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EphemerousView project page

Soundtrack for the non-existant game - Ephemerous
Submitted by Nyokoro — 5 hours, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3113.4503.450

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Ephemerous' soundtrack was heavily inspired by games like Kirby, Celeste and Undertale, taking notes from the fast-paced melodical themes. The songs were made entirely in FL Studio.

1. Recollection
This is the title screen theme, simple but contains the 2 main game leitmotifs.

2. Joy of Past Flowers
For stage 1, this takes place in a nostalgic, happy memory the protagonist wants to hold on to.

3. Point of Uncertainty
For stage 2, in this stage the player is going through a memory from somber times, that kind of intrusive thoughts you remember past midnight.

4. Drowning Wings
For a brief time, the main character goes through a peace of mind, like swimming in a sea with lots of happy memories. However, that peace is quickly interrupted by anxiety from remembering a trauma, and now it feels like drowning in the open sea.

5. Ephemerous
Track for the final stage, it is the culmination of everything the character went through in the game while trying to come to terms with their own trauma instead of running away from it.

Message from the artist
With love.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The idea for Ephemerous came from looking to the picture theme with the "Inside my world" perspective in mind. What I interpreted from the image was a person, presumably a depressive adult, looking down to their childhood in search of good memories, remembering of the good times. The game then would take place inside their soul, their mind, their world, while they go through different memories (good and bad ones) trying to find answers for their mental health struggles.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Fun, cute, diverse and cool!

Ephemeros is my favorite, heh)



you had posted Joy of the Past before and ive been thinking about that bass line since then! ^_^

Great job on your soundtrack :D


Joy of the Past Flowers grooves so hard! Great Job!


Some of these songs remind me a LOT of the kind of music I would write!

Specifically point of uncertainty which was my favorite one felt like it followed the way I would write music IDK how to describe it.

I really liked the bells in that one

I thought the piano sounded a little weird in Joy Of Past Flowers. like sometimes it felt out of key with the rest of the song and it got a tad repetitive with the same repeating series of notes. I think if there was more syncopation in that specifically it wouldn't be as noticeable.


The whole OST felt like a delicious treat. The writing is insanely good. incredible what you did in a week's time, super impressive work. More people should definitely check you out!


i love the song writing on this ost! joy of past flowers is so fun and charming, and the title track is a really good upbeat tune. my only complaint is that the opening track feels like it doesn't belong in this ost and actually feels really out of place. on it's own it's beautiful, but the tonal whiplash between that song and the next is a bit much.

also i'm a really big fan of the story you've developed here


The opening track being different from the others was actually a choice made on purpose, for lore and contrast reasons. However, I do agree it can feel out of place tonality-wise, compared to the other ones I think maybe I could have used a different soundfont for the piano. Thanks for the feedback!


Really nice tracks. Joy of Past Flowers has a nice afrogroove to it. The instruments in Points of Uncertainty are on point, especially the synth line that comes in at the end to do the call and response. The second halfs of Drowning Wings absolutely slaps, nice guitar sounds.

I love the title track's upbeat dnb vibe. Can't wait to hear more!


Great job! I really enjoyed all your tracks, but Joy of Past Flowers is a banger and definitely my favorite (special mention to Ephemerous, it's a close second). It's super groovy, past paced, and has a sick melody. The context for Drowning Wings feels really spot on, and you did a great job nailing the vibe. Overall a very cohesive soundtrack.


It feels like a interesting mix of genres, with all of the different instruments. My favorite track was "Joy of Past Flowers".


This is great! The layering and repetition are nice they add a good catchiness to the tracks, while also making the leitmotifs clear. The percussion is also very nice. My favorite track is "Point Of Uncertainty".


I see we had a similar idea for what the game would be about - I liked the first track in particular!


Love the retro inspiration, my favorite is track 5


Amazing soundtrack. I really enjoyed the soothing vibes of Recollection, but I have to say, the energy of Ephemerous definitely makes it a stand out track. Nice work!


I really liked the fast paced title track Ephemerous. Very cool reverse sweeps happening there too! You're making me wanna try FL studio! 


This is great stuff! I really love the piano sound you used, it ties every track together really nicely!

I also love the guitar tone you had in there as well, my only note would be I wish it sat a little more comfortably in the mix. But that is a really minor "complaint" for me. Otherwise, this was really great. Well done!


Awesome soundtrack. My favourite track is probably "Ephemerous" It fits the story very well, and I like the fast-paced and triumphant sound it has. "Joy of Past Flowers also sounds pretty cool, and I can definitely hear the Kirby influence.