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A member registered Jul 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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I can emphatically say that Vimlark did not in fact copy us.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly inspired by his solo pong game, although I hoped this would be just different enough to slip by unnoticed ;) Thank you so much for playing the game however, I'm super pleased with how it went down!

Really enjoyed this! The game is simple but very easy to get a grasp on - but that doesn't make the gameplay easy! The fact that the speed quickly becomes unmanageable really does make this a skill game, and I really liked the art style! The only (really) small change I would make is to maybe rotate the ship to point in the direction it is going?  Other than that, really well done!

This game was really good - while it took me a while to get the hang of the fruits gameplay, I loved the message and the story it was telling. You really get the feeling that the person we are playing is losing control of their life, and the subtle storytelling in the various simple interactions really drives that home. All in all, very well done!

Thank you! The sprites not standing out from the background was a fairly late problem, we didn't have all of the background art until quite late into the Jam and didn't quite notice how bad it was. There are player upgrades though, or at least one, it just doesn't spawn that often!

Nice little platformer! The music was really good, even if it was really loud to begin with! Some of the jumps took me a little while to get the hang of but I got there in the end! All in all, a good, chilled platformer :) 

Just want to say that this game is incredible, both the polish and the music, and that I think you were robbed by not having your game higher in the rankings for the Mix and Game Jam!

Great game! Movement felt good and the scaling difficulty with the different types of veggies was good, especially as they all had slightly different behaviours (the terrified bananas broke my heart!) I also enjoyed the multiple phases of the boss fight, it felt challenging but not so hard as to be unfair. The art was good, reminded me of Binding of Isaac in a way, and the music and audio fit really nicely. A slight speed up for the player would be a good addition, as well as having the player face towards the mouse (if using the right mouse button to move) would really make this better, but those are only minor changes. Otherwise, great game!

This game was great all the way through, from the music and art, to the tight platforming, to the genuinely surprising elements (the cat statue really made me jump the first time!)

Like someone else said below, many of the games in this jam have taken the lie element too far, and have made the game unfair or frustrating (unfortunately I think ours unwittingly falls into this category...) but you've managed to make the game hard (and keep the lying element) but fair, as once you know something will get you it remains consistent, meaning the player can learn to deal with those elements. The only thing I would say is that as far as I could tell (although I might be wrong) there was no way to tell if an exit was correct or not, meaning a lot of replaying the levels (including some tough platforming sections).

All in all, a very juicy, very fun game, 5/5 from me! Well done!

What to say about this game - the music is good, the art is good, the theme adherence is good, its just all around good! I got confused on how to attack the first time I played, as the play button tricking me meant I didn't want to click on the controls button! However when I did find out how to play, I have to say it was a solid game all around! It felt good to slide around and hit things, I especially liked the subversion of the classes, and the fact that when you purchase and equip things they appear on your character! I got team cake to win, although I lost, but I enjoyed the game anyway! Well done!

This was a good game, really adhered to the theme! The voice-over was a nice way of interacting with the player, and gave me really strong Stanley Parable vibe, and it did get a couple of laughs from me! Overall a good game that adheres to the theme really well.

Well, I have to say this game got me originally, as I was confused why I wasn't shooting! After I worked out how the game worked though, I quickly worked my way through the levels. The puzzle elements are good and it took me a while to work out how to tackle each stage, although they did become a little cluttered after a while. I really liked the juice the game had though, the screenshake when the bullet hits a wall, and the persona 5 style shadow screen that appears when you die. With some more level design, maybe adding in extra shadows? (You can maybe get them to shoot each other?) I think that this game could become a really great puzzle game. Well done, I really enjoyed it!

Well, while I thought it was quite difficult finding the 6, I have to say that all around this is a great game! The platforming is pretty good, it adheres to the theme really well, and the puzzles were good, both in and out of the platforming sections!

A couple of things I noticed, these aren't major complaints just little things :) 

Firstly, the reading of the dialogue was a bit annoying when it was overlaid over other things. I'd say either give it an opaque black/grey background, or move it somewhere where there is less going on (the menu button kept coming up behind dialogue choices)

The platforming was all around pretty good, but there were a couple of tight jumps that felt quite difficult to do, mostly because if you did a run up it was quite hard to judge when was the correct time to jump, because if you timed it too late you'd just fall but the energy would still be used. I think this is probably a simple thing to fix though!

This isn't your fault, because you did make it really clear (but when the game is lying to you...) I pressed the reset save button, and ended up having to replay the first 6 levels. You did put the warning there, but I think it would be better to not show the button until the final credits screen, just to make sure nobody accidentally presses it!

Other than these things though, I think it is a solid game and does well both at adhering to the theme and in having good platform puzzle elements. Only other thing is to suggest some audio ;)

So I have to say, I think that this was a well trodden idea, well executed for the Jam. With games like this, most often the thing that makes or breaks them is the writing, and the writing in this game (while sometimes a little repetitive) was very good, and really got me thinking about what to do and what consequences to take. The fact that for many options the outcomes were clear was good, as it meant I knew what I was getting into when I take them.

I did have a couple of frustrations though. Firstly, it was annoying to have the choices broken up with the turn stuff in the middle. I think it should be one then the other (either make a selection and then show the outcome, then allow people to select their growth, maybe limiting the options based on the selection?) or allow people to select first and then give them a task.

I found that the game wasn't very helpful in telling me why I lost, it just says I lost and that was it. I appreciate that the Witch should be lying, but as it stands I have no idea why I didn't win (all of my resources were pretty high). Maybe a little breakdown screen that shows you what you needed for each resource and how close you were to getting it?

Other than that though, I think the game is well made, the writing is good and the music is the perfect accompaniment, really well done!

Firstly, thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

We did actually have a demo where we did that, but what we found is that it was quite a lot harder, as you had less time to react to things. As it is now, if you see something you know you can be immediately out of the way, but with that as there was more time to turn, it felt more frustrating.

We are planning to revisit the idea though with other ship types!