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A member registered Feb 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Best game I have played so far I can see this winning reviving is the best part about this game.

This game is insane visually the voice acting is so good too  but its a  bit slow-paced can definitely see this on the top

This game is insane visually the voice acting is so good too  but its a  bit slow-paced can definitely see this on the top

If this was finished this would definitely be going in the top 5  great game

Great game wish this was longer

(1 edit)

The game needs optimization the grass is too big and gets in the way of the camera and i think you forgot to remove the visualisation of the ray cast can be a good game if you fix these stuff the environment is really nice tho

Great game, I Lost but it was still fun 

Amazing. I Can see this in the top 5

Really fun it would be really cool if this had more game modes if you are planning to keep updating this game after the jam you should add new game modes