Thank you for playing our game, we know about the bugs and some of the issues and are working on fixing those now! Hopefully you give our game another shot after the update
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Hey!!!! Yes, we noticed the enemy death bug after the submission closed so we will be fixing that once we are allowed to upload a new build. Also, upgrades are next on our list, our goal with this jam was to have a better proof of concept and playable version of our game loop which now is mostly there. After this jam, we plan to add more enemy types and add an actual upgrade system that ties to waves for player progression. Currently, you get max bullets, max health, and set move speed. We plan to break it up and add it behind upgrades along with powerups to complete the experience!
Thank you so much for taking the time to play the game and hope you had fun this jam!
Very interesting premise and a great prototype. Very refreshing to see more 3D content in jams. The level selection mechanic was very cool and overall the game ROCKS!
One suggestion: In the McAfee level there is a barrier that moves vertically. Given the perspective, it is not very easy to see at a glance that it has vertical movement. Something I have done in the past to combat this is to make it a stationary barrier that turns on and off. like a laser barrier (idk if this helps the mental image), this allows you to still have the time gate but respects the camera angle.
Also QOL thing but maybe making the player face the mouse cursor could be a nice touch.
GDD looks solid! Just needs some more polish in some areas, having some images with the mechanics would help as well as a Development timeline.
The game itself I'm not too sure about because I was unable to run it because the UI canvas scaled weirdly and the buttons were off the screen for me. Might wanna check that out but great concept and looking forward to this!