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A member registered Oct 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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As of v0.04, the main content of the game ends after finishing Vaulty's third quest.

There's a hidden way to increase one point, but there's no actual use for it in the game yet, so you can look around and try to find it if you want, but you don't actually need to worry about it for now!

There's a puzzle to solve there with the tree stumps, you can interact with them.

You use Arrows or Left Click to move your character.

Press Z or Left Click on a NPC to interact with them.

To open the menu, you can click on the Phone icon at the top right corner of your screen, you can navigate through the apps with Left Click.

(You can also press X to open the menu and navigate with the keyboard, but some features are limited for now.)

To answer your previous question, you can click on the Tasks app after opening the Phone Menu. (it won't work with the keyboard mode)

You have to go to the bed and choose "sleep to the next day", it should sync your save with the new content.

Sorry about this, I've made some changes to the shops on v0.04 that unfortunately old saves can't support it.

But for v0.05 I will be making it in a custom way (like the phone menu), so it will solve this error for everyone.

And no, the items of that shop don't have any use yet (except being collectables), so no need to worry about farming them now!

Thanks for reporting it, sorry about this, it was a simple mistake that I overlooked when naming the files.

Since it is a minor bug, it will be fixed on the next version, but;

Here's the first part (you are here) and second part of this task.

This seems like a permission error from the Windows, you don't have the permissions to write files on that folder.

Try moving the game to another folder and try it again.

That's pretty much all the main content for now!
(There was a message saying exactly this right after you leave Vaulty and Jenny, maybe you've missed it.)

You can check the Scene List.txt located on "\Lewd Falls v0.04\Extras", to make sure you didn't miss anything optional.

I'm planning to move the game to Unity, there I will be able to properly support Android.

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The Silk was for Vaulty's quest, it was supposed to trigger automatically on the next day after the fight, that didn't happen for you?

But if it did, and you are thinking there's something else to do with it because it is on your inventory, that's normal, it will stay there just like Mavis's blood.

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Yeah, I think this was asked on the Discord server a few months back.

I'm not against futas, traps, furry... so yeah, there's room for them.

But if I do add them someday, they will be 100% optional characters.

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If the save error is something like "Uncaught TypeError...", you can try using the keyboard menu to save the game (press X to open and arrow keys/Z to navigate).

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The floaters are around the pool, not inside.

If the save error is something like "Uncaught TypeError...", you can try using the keyboard menu to save the game (press X to open and arrow keys/Z to navigate).

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Yeah, the current engine is pretty annoying to work with and a lot of the bugs are caused by some plugins not working too well with another, I'm trying my best to fix what I can but some bugs will probably have to stay until I move the game to Unity.

About the Hololive girls, I'm a fan of them, and I know a lot of people are too.
I thought they would fit the theme of my game, so I added them, I'm glad it worked out too, from what I heard from some people.

And yes, I do have plans to add a few more girls from EN, JP and ID!
(I've already briefly mentioned Ina on Calli/Gura's quest too!)

About the combat, I should be doing a few tweaks to balance it more since I've added new bats/skills this update, but overall it should stay the same for simplicity and due to limitations of the engine.

I do plan to make a few changes to the combat on Unity.

Thanks, that will be fixed on 0.05 since it is a minor bug!

I've never seen this error happening with my game.

Lewd Falls usually have some trouble with Joiplay (although it's usually the same error, this one is new and seems like it only happened to you).

I can't really help with Joiplay problems, but since you were messing with some things for another game, it might be affecting mine too, so you can look into that!

It should unlock after completing the second quest for Vaulty!

She will ask you for something and then you can go to the Dark Forest the same way you go to the normal one!

I'm not sure about Mac, but I will look into it when I move to Unity!

Thanks a lot!

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Are you sure you saved the game properly?

There's no auto-save on my game, so you need to do it manually in the Phone Menu.

You can quickly check if it was properly saved by choosing the Load option after saving!

You can get them from the enemies in the Dark Forest!

Sorry about that, this is an annoying old bug that's haunting me since v0.02.

You can try opening the Phone Menu with the keyboard (press X) and then try to go to the Gallery, this works for some people that have this bug.

I'm know the reason for it, but unfortunately I can't remove it, since the plugin that causes the problem is needed to play the animated scenes.

And yes! Vaulty is pretty much based on Vault-Girl, although she pretty much works by herself, I may add some things about Vault-Tec on her backstory!

I will make sure to recommend this workaround for other people that may have the same issue, thanks for telling me this!

Sorry, I couldn't replicate this error, maybe something broke in your save.
Were you  able to circumvent it somehow?

I'm planning to move the game to Unity, there I will be able to properly support Android.

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What do you mean with "does not allow" you to do so?

Does it give you an error and crash the game?

Are you playing on PC or Joiplay?

You need a program like Winrar to extract the game.

You can give a custom name for your relationship with Mabel at the start of the game, she's your "best friend" by default.

But if you are using an old save and forgot what you set before, unfortunately there's no way to check it for now.

I understand what you are saying, but that's pretty much what happens on every RPG, if you find my game annoying for doing this, you must hate every type of RPG.

But I agree on some parts, so what I will probably do is add a hint to what level should be good enough for this event and the next one, hopefully it will help some players in the future.

While I do try to take into account the people that like to rush (that's precisely why I will not let people save on this event, to avoid them bricking their save and complaining about it later), it's not my fault if they are ignoring all the warnings and end up getting their ass beat by some enemy.

Everything comes back to interpretation, if the player assumes that a "tough fight" can be won by killing a couple slimes and buying 2 heal items, failing it is entirely on them.

It's a gamble, for some people will work flawlessly, for others will crash, you can try but I can't really give you much support to the problems it may have.

Not yet!

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The game warns you to proper prepare before going into the graveyard. (Buy items and level up), so not being able to save there is on purpose for two reasons:

  • There's a lot of people that may just rush and don't read that message, and then would save before the boss with 10% HP left and no items, essentially bricking their saves.
  • Without having a way to save there, it makes the whole event feel more like an actual challenge, otherwise everyone would just keep retrying the boss without any consequences for not properly preparing.

I'm working on a Unity version of the game that will support Android!

You can give a custom name for your relationship with Mabel at the start of the game, she's your "best friend" by default.

What do you mean they don't appear in the forest?
The forest is empty?

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Go to the Gym and increase your Strength to level 2 by training a few days!

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Sorry about this, this is an old known bug that affects some of Joiplay users.

While in theory my game is playable on mobile using these apps, it is pretty much a gamble, for some people it will work, while for others it will have this bug.

Sadly I can't really do anything about it for now, I know the reason for the bug, but I can't remove it, since it is an essential plugin.

On top of your screen, you can click on the Phone icon to open the mouse menu!

On top of your screen, you can click on the Phone icon to open the mouse menu!