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A member registered Nov 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awe, thank you so much! I haven't touched my Twitter in a few years, but I'll send a message your way by the end of the day!

Done! Rated and commented on every game! It was super fun and inspiring to play all of your games. Thanks, everyone!

I love games made with RPGMaker! I thought the quick time events were fun, but was expecting the battle with Doctor V to be harder. Cute game!

Amazing entry! I thought the gameplay was really fun. FYI concerning a small bug, on floor 6 I ran over one of the shooting enemies and they died, but stayed on screen, so after killing all enemies I was stuck on that floor. Didn't really detract from my experience though, great job!

Wow. A criminally underrated entry to this game jam. Good on you for tackling a tough issue like this in just one week, and knocking it out of the park! Seriously impressive.

Cool to see a submission using UE! That was super trippy, and I enjoyed it a lot!

Cool entry! I'd love to see what this game could be given another week of development!

I love timing games! A fun, polished experience, and a great entry!

Wow! Super impressive submission! If anything, the controls were tough to master on keyboard, and it was hard to tell when I was handbraking and how exactly it was helping. Wonderful work!

From the sounds and music to the font and artwork, the aesthetics of this game are wonderful!

I loved your sense of humor!

I loved the little world you made! Being able to read the signs on the houses and talk to the NPC's were both great touches.

Great work with the level design and colors! Super appealing to the eye!

Short and sweet! I really enjoyed the visuals with the black and white colors! Was that a cat at the bottom of the hole in level 3? xD

I liked how secrets were a main mechanic of the game! Fun!

I was really impressed by your level design! The game has a great atmosphere to it!

That's a great article!

In Unity, the update method gets executed every frame, but everyone's computer performs differently, so Time.deltaTime is used to ensure that things like movement calculations are consistent across all computers! For example, if someone has a fast computer giving them more fps, the update method gets executed much faster, so Time.deltaTime prevents the movement from being way too fast!

It doesn't fix frame rate issues, that just has to do with how demanding the game is and how good the player's hardware is. Hope that helps a bit!

What a wonderful entry! The way you applied the theme was super unique. Overall an enjoyable and impactful experience!

I appreciate you trying it out!

Thanks for the kind words! And thanks for putting on the jam! I had a ton of fun and, of course, learned a lot :)

Impressive!!! And thank you so much for the wonderful feedback! I'm gonna update the game after the voting period ends, and I'll be sure to incorporate your criticisms!

I didn't get to play test the game on anyone, so if anyone else catches a bug, or has a suggestion, please comment below! I'm all ears!

Thanks! I'm glad there was still something for you to enjoy!

Hope it wasn't too infuriating! Definitely could've used more playtesters. Sometimes it's hard to tell just how hard something is when you're the one making it!

I love your art style! The cat's run animation was so satisfying. Great job!

My favorite part about the game was the cat's meow getting lower in pitch with every decadent slice that went down his gullet. Incredible.

Man! I really loved this! I admit, I'm partial to rage platformers, I made one myself for the jam! But I found your game super fun (and super-meat-boy-esque), and I especially liked the addition of the blocks you have to hit to change the platforms. Great work!

I destroyed the doggy's empire with 2 ancestors dying. Wow, guys! This was Enter the Gungeon meets Rogue Legacy, and I had a ton of fun playing it!

Can I ask, what's with the little guy in the graveyard that yelps when you click him lol?

72 seconds was my best time! I thought your art style was unique and loved the parallax effect of the waves :)

Great job, all!

181! Reply below if you beat me! Simple, fun, great entry!

Somehow it seemed like I always took the correct path last XD

I've been on a huge Slay the Spire kick recently so this was cool to see! I really like the character designs for each cat!

I loved all the particle effects! Great job!

Gave me a good hearty laugh. Thanks man :)

YOU'RE A BEAST. I feel like it's hard to gauge just how hard your game is for newcomers when you're the one that made it and know exactly how to play it.

Thank you so much! Learned a lot on this one! I think using a pre-existing tileset definitely helped to make it feel more polished.

Really cute game! Probably would've benefited from some music or sound effects. Also perhaps I'm playing the game wrong, but I found it really hard to protect my eggs without dying to the enemies. Good job overall though for the time constraint!

Great submission! The arrow pointing back to the nest is super clever. Also I hope the bunny eventually gets some rest from his eternal task. Those bloodshot eyes lol.

Thanks, taylo :)