 22 hours to go before the start :)

Nub, you can do a normal VR game?

(1 edit)

Hi all,

Looking for some feedback on the end time of the jam. I've moved it to midnight on Sunday but this is Sydney/Australian timezone.
From what I understand this would mean that for those in Europa/US timezones we'll be ending the jam early/mid Sunday.

I'm contemplating adding another 12 or so hours to the deadline so everyone can use their weekend to the fullest.
The same with the voting deadline, to give everyone a chance to play some of the entries, I'm thinking of moving this 2 full days after the submission deadline.

How does everyone feel about this, I know this is a bit of a late change.

We're not going to disqualify anyone but it is one of the items people can score on during the voting stage so you may end up loosing some points.

The idea behind a theme is to prevent people from submitting games they have been working on for weeks (plus that it's part of what makes a jam fun), but if you make something during the jam weekend and just can't think of a way to integrate the theme, by all means submit it.

With just shy of 2 weeks to go, we've got over 50 people signed up. This is exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing your entries!

Hi Everyone,

For those who attended GodotCon, I hope you had a great time! With that behind us its time to start focusing on the upcoming Jam. Malcolm and I are planning on releasing some additional content on our respective YouTube channels to help people get setup who are new to using Godot for VR or AR. We hope to have that online well before the jam starts to give people more time to prepare. We'll be posting links to those here on itch once available.

In the mean time the best place to come for help and advice is the official Godot Discord Server.
Also do check out our Youtube channels as there is plenty of existing tutorial content there, links are in the jam description.