Decided to play this again and managed to get a high score :D
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The sound effect is home-made, just a pillow falling on another pillow ^^. Had to record it a few times to get a good sound, and then just removed the background hum from it.
I’ll consider the funky shapes, but the next thing I really want is a more stable physics simulation. The rigid bodies just get unhappy sometimes for strange reasons :D
Thank you for playing and for the kind words!
Decided to give speedrunning this game a shot (link in case the embed is broken: )
Neat game! The player character is just a bit frustrating to control at times :b
Neat game! I just wish I could restart the level once I’m already platforming. I had to restart the game a few times because I failed to place the pieces correctly.
It felt good to beat the game, I felt like my thinking and platforming skills were being tested & I was being rewarded for being good at the end.
I just wish there was:
- A restart button while platforming
- A level counter on-screen
- A “congratulations” screen when you have beaten all the levels
Neat idea, but the difficulty scales up a bit too fast. I didn’t get hooked enough to push through and get good :b
The web version also takes a while to load levels & restart, and that definitely didn’t help with staying motivated to keep trying. But, without a web version I wouldn’t have tried this at all.
Do you have any plans for post-jam updates?
Happy that you found the game pretty ^^
You actually do manage the height of your jump, but there is a certain minimum height that you will always reach. I know how I could have made the jump conventionally “better”, but I went for this feel intentionally. Not letting the player feel 100% in-control.
On the difficulty part, I should’ve had a more diverse group of people test. Some say that the game is really easy, and some have difficulties with it. I could have done a bit better there.
The off-topic-ness, I personally agree. I made the general atmosphere and feel of the game comply with the theme, not really gameplay.
Thanks for the feedback!
The heals spawn inside of geometry sometimes :(
The enemies having more freedom in where they shoot than the player feels a bit unfair. It’s also annoyingly tricky to land shots on enemies that are hovering just right in front of you, but slightly above, because you have to time the shot just right with your jump.
Couldn’t understand the game fast enough for it to really hold my interest.
At the main menu I was trying to click the notes, instead of the buttons above the notes. I did not realize those were buttons at first :P
I think this game could have been improved a lot by:
- Having some more playtesting done by other people
- Some better music. The piano loop gets tiring on the ears after a few loops.
Good luck!
First of all, if you guys also composed the music, good job! I was jamming out to the “game over” tune while writing this :) I also do like the whole Atari-vaporwave aesthetic you have going on. Cool stuff.
Post-jam fixes I would love to see, in order of importance:
Move the camera up a bit, makes a big difference on how the game looks
Have the music not restart on level change
Remove wonkiness from ladders (couldn’t climb them up smoothly all the time)
Iron out the soft-locks
Fix Z-fighting
I didn’t know where to place warp portals on that list, nor do I know what to say about them. They kind of just feel like an arbitrary addition.
All in all, this game has a few issues, namely the camera being too low & the music restarting, that prevent this game going from “It’s fine” to “This is really impressive!” for me. Those are mainly technical issues, mind you.
If you end up coming back to this game for some post-jam love, please let me know!