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A member registered Jul 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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The game looks amazing, I like the art style very much and I think the presentation comes together quite well. The idea is original but is a stretch regarding the theme :) The gameplay idea was great but I found it difficult to control the crows in just the right way and often needed to guess where they would fly back up. Overall a very solid entry but I think a biit more playtesting (especially from other people) could have gone a long way.

Oh yes, we should have thought of that, especially because it is such a quick fix, sorry! Glad you found some enjoyment in it nonetheless!

Haha alright if you say so ;) I would definitely describe this game as 2D because the player moves through a two dimensional space and the third dimension is purely cosmetical, making a classification of "3D" quite misleading but yes, you are technically correct.

(1 edit)

Great! Really good polish for a game jam game, especially in comparison to other entries I have seen so far, and a lot of fun to play. Art and Sound are of expected quality but the gameplay is to the point and accurate. 
Not one mistake felt like the game's fault, it was fast enough to be engaging but slow enough so I had time to plan out my moves. The theme is only incoporated on a basic level but that is more than most other games have done and fits well into the aesthetic.

Okay, at first I was blown away by the scope of this project, that is very good for a game jam! But to be honest, even after getting through the installation process, I found the game to be very unintuitive, the controls are not explained and turning the camera with A/D wouldn't be so bad if there was no acceleration. I had to repeatedly tap the button to get the camera to to something even close to what I was expecting and because of this, I could not even finish the labyrinth. A second try was more fun, but the theme was still nowhere to be found. Overall, it seems a bit overscoped for a jam but the parts that DO work are very good. Therefore, a solid 3/5 I think.

Judging with the limitations in mind, the game looks quite good, in my opinion! The multilayer background especially impressed me. The gameplay, though, is incredibly slow and it was a chore to just get back to the spot where I died when I got a bit further. The mechanics are good in concept but excuted in a mediocre way, which is unfortunate because just tweaking some numbers would have helped a great deal.

Very cleanly executed submission, I am impressed by the level of polish considering this is a game jam! The game is very streamlined and even though I had a hard time playing it alone (my eyes aren't that fast lol), a few rounds with my brother were quite fun! 

My only criticism is the relative lack of gameplay depth but I mean... you had two days so I am not gonna fault you for that at all. Great job!

I think the main draw here is the soup generation that gets more and more complex and difficult to distinguish as the game moves on and in my opinion, it work incredibly well here. I was genuinely impressed by the variety of soup that was offered to me in my few runs throught he game.

The tradeoff, though characterisic for a game jam, is that there is hardly any gameplay to speak of. Probably influenced by the time constraints, this plays like a really cool tech demo and therefore, I think the mechanics and fun categories sufer a bit.

Overall a really nice entry and a very impressive demonstration of the concept, I hope you build something perhaps a bit more serious than a soupermarket from this concept!

Haha alright, maybe it would help to freeze the game in that menu as well. Thank you for the suggestion!

I mean, the movement feels quite nice and considering you say that was basically the only thing you worked on, you did a good job! I suppose this is your first jam and if so, keep on learning and soon it will take you mere minutes to implement stuff like movement!

Thank you for the rating and the feedback! How exactly do they feel weird? It is our first stab at the genre so we don't really know either :P

I mean... it is soup? I like the mix of 2D and 3D but apart from that, this does not not really impress in the gameplay or graphics department.

(1 edit)

For a game made in 2 days, that is very respectable! Movement and physics feels great, if a bit slow and I can't believe you drew all that in Paint, amazing job! I had a bit of a problem rating htis, though, because there is no sound, no challenge and basically no gameplay to speak of. I like this as a more serious artistic interpretation of the theme but because of the lack of content, it can't exceed a 3 Overall I think.

10/10 best game this jam. Will get full score when scoring unlocks. We need more feedback with actual substance please :)

I am definitely up for more ratings with actual substance!

I'm sorry to disappoint your expectations but I will surely pass that on to our artist! We did indeed learn a lot, it was the first time we made anything in that perspective, an inventory and something along the lines of a puzzle so we will definitely try to deliver something better in the next jam! (If we don't try something completely new again, that is :P)

Doesnt run, you need to pack the entire build into a .zip or .rar and uplaod that. Unity games need their data folder and stuff

Alright, I have been doing it correctly then :P I find it quite hard to control the walljumps because of the quick air acceleration and the character tends to get stuck on the edges of platforms so you have to fall down and get back up. Could just be my limited platforming skills, however, I dont think there is anything major wrong with it, maybe just a few number tweaks!

What a wonderful game, very different take but incredibly executed, I saw your concepting stream and decided I definitely wanted to play this, I was not disappointed! Nothing criticise here, I suppose you have a lot of professional experience?

Incredible game, all around, I dont think there is anzthing major to criticise here! I am really impressed that you could build such a polished game with the theme as its central mechanic in just one week!

Very well-made game! It is very polished and it is a lot of fun, the rewind is also a core gameplay feature, which I like a lot. The character is quite hard to control sometimes, though, and the record mechanic could have been introduced better, I still dont know if it is correct to leave the ghost at the switch or if the ghost should run to the door... nicely done, though!

After killing the crabs, you can pick up their shells and drop them but they seem to be too light... perhaps you can combine them in some way and then place them...? Thanks for playing and the feedback though! Sadly the time rewind only shows its effect in later levels because we ran into time troubles :(

Very fun idea and I had a ton of fun playing the game, which was further supported by the beautiful Graphics and the soundtrack. It got quite frustrating after a while though because you do not get infinite ghosts per level and they destroy themselves if you stand still and some coins are impossible to get without one. The hitboxes of the Spikes and Enemies are also a bit misleading and I often got hit when I didnt feel like I had made a mistake. Definitely one of my favorites so far though!

Very fun and looks good, the only complaint I have is that the theme was so inconsequential, I felt like this game could have been submitted to any other Jam because the mechanic was so tacked on and did not influence the gameplay or idea at all.

Very nice looking game, I like the Graphics and the very floaty jump physics, even though you can abuse them to ledge boost :P The weapon controls are a bit unintuitive though, perhaps bcause the default position is set to where the mouse is on entering the level?

Quite a basic but still entertaining take on the theme, you implemented the concept of "Rewind" very well!

Don't try to make a bug or impressive game, make something that works and that you can be proud of. 

Game Jams are meant to be fun so don't stress yourself! 

You can't do absolutely everything so consider using free assets or buying them instead of creating new ones and working with someone who has experience with art, audio or game design.  

Aim to submit 12-18 hours early so you have a stable game running by then. This gives you time to add a fancy title screen or similar luxuries and if you are behind schedule you have enough buffer. 


Have fun and I am looking forward to your game :)