I'm really glad that you liked the looks of my game, as one of my objectives was to get a decent looking 3d game while using as little graphical resources as possible since the integrated graphics that I have is an HD 8470D which isn't that great but not particularly terrible either.
And I'm really really sorry for the long extraction times, I came aware of this issue only after the jam was over and a friend pointed me out that he had to wait almost a whole hour just to test my game. I will probably update the page to an alternative download with a zip which extracts way faster than a 7z.
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The visual effect is very unique, but I advice some discretion since at least for my case my eyes started to hurt after a few mins of playing. I think that if you consider reusing this effect for a future project, you should use it in one with barely any fast or intense movement, but obviously not also in a completely static game. I think it could fit in some kind of slow paced game with barely any camera movement, like a 2d game, probably a puzzle, or something, idk.
Did you make this game in a custom engine? And also, I was really surprised that you didn't make 1 game, but 2!
You should be proud that you made it this far. And I hope that you continue learning and improving.
Anyways, I got to say that you had me at a loss in a certain segment of the game. And the game was extremely hard for me, not necessarily frustrating, just hard, I couldn't made it very far and for sure is one of the hardest games I've tested in this jam so far.
Tested this game and I really liked the concept, the gameplay reminded me of the time when I played ACWW and catched bugs to sell them, so I'm probably a bit biased by nostalgia but I don't care, also to comment, a little something that I would have liked fixed was the catching hitbox since it feels way too small (or otherwise, since I don't know what other method could you have used for programming that).
In another note, I also would have liked the game to have been properly optimized since it runned poorly on my potato machine, probably has something to do with all the entities in the game or something.
Anyways, I think despite the fact that you hurried the gameplay, you did something great!. I certainly wouldn't have been able to do the same thing as you since it took me the majority of the jam for my game to, well, become a game. Plus, I liked the simple art style since none of your models clashes in design with one another, wich is something very important.
Oh, I'm really glad that you could play my game! And yea, it lacks balancing since I'm someone who is used to the pace of games like UT, Taiko, MGR or Touhou and even then I sometimes find them slow. And imagine that in an earlier dev build the fish were even faster, spawned off screen and it reached the player in less than a second.
Anyways, thank you for your comment and I'm happy that you liked my game! :D
AAAA this game runs at 2fps in my pc, wished the was a graphics option so I could properly test this game (played for like 4min and I got worried my processor might be as hot as the surface of the sun, being an old amd processor and all), didn't expect you implemented all those cool visual effects considering the presentation.
Anyways, I wish you to continue learning and keep having fun making games!
Not a big fan of visual novels since the only one I have played is GFL, but this, this is an exception.
In my second playthrough I got more and more curious for this aberrant setting, and wanted to know more and more, to the point I felt a bit disappointed that the game ended and I got the "new horizons" ending, completely forgetting about the fact this game was made during a game jam.
The story, music and the whole art merges really well, and I hope to see what other games you have made or will make in the future!
I liked the story concept for the game, and despite the fact that it's only a walking simulator I really liked the atmosphere, and I know that it must have took a lot of effort the process of making all those models from the sculpting, to the animating, and top it off with making the shading and illumination look good, and to populate the game to avoid looking empty.
I'm really curious of what this could have been given more time, specially considering that I can clearly see all the years and effort you have spent honing your skills, and I wish to learn from you one day.
In an totally unrelated note, for some reason this game made me feel nostalgic for a bootleg video game I played many years ago, probably because it also had the same problem with the mouse, poor performance on my potato, the movement speed is practically the same, and the models and animations carry a similar cartoony feeling.
I hope someone else can properly test your game (I don't have any idea what effects could I have missed since I had to open the game in the opengl3 mode and the console was giving me many graphics errors for it) since I have an old graphics card, but anyways.
I really enjoyed the art, it is really well done and it is nice to see more painterly games, plus you nailed the style since in most cases or the visuals are so stylized that it's difficult to figure out what you are looking at, or it looks too realistic so you barely notice any difference (and I know this is more applicable in a 3d context, but I think it can happen in 2d too).
Also cannot properly comment on the gameplay since I'm not a big fan of visual novels except when they have an extremely interesting and vast lore for me, I think a true fan of visual novels could give a better review than me in that.
FINALLY a Godot game that can display graphics on my pc. I liked too the mechanic of changing between the pilot and the mech great concept, but in regards of movement I cannot say that I liked the loong wait to get the boost to recharge.
In another note, I would comment on the graphics, which looked nice on your screenshots, since almost every visual effect that you put in your screenshots didn't appear for me (rain and after-image). Plus the pixelart was really well done, did you made it yourself? Sorry if I sound rude, I would like to know how to get better at pixelart for a project I have in mind (specially in choosing the right color palette).
Also, I got confused in which way was the mech was facing at first, can't pinpoint exactly why.
Tested this game and like other bullet hell games I sucked at it lol, but it was still fun.
I found about this game because you wrote that you made it in your own custom engine, so it had me intriged. It is very impressive what some of you more programming inclined people can pull off in just 2 weeks.
The only thing of note is that for some reason setting the fps limit to 30 doesn't work, the game still went up to 60 and then down to 15~20 on my pc after enemies appeared (which is in part to be expected since I'm running in integrated graphics and my processor is an AMD A6-6400K)
Nah, I didn't feel bad about the score, it's just that it picked my attention that it felt like I was the only one to decide to explore after encountering the other souls and ended up chatting with them out of curiosity. I thought that other people may have tried to explore a bit to see whatever was out there, which is something I do a ton every time I play a game, open world or not
Really liked the mashup of 3d and pixelart, but what I can say I liked the most was the gameplay. Two ideas who aren't usually mashed together merged well, good job with the execution but it lacks some polishing on the fps part, since you can upgrade your turrets, but not yourself. But, considering the time constraints, it is reasonable that you focused more on one aspect than the other.
Lost track of time playing this ngl (and ended up last at the good ending leaderboard lol). And I tell you, you should be a bit more confident about your art, because you nailed one of the most important things for the most part, which is having a consistent artstyle trough your game. A bad example of that is looking at minecraft mods that add some realistic looking mobs while letting the rest of the game stay the same, and that creates a lot of contrast.
I LOVE that artstyle!
Played the game for a bit, and wished it was more complete (I dont know how to exit the dialogue, the sensibility is way too high for me, and I walked over the water and pressing space crashed the game for whatever reason).
But anyways, it runs well, the gameplay is relaxing and the visuals are pleasing to look at, the only thing it lacks is some polishing (wich is understandable considering the time constraints), but otherwise definitely a game I would enjoy.
UPDATE: Fixed my game and now I can say I did something I'm somewhat proud of. I did like the end result after polishing the Alpha 1 version, it looks more colorful and pleasing, and the animations look just a bit better than before. Also, now the game does have some difficulty if you get a bit desperate.