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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice idea! I liked the idea of collecting coins. But the game felt easy and hard. It was easy because of the fact that I can just go through the islands and take little damage. It was hard because the controls were so goofy. And I also think that it could've been better if there were colliders on the islands. Still, congratz on joining, but could be great if you make an update after the jam!

Hmmm! Strange! I will look into it!

That was an absolute great experience. Although I had some problems. For starters I think it would've been better if we could place the turrets, wherever we want. Also it said "You are won", which is not correct, but I am just very picky. And two times the web version crashed and it said that unity couldn't load the web version. Something like that. And I am not sure about the theme. But great job nonetheless!

That was a fun idea. Although I don't have friends, so it was hard all alone. But the game was original and funny! Fantastic job!

Yeah, I should've made it easier! Still, thank you for trying my game!

That was a very fun game! I liked it very much! The diffuculty curve was perfect, the music was very good and the concept is original. Great job!

But do you play the windows or the web version. I think the windows build has some issues. But I am sorry for inconvenience.

Thank for liking my game! But as I stated I am too dumb to make a map. Maybe after the jam, but who knows?

This game deserves a lot more attention.

I hope so! :D

Yes, I did.

That was a minor issue anyway!

Great job! The visuals were amazing, the game was amazing! From my understanding there were no problems! Absolute fantastic job!

But still the game was fun! You could make changes after the jam!

That was a very nice and polished game! There was just a tiny little problem. I think the game was very easy. But except for that I liked it very much! Well done!

That was a pretty cool idea! Though definitely the game was a bit slow. Also there is a visual bug! Not a big thing though! Great job!

Hmm.. A pretty good game! The problem is that the textbox doesn't dissapear. Also I couldn't figure out what to do. Maybe I am dumb! Still, pretty cool visuals and a game!

Thank you! But I should've made a border.

This game deserves a LOT more attention than it gets! This game is one of the best in the jam! It is so challenging and fun. But the thing is that it is TOO challenging. And also the lack of checkpoints makes it even harder. Also in the beginning I didn't know there was zoom, which was bad, but that is just silly me. But I don't think there were more problems. It is intuitive and fun and challenging and everything! Fantastic job!

That was a very good game! It is a good that you tried in the jam. But the player animation doesn't work and also when I went to the fence door and fell out of the map! Still, good thing that you tried and it will be great if you continue the game after the jam!

That was a very nice concept! But it had problems. The first one being that the car drifting made me collide with the walls. Also when I tried to shoot, the enemy didn't take damage! Still a great game! It will be even better if we see an update after the jam!

You had a good idea! But the game has buggy collisions and I got glitched on a few places. Also in the 3d dimension, the character not changing his orientation was a bit strange! I'd love to play it if you fix some things after the jam.

This game is a very interesting one. And I should say also it was a difficult one. I couldn't beat it. Also I just recommend that there are more ammo boxes because there were so many zombies and so little ammo. I have encountered another problem. When I shoot a bullet, the trajectory was a little bit off and I couldn't shoot the zombies. Still though, the game was a very pleasant and fun experience.

That was a very fun experience. The difficulty curve is perfect. Although the only problem that I encountered were the controls. I didn't like them very much. They were very much suited for an android game. But that is the only problem that I had. The game was great though!

(1 edit)

Pretty cool game! It fits the theme of exploring nicely and the game is greatly made. However I had some problems. The first one being is that I can't move the camera, only zooming. I don't know about anyone else but when I can't move the camera, I become a little bit uncomfortable. Don't know why. Also when I clicked on a monster, It didn't show up. Don't know if that's intentional. Still though, great game!

EDIT: I found out that you CAN move the camera. Sorry!

Well, yeah, you may get lost sometimes, but I am a dum dum and I can't figure out how to do maps. Still thank you for playing and liking my game! :D

Well, does the bug occur when entering the mine or.. the house?

The red was hidden in the mine! And thank you for enjoying my game. And yeah, the marble game is really hard at times. But I will try to fix it.

Yeah, I should make some colliders. But I am too stupid to make a map. XD

Hmmmmm... I didn't know about this bug. Thank you for telling me and yeah... I will try to fix it.

Thank you!

Thank you!

This is a very nice and interesting game. Even if they gave me the answer at the end I still tried to solve the mystery! And also the game doesn't have any issues (From what I can see). Great job team!

Fantastic! The game was very good! My idea was simillar, but I think you executed it better with the task of remembering the streets, finding the items and the people to give the items to. I also liked the daylight cycle! Bravo! A very fantastic entry! 

The game was very fun! It kept playing so much. Maybe because I am a minesweeper fan, but the game has a good idea and it is executed very good!

Good job! You have a very original game! However the main problem is that it becomes very difficult real fast. Still though it is a very pleasant experience.

Hmm.. A very interesting take on the theme. I like the idea of exploring and finding all sorts of items. And I had little to no problems! You have done a fantastic job!

That is the point. The king is stupid and he left his diamonds at very hard to find spots. XD