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A member registered Aug 13, 2020 Β· View creator page β†’

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Thank you so much, really appreciate it πŸ˜„

Thank you so much for the kind words πŸ˜„

I also didn't think it was possible to make a bad Santa, It's still a bit (or maybe a lot) buggy, but I'm glad that you enjoyed it πŸ˜†

Thanks for your input regarding the attack, to be honest, I also quite dissatisfied with no audio and the weird inconsistencies, not to mention the last minute menu. πŸ₯² apparently I overestimate my skills and underestimate the time limit. 

Thank you 😁

Thank you 😁 I really appreciate it. It was true story. I did start with those many plans in mind, but apparently I could not meet the deadline with those πŸ₯²

Thank you for your kind words 😊 I am glad to hear that you enjoyed this work of mine (despite the many flaws it has) 😌 your words encourage me

You're too kind πŸ₯² thanks for playing my game

Thanks😁 I wish I could make it longer too, but I barely made it on time 😒

That is a very brilliant idea 😁 thank you 

I will be waiting for it πŸ˜

I think I've got a trauma hearing "the dish wash needs doing", Awesome game really creative take on the theme, and I don't know if this count as cheating but I just hold down one key for a long time to generate the cash just like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......."

Really enjoy the game, Great entry!

too bad I was really looking forward to play your game  πŸ˜₯

Thanks 😁

Thanks 😁

Thanks, I will send you one if I manage to breed it πŸ‰πŸ½πŸ˜‹

Thanks for the compliment 😁

He's a dragon pig πŸ‰πŸ½ hahaha thanks for playing it ☺️

Who would have thought that making plushies would be this fun and relaxing experience. Amazing Ideas, Great Arts and Lovely Music. Awesome!

Wow this is quite polished game with nice story and execution. Awesome Game xD

LOVE it, Great visuals. Love the notebook drawn graphics hahahaha

my only concern is once you can get the hammer on half the time, you can pretty much get anything with much ease. 

But yeah, I can see myself playing this game for hours on weekend. hahaha

Simple yet addicting. got a problems with identifying which tiles does what but once figured, it's extremely fun, Love the ending xD

I didn't know that ammo was limited until I meet the boss hahaha

Awesome game, the art and the music really takes me back to the Gameboy era

Lovely, love the balance difficulty spike, I only got 4923. Nicely done.

It's great game, had trouble with some of the UI but otherwise this is addictively fun.

Beautiful, simply BEAUTIFUL

here I thought LowRez can't be detail and you sir have proven me wrong

The Best and Most Sophisticated AI I've ever played with. I have So much fun Playing this, I mean how you make the knife guy dodge your bullets while slowly gaining on you is a amazing. And the Mechanics.... Simple yet so much fun to play with. love the grenade slowmo. The Clever Level Design where you need to plan which order of room you need to go to... there's a speed run opportunity.  Overall Brilliantly Polished and Amazing Game.. Well Done Sir πŸ‘

Your words are too kind my friend 😌 you've just put a smile in me πŸ˜Š Glad you have fun playing my game and Good luck to you too πŸ‘

Awesome Graphics and Clever Mechanics, I've Really enjoyed Playing it πŸ˜† 

Really Cool Game. Nice Game Feels, the screen shake, the shoot sfx, every kill feels Amazing, and the power ups.... wow... this is Amazing works man, AMAZING. If I can give feedback the menu after the end might need some words in it... cuz I thought it was a choice between get power up or more money πŸ˜…or maybe that just me πŸ€” anyway Great Work Man πŸ‘

Simple and VERY VERY Challenging third person Shooter. I've had fun run around and shoot on tires and toilets πŸ˜†. although once I know how to jump.. I just stay on top of the enemy head for time indefinitely. also nice time manipulation mechanics, just maybe attach it to keys that are near to the other controls, or maybe put it on the right click? idk. Overall Great Game, Great Work!

Extremely Cute First Date πŸ˜ πŸ₯° 😘

Smooth Control, Simple Mechanics, Clever Level Design and Awesome Visuals. Actually I think I found some bugs.. cuz I can't get passed da maze. somehow the character stuck under the gravity flip. Amazing First Game, Great Work

Thanks for the Compliment πŸ˜† I really Appreciate it.

Glad you like it πŸ˜† Thanks

That is a great Idea πŸ˜² Thanks for the feedback πŸ˜†

Thanks for the Compliment πŸ˜„ Glad you have fun 

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Awesome First Game! If I can offer some feedback it would be make the enemy less brutal hahaha 😁jk, or slower bullet speed so we can dodge them, that would be great too πŸ˜

(1 edit)

Fret Not πŸ˜ I am Happy with your feedback. Truth be told this is my experimental project involving particle system, I know there will be something lacking and have some more room for Improvement. I've only found this out after I upload it but actually the more you move the less score you get. Thank you soo much for Your Honest and Constructive Feedback. I Really Appreciate it. πŸ˜