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A member registered 86 days ago

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Hi, Aly! HAPPY RELEASE CELEBRATION!!!! For some reason I can't download the booklet! It's not appearing as an option, although everything else is including the avatars.

(1 edit)

Thank you!! I just realized I forgot to link the art thing, so here you go! Go crazy making your own MC portraits. It was also linked in another post below.

Aimee ended up with Clarmont, actually! I think she really liked that he found her independence an attractive quality, firstly. His noble nature slowly inspired her to be more compassionate, whereas before that she was mostly selfish. I played Aimee as a neutral character that slowly becomes more empathetic, and although Clarmont played a role in that, it was Imogen being framed for murder that was the biggest trigger for her. She didn't kill her husband but everyone who knew her in Revaire treated her like she did and watching an innocent girl get pinned for a murder she didn't commit motivated Aimee to fight for her, since she never had anyone on her own side when her husband died. And at first she approached Clarmont because she figured being with a minor Lord with court approval was a good option; he wasn't so powerful that she would stand out being his wife, but powerful enough and with significant connections that she knew she would live comfortably. She also wasn't particularly interested in leaving Revaire because her siblings depended on her more than their parents and she didn't want to be too far from them.

So, when Aimee told the Matchmaker that she would pursue Clarmont it was out of practicality more than anything, although she was developing feelings for him too. She played those feelings up to be more than they were at that point, but soon enough they became sincere as she realized his support and faith in her was unconditional. The more she uncovered about who he really was the more she admired him, and the more she came to realize that her country desperately needed to change. Not just for her own sake, but for her siblings as well, especially after receiving the letter from her sister. She didn't want any of them to have to live a life like hers. So eventually she concluded that the best way to protect them was to be an active agent in Revaire politics alongside Clarmont. And it worked! She achieved the legendary peace and lived happily ever after :)

classic mistake

Fair enough! <3

I'm positive I did everything the same as I had previously when i romanced him, EXCEPT hosting a event in week 1 and offering him an invitation, I believe. So I guess that was the dealbreaker? My goodness! 

So during week six i don't think one of Jasper's scenes is triggering properly. On his romance route, going to your room triggers the scene where he arranges a "surprise" dance lesson with a different instructor, rather than practising with you himself. Unless I effed up somewhere, which seems unlikely as I triggered every other romance scene with him up until this point. 

After the week 4 scene where you find Jasper and Yvette arguing in the guest hall, he spirits our heroine away to a secret liar!!! Which i believe is supposed to be lair, then again i am not an expert on the customs of Vail natives.

Found one! Here's a guide for bringing peace to Revaire.

If I'm not mistaken, Greer becomes unlockable on a New Game+ upon full release!


Oooooh, TEMPEST!!! Love that! Now i wanna update my post with portraits like these lol

You're the best, Aly!! Thank you so much for all your hard work <3 Can't wait to try out the new shortcuts tonight!

I'm actually having a big issue with this bug in that it will NOT disappear no matter what I do. I started multiple new games, cleared all my achievements and progress, even completely removed then re-downloaded and reinstalled the game. It keeps happening. My first EA play through was smooth sailing, though. I know it should be fixed with the new GUI, but that's a ways off yet. Any advice? Or am I to be journal-less for for the foreseeable future T__T

Thank you! Naming characters is one of my favorite parts of creating one, since I love the poetry of finding a name that really reflects a significant aspect of who they are or who they will grow to become.

(2 edits)

Salem of Hise, which means peaceful, complete. She's meant to be my "perfect ending" character so the meanings reflect that. I also like the dissonance of her name having a positive meaning while simultaneously possessing a chaotic connotation in the context of our own history. It reflects her character, as no one expects a wild woman of the sea to rise up and take Katiya's torch ( and kidnap Jasper at the end of everything, in my headcanon LOL).

Clarity of Arland, which means exactly what it says. Clara to her her friends. Ye ole virtue names. I wanted one that matched Constance, but it also reflects her arc of becoming more mature, and seeing the world and herself with clarity by the end of the summit. She no longer needs other people to tell her what's right from wrong or how to live her life, with her own eyes finally open.

Aimée of Revaire, which means beloved. The opposite of what she has been all her life. As a recent widow originally from a poor and distant family, she's someone who has told herself she doesn't need love as it is not conducive to survival, but deep down it's what she desires most. She resents her name and herself for wishing she could live up to it.

These have always been the backgrounds i have been the most partial to, so i don't really have solid characters created for the others.

Edit: Now with relatively accurate pictures

Challenge accepted

This made me sad too T_____T I love that idea, to be able to uncover more pertaining to Jasper by snooping and/or other skills. I understand there's a lot left to be discovered via one of the secret backgrounds, but is that truly the ONLY way to close that gulf?  It would be nice to be able to cultivate more intimacy with him while playing with other backgrounds, even if you can't know absolutely everything.