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A member registered Jan 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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i just wanna say that i gave your stuff a listen and really connected with some of it. keep it up :) (and maybe ill reach out when i start doing jams again!)

a pretty fun take on an old classic :) 

i like it. looking forward to seeing development continue :)

It's all good! I hope you have fun with it :)

Amazing job - as the voting period progressed the leaderboard was getting more and more competitive, so it's really cool to see people still pushing for top 5 :)

Also congrats on making it to the top 50%! Definitely not an easy feat for your third jam

Pretty fun! As others have mentioned there wasn't much challenge, and maybe you didn't have time to add one, but I think a simple grading system would have added a lot to the game! Right now you can beat the levels in any number of moves and theres no feedback on how well you did, nor are there rewards for doing well - if, at the end of a level, you were to give the player 1-3 stars depending on how few moves they used relative to the minimum, it would make a lot of people question how they could have done better and maybe even replay the level a couple of times.

Another little note is that your team managed to make 10 levels (which is super impressive!), but if the core gameplay isn't compelling enough few people are gonna stick around for that long (for example I only played the first few levels, then skipped to the last one). Depending on what your goals are when entering a jam I'd definitely recommend creating a small, polished, neat little package over a lengthy and less polished one. That's just my two cents though :)

Wow so close to 2nd - that must've been frustrating! My friend hit first place yesterday (he was aiming for 1 mil points) and I get the feeling no one else is gonna get close lol

About the leaderboard, it was actually insanely easy to set up given how much it adds to the game - in case you're interested in giving it a shot I'll drop the vid I followed. It only took me like 20 mins to get the functionality down, and I've been able to reuse the code super easily!

This is by far my favourite 2D movement the jam - it's incredibly well done! The difficulty curve was also really well managed, though it did feel like it was on the easier side (probably just because I play a lot of this genre lol). It's subtle, but I can tell you're actually a really skilled dev from how smooth the gameplay is - awesome job :)

Do you plan to use this as a foundation for another game jam / full project? I'd definitely be interested to see what you could come up with!

Pretty fun - the isometic style was super well done, and its the only game with that perspective I've seen so far, so you definitely get points for uniqueness! Of course the scope was fairly minimal (I liked the dialogue tho!), but thats totally understandable given you only had 24 hours - I'd be interested to see what kinda isometric games you might be able to make with more time :)

(1 edit)

Aw thank you! Did you end up making it onto the top 5 leaderboard?

Thanks - that means a lot :)

Ah right thanks for the tip! I'll keep it in mind for my future projects :)

Very cute :) The swapping mechanic works super smoothly, and like I said in Discord the background colour changing effect adds a lot to the chilled out vibe - nice job!

Thanks for the kind words :) The leaderboard was actually super simple to get working - I'm really surprised more people don't implementing them. In case you ever want to try your hand at creating one, with this vid I had mine up and running in only 20 minutes!

Damn it! I was hoping no one would notice the stuttery movement - I guess with so many fellow devs playing someone would mention it eventually. By changing the timestep, are you refering to Cinemachines update method? Or maybe the player movement one (fixed / standard / late)? It's been bugging me for a while and none of the common fixes seem to be working - theres also a chance its due to the janky way I'm connecting the player to the ball of yarn.

And thanks so much for the positive words! It means a lot to me that so many people are enjoying the unusual movement dynamic :)

Powerups are definitely something I considered adding, but unfortunately it just never happened - thanks for the feedback tho! I had a lot of fun with your entry as well :) 

Thank you! It's really cool that someone else made that same connection - the risky nature of the pounce is why I felt okay with putting it on such a short cooldown. A couple days ago 11k points would've been first place, so great job on that, and thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks :) I enjoyed your entry as well

Ty for the kind words and honest feedback :)

Did you end up giving it a try btw? No pressure of course, but like I said any input on the art would be really valuable to me :)

I'm honoured to be the first to play / rate such a cute game! It just goes to show you don't need deep, complex gameplay to create a fulfilling game - the sounds were all adorable, and I think you guys really did well at creating a cute, chilled out vibe, which is especially impressive given you went with 3D! Super amazing work :)

Really solid! Like I said in discord you designed the levels to allow for people to slowly acclimate to the unusual movement, which I think is super important! Your game might be the best I've seen in that regard actually

(1 edit)

It took me a moment to figure out the mechanics but this is super impressive for just a couple of hours! Theres a lot of attention to detail with the afterimage effect of the dash, the SFX,and the springy play button. Id be interested in seeing what you could do with the whole three days :)

Very fun! The art and audio fit well together well :). The gameplay did feel a little bare, though thats equal parts common and understandable - I think if you were to add some more mechanical depth / variety this cound be a really solid entry! And as a first jam (judging from your profile) its for sure a really good start

Heres a link to my game if you wanna give it a try :)

Cute (:

As you might be able to tell from my entry I've always enjoyed unusual and flexible movement mechanics, and this game definitely has that! I do agree with your comment mentioning that the different food types may not be impactful enough, but theres definitely a lot of potential in the core gameplay, and overall I had fun - nice job :)

Very charming! The mechanics felt well developed and exploring the little world was pretty fun - I also loved the goofy sprite work for the player character :)

Pretty cute, as others have said the jumping felt a little off but overall I feel like its a chilled out, solid game! Nice job :)

I was a little confused at the start but I think the core idea is actually pretty solid - I feel like, as one example, moving environment pieces could have added a lot of replayability, but the way you have it set up now is plenty fun too!

Obviously 3D games are gonna be difficult to do well in jams, but I think you did a really solid job! The dimention swapping mechanic definitely seemed interesting, however admittedly it wasnt particularly well connected to the rest of the game, and sorta felt like it was just added for the sake of it. I thought the visual style and photography mechanic were super well done tho :) 

It honestly surprises me how such a simple game can draw so much attention to it - personally I'm not a huge fan of this style of game, but from other peoples comments it seems to be pretty popular, so congrats on that! I will say that if you want to keep peoples attention for even longer, Id look into adding more juice / visual variety, as the game is a bit flat looking

A little confusing but definitely an interesting concept - maybe adding some more strategic layers would help keep the game fresh? I was able to just spam click on one of the cats and survived for quite a while

As other people have said it was a little rough around the edges, but honestly for a first jam entry its not bad! You had some solid sound effects, plus the game idea has legs (tho you would probably need to add more mechanics to keep ppl invested). Well done :) 

Thats a very well deserved smile :)

Simplistic but unique! I thought the timer was a little tight (the best I did was having only one cat missing), but overall it was pretty enjoyable :) 

Feel free to check out my game too if youre curious!

Also if youre interested in giving my entry a try heres a link :)

Super interesting - this is the first game of the jam that I've seen which so deeply incorporates both the theme and the limitation - you should be super proud :) I personally went with a fairly literal interpretation, so its awesome to see someone get really creative and do something this different and original. Admittedly I feel like with all the time spent on the unusual mechanics / storytelling the gameplay did perhaps stuffer a little bit, but its still comfortably in my top 10, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what sort of games you can come up with in future jams!

(2 edits)

Very solid! This game has a lot of high-points; the art and sound are both really impressive (I especially love the death animation), the level design felt super varied, even with the simplistic mechanics of the first two levels, and the catlike spin you guys did on something as common as a jump was great as well!

The precision jumps, where you only had one block to land on, were very tricky, and I only managed to make it to the double checkpoint on level 2 (just before the teleporter), but that may just be me not having a good feel for the pouncing jump. Also the spikes did blend in to the background a little, but that kinda stuff is pretty understandable given the palette restriction.

Overall I'd say this is a very underrated entry, and deserves a lot more than just 5 ratings!

(also the text is also kinda difficult to read, but that might just be me lol)

Oops - I actually had a friend who did the same thing lol

I'm really happy to hear that the tutorial has been helping people out - with this type of arcadey highscore game I cant really make an easy first level for people to experiment in, so I think having a tutorial area is actually super important. Do remember to re-rate the game if you feel like your experience was better this time around :)

Ah... so thats why I couldnt get past it lol (and I'm really glad to hear the tutorial helped!) :)