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A member registered Oct 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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J'aime beaucoup, félicitations ! Les graphismes sont excellents et la gestion de l'écran du jeu et l'écran "décor" pour chaque univers est super bien réalisée ! En plus j'adore le concept du jeu <3

Thank you so much for your kind words <3

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Good ideas :) 

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I couldn't submit my 81 score because I played it on browser on mobile but it was really cool and I had a lot of  fun playing it! Well done, if you add random rules that's a game I would play more than one run :) Def one of my favorites! 

I think that I found my favorite game of the jam, well done ! The closer you get from the criminals, the harder it naturally becomes: you've got a solid game design element here. It was very rewarding to win, I had a great time playing it and it was hard, that needed concentration, I loved it !

Great job :D

It took me some time to understand what I was supposed to do and what was the gameplay, you could maybe explain it more on the game's page ? But once I understood I had genuine fun playing it ! The concept is so cool and I would definetly play way more levels with new mechanics etc :) I also wonder what would be the game if it was 2 players coop or competitive ! If you work on the visual appeal of the game and on the game feel when interacting with the ball, touching targets and wining the level, I don't know if anybody would stop playing it until finishing it.

I encourage everyone to try it out, and I'm a bit disappointed that it was not rated by more jammers :(
Maybe you could try to set a better thumbnail because this one is not very appealing haha

Well done, one of my favorite ones for the gameplay ! :D

The idea to involve the whole family is awesome and the visuals are very nice ! You managed to create the lifting target effect perfectly and that really adds up to the game feel ! That got pretty intense at some point and I was really enjoying it :) It finally got to a point where all the targets are permanently enabled haha

High score beaten by Moïra ! 410 gg

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One more time, well done Miguel and Konrad, the visuals are really good and the game is polished, in a very short time ! It always feels nice to play your games :) I submitted a very similar game for a 48h jam, I like the concept ! 

Once I started I just had to finish it before testing another game haha

That was fun and I didn't expect this genre for this theme but it fits :) 

Well done! 

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I am not sure if my first message was that clear after reading it right now but I meant that you could try to have larger colliders than the platform that is visible by the player ! 

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Oh I get it for the theme now that you tell me ! Really cool to took it in this way !

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I'm so glad that you submitted this game, it was really interesting, there's definetly a reigns vibe here, am I right? 

Visuals are perfect and music is cool, well done for that ! The game itself is pleasant to play, with more "juicy" elements when choosing or not a vassal it could become quite addictive until you finally win :)

I find the game quite balanced for a 3 hour jam, the order idea that acts like a timer is really important and got me in a crazy rush at 90 law, 90 corruption and 10 order haha

It's one of my favorite submissions, if you had more time and worked on a good balance of positive/negative aspects of law and corruptions it would be a really good game !

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It's too random and it lacks of consistency but the idea is nice ! I did a similar game for a 48h jam and it was really hard to plan the quantity of work needed to have the optimal overall user experience and game design that I wanted. Great work, please continue :)

That's definetly the strangest submission i've seen here. Which crazy mind created this piece of art ? I won't lie that the overall experience was not very satisfying because I spent half of the game in the air hahaha but I really had fun to discover this unexpected submission. I just wonder about the theme "Law & order" and the game you uploaded ? haha 

Please continue experimenting on game engines and to submit games in jams, that's cool :)

I loved your last submission and the idea of this one is really original, well done ! That might have been fun to work on the music, I really like them, some sounds really "guilty" but aren't and that pushes you to remember the theme of the suspect instead of just the feeling you have. That raises some interesting game design questions related to music, so that's once more a cool game !

I had genuine amusement while playing your game, well done ! The art is so cute and the idea of the game is nice, it feels good to smash the mice outside ! Thank you for this game :)

I like the fact that good citizens are turned into criminals and that you have to help them ! I won without doing that much effort, maybe you could tweak some gameplay elements to make it more challenging or to create an "emergency" situation at the end ? 

Great work, I hope to see your work in more jams :)

Great work on the overall feeling of the game with the small animations that really adds up to the game feel ! I ended up doing random moves to try to win by chance because I couldn't figure out how the ennemies were behaving. I enjoyed playing it, well done :)

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The music is awesoooome ! I left the game in the background to listen to it hahaha 

I really loved the game, considering the short time of dev this is really one of my favorite submissions so far, I don't know what to say else than well done :)

Awesome work on the visuals and the idea is so good !

It's totally understandable, 3h is realy short ! 

Exactly ! Please contact me if you do something like that :)

Done :)

The idea is so cool ! I think that the funnier part is when you see someone doing something bad, your mindset is instantly "I just saw what you did ! I'm gonna catch you !!". Playing on that by adding some gameplay mechanics to "catch the suspect" more than just "Spoting who does an infraction" might be really fun, like the fact that when you spot a crime, and approach the suspect he flees or whatever cool idea you can find to add challenge in this specific part! I don't know if you agree with that ?

On the visuals part I like the general design but I think you could really have better visuals if it wasn't that blury overall. I mean that the pixel art is fine but if you have something more "high def" with very reactive controls, and some "juice" I would like to play it so much !

Please tell me what's your opinion on that ? Do you see something different ? Contact me on twitter if you go further in the dev of this game ;)

Nice work, the controls are intuitive and you can start playing immediatly and it feels good to control the car :) I kepts having some blue lines flashing on the screen (between the tiles) quite often.

The game is harder than expected because the map is really vicious with all those bushes and fences haha

Your game is fun to play and the controls are easy to learn. The puzzles are cool and the control of the player feels right ! I like the idea of the criminals being "not so square" comparing to the "square society" in which we live haha

I would rate you 5/5 on the "jam condition" for being in your car if I could haha. Please continue doing games, that's cool :)

I love the idea ! I'm sure that you can find some nice gameplay ideas to go deeper in the concept ! I had no sound, is that on purpose ? A "good bip" and "bad beep" when clicking a car could be really cool. I got confused by the fact that <90kmh cars' speed is green and red if above because green means "Nice, this was the right car to click" for me but I don't know if others have the same opinion ?

Great work ! :)

Great job ! The controls are distrubing at first but then it really gives some challenge and it becomes rewarding to control the car properly ! It took me some time to stop trying to rotate the car without going forward/backward. I really like the first GTA's influence in the choice of camera but maybe you could try to zoom out a little ? Nice work :)

About the webGL, did you try the game on firefox ? Because I have to switch browser to play webGL games ! I use brave as an alternative. And your building/uploading process shouldn't be counted in the jam time as stated on the jam page if you want to have more time to do your game :p

Is the menu supposed to be like this with a small play button ?

This is cool that you submited a fps game because it's rare on these short jams ! I liked the game but I couldn't kill red, maybe a life bar would be nice ? Or is it on purpose ? Have you tried slightly bigger platform collider than the 3D mesh of the platforms to see the impact on the experience? Great work, I had fun playing it ! :) 

Can you beat my high score?

Thanks so much !

Thanks ! Much appreciated :)

I see now ! It explains why it also killed me later haha ! Keep going, it's a good game :)

I love 3D games for the trijam, it's great ! If you decide to replace the toxic wastes by a soccer ball, to add two goals and make it multiplayer, please contact me on twitter, I would like to spend some hours playing it haha

5/5 for visuals is what you deserve ! Great work :) The puzzle is nice too, I enjoyed this (quick) game, looking forward your next submission !

One of my favourites games too ! Is the purple potion the key to the "2nd world" I unlocked ? Is there more ? Great submission, well done ! :)

Visuals are great and the gameplay is simple yet efficient! Really good work, looking forward your next submission :)

I didn't find the solution but got close enough. I enjoyed the pico-8 style :) Is it even possible to win ?

Simple but great visuals ! I added 1 star for the use of screenshake haha. Is there any way to determine the toxic flowers without using a rabbit taster willing to give his life ? Really cool submission, well done !