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A member registered Mar 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing our game, we know about the bugs and some of the issues and are working on fixing those now! Hopefully you give our game another shot after the update

Thank you for playing our game, we know about the bugs and some of the issues and are working on fixing those now! Hopefully you give our game another shot after the update

Yes, this problem was created by a design decision we made near the end and looking back at it we would do things differently. Will be addressing once the jam is over and we can upload a build again. Tysm for playing and the feedback.

Tysm for playing and the feedback, we noticed the bug but it was really cutting it close to the deadline so we couldn't fix it in time but will be fixing once we are allowed to upload builds again! I hadn't noticed the score thing, great catch! 

Tysm for taking the time to play the game and give feedback. The design problems you mentioned are something we also noticed as we reached closer to the deadline, will be addressing those however once we can! Super valuable and ty for helping us improve this <3

Hey!!!! Yes, we noticed the enemy death bug after the submission closed so we will be fixing that once we are allowed to upload a new build. Also, upgrades are next on our list, our goal with this jam was to have a better proof of concept and playable version of our game loop which now is mostly there. After this jam, we plan to add more enemy types and add an actual upgrade system that ties to waves for player progression. Currently, you get max bullets, max health, and set move speed. We plan to break it up and add it behind upgrades along with powerups to complete the experience!

Thank you so much for taking the time to play the game and hope you had fun this jam!

Thanks for playing! We just updated with some new cool stuff! If you would like try giving it another shot!

Hi! Thank you for trying our game, its not a lot but we did manage to rework all the enemy art and added a new special guy in there! If you would like, you can give it a try and let us know how we did! 

Hi! Thank you for trying our game, we did make an update to fix some bugs and rework the bubble meter! If you would like, you can give it a try and let us know how we did! 

Hi! Thank you for trying our game, we did make an update to make the objective clearer. If you would like, you can  give it a try and let us know how we did!

Hey Jammers! We took all the suggestions and updated our game to address some of the concerns. Thank you to everyone who helps us improve this game and all the amazing feedback. Hope you all had an amazing time with this jam and wish you all the best of luck!

Amazing game, great visuals and omg the sound effects!!!! Very creative and funny. Loved it

Amazing game and great visuals! Very polished, added to my list of games to play after the jam! 

Amazing submission, really loved the full auto! Looking forward to seeing where this goes

Amazing game, very fun and super polished. Loved the narrative <3

Thank you soo much for trying our game! Buddy plushies ftw!!!!

Great job! Solid GDD and loving the minimalistic look. Very polished! 

Very interesting premise and a great prototype. Very refreshing to see more 3D content in jams. The level selection mechanic was very cool and overall the game ROCKS!

One suggestion: In the McAfee level there is a barrier that moves vertically. Given the perspective, it is not very easy to see at a glance that it has vertical movement. Something I have done in the past to combat this is to make it a stationary barrier that turns on and off. like a laser barrier (idk if this helps the mental image), this allows you to still have the time gate but respects the camera angle.

Also QOL thing but maybe making the player face the mouse cursor could be a nice touch.

Thank you so much for playing! 

Thank you for taking the time to play our game! We learned a lot this jam and it has been an incredible experience.

(1 edit)

Went back and tested, if I die and respawn at the start I am able to move immediately when the wizard is talking and the enemy spawned as soon as I picked up the bone so I was fighting and jumping at the same time as the wizard's dialogue boxes were coming thru.

No worries, you did well! Hopefully, this jam taught u something new and was an enjoyable experience!

Thanks for playing! We are planning some changes to address this, hopefully you give the game another try once we release the patch <3

Thanks for playing! That is a really good suggestion and we were messing with something similar so will probably add that as an experimental game mode just so people can try it out! It gets a bit wacky and goofy tho but I think it adds to the charm of the game <3

Happy to hear that, hope you learned a lot from this jam and had a good time working on it!

GDD looks great! Would love some more images in there to shake things up and a development timeline! 

Gameplay is fun and love the concept!

Ps: you can just pickup the bone and start playing when the npc dialogue is going on.

GDD looks solid! Just needs some more polish in some areas, having some images with the mechanics would help as well as a Development timeline. 

The game itself I'm not too sure about because I was unable to run it because the UI canvas scaled weirdly and the buttons were off the screen for me. Might wanna check that out but great concept and looking forward to this! 

Great GDD! Looking for the timeline part to be fleshed out but looks and plays nice! Looking forward to the webGL build and hope you had fun with this jam! 

The prototype is nice, looking forward to where you take this! Great job!

Amazing concept and gameplay, I would mess around with the physics a bit more because it feels like you get stuck with the wall's friction at times which leads to a slightly frustrating experience but overall, Great work!

Great job! I love the look and concept of the game and it's a very nice prototype!

Thanks for playing and I love that meme omg! <3

Thanks for playing and the valuable feedback! Will be addressing this with our next patch <3

Very fun game loop, the scale did feel a bit off initially but it grew on me. I would say that given how empty everything is the brown houses throw you off because I felt like it had a purpose which I was missing or didn't know about. Great job and it was a lot of fun!

Amazing game, was easy and intuitive to pickup and a lot of fun! Great job and keep jamming!

Amazing game, was very fun, Idk I somehow managed to do this as a one-off thing but I did get stuck in that little space there, but otherwise amazing job!

Thanks for playing and taking the time to leave a review! We will be making a balance tweak in the coming update and it will aim to resolve this. <3

Thanks a ton! This jam has been an awesome experience, and we’ve poured a lot into it. Really appreciate the kind words!

Thank you for trying the game, we will ramp up the damage in the coming update!