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The opening track being different from the others was actually a choice made on purpose, for lore and contrast reasons. However, I do agree it can feel out of place tonality-wise, compared to the other ones I think maybe I could have used a different soundfont for the piano. Thanks for the feedback!

You nailed the "chill" vibes (both figurative and literal), it got me immersed to the point I was actually imagining a short animated-like movie in my head, with the scenario you described. Snow Buried Village is my favorite, it feels like those game towns you want to stay in instead of doing the main objective because it's just so comfy and lively. Footprints in the Drifts also caught my attention, the strings paired with this shaker-like instrument you used (which I don't really know the name lmao) made it stand out a lot for me. Absolutely insane you made all this in 24 hours.

So unique, I admire the identity and personality you put into this soundtrack. The choice of instruments like the guitar giving that rock vibe, the piano linking together the songs, the crunchy drums, and specially the variety on styles, all made this a joy to listen. Last two tracks are superb, I just wish it Newfound Power had some more bass (as said by others). Also love the drum beat in Newfound Malice, it made that song my favorite one by far.

I like the vibes, it certanly captures that "joyful child playing in their own world" aspect. The composition is good, but I do think it gets repetitive at some point, specially percussion-wise, which could use some variation. The same beat being for 3 minutes in the song makes it kinda stale. Even then, it's still a quite enjoyable listen. The strings are satisfying to hear, and the melody in general is pleasant. Good job!

Mesmerizing. The instrument choice is cute and I absolutely enjoy the end section when the drums kick in, it feels nostalgic in some sort of way. Would definitively jam to this while exploring a beach-like scene.

Actual bangers, had me boppin from start to finish. I love the idea and view you had for these compositions, mixing techno and metal. The guitar riffs are NASTY!! (in a good way). Although, being completely honest, the mastering (and production in general) really need some work: some instruments feel really disconnected from others, the lower-end is basically non existant, the drums don't really have the impact, and the transitions between segments feels too stiff sometimes. 

But even with that, it's still such a vibe, the composition is well done, and in general, they are really creative. Well done!

This is... Wow. The entire experience feels like watching a narrative, from start to finish. Every track relates amazingly from one to another, and the orchestration adds to that movie-like feel even more. Kute The Panda packs such a punch!! In general I love the dynamic between the last 3 songs, they really tie well the entire thing with a great climax, specially The Miracle. Really nice!

(1 edit)

Interesting tracks! I like the bass on Deep Memories but I do feel like it could use some work on mixing/adsr, it sounds too stiff compared to the other instruments. In general all the tracks correlate great to the idea you chose, and I gotta say the last track My Inner Beauty is probably my favorite, I love the chord progression and instruments you used, and the more defined melody really catches my attention. (specially the bass, which sounds way better in this one!)

I absolutely love the vibes on this one! You really nailed the dream-like atmosphere.  

Boat is my absolute favorite, it gets me into such a peaceful state of mind, like I'm exploring a deep, misty meadow that comforts the player but also hides some aspects from familiarity. Love the percussion and chord progressions!

Anemone is chill, the disperse sounds and melodies really add a lot to the liminarity that our dreams can sometimes feel like. Personally, I feel like it could use some subtle variation, maybe some hint of another instruments here and there, reflecting how our dreams can sometimes have unusual events. But it's still a great track!

Janus is a good ending track, having that kind of "bittersweet" feel from the chord progression and chaotic intervals present in the melodies. Nice job!