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A member registered Apr 23, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot!

I'm glad you felt there was an attack-counterattack rhythm, that's something we really hoped would come together^^

Nah I'll never activate windows, my mind evolved to not see it anymore :p

Fantastic game!

I love the art style as well as the mechanics.

In the beginning I was just expecting some classic Slay The Spire gameplay, but my mind was blown when I realised the buffs were persistent.

It was super satisfying to one-shot the final boss thanks to combined use of the vulnerable stacks and boosted card damage. I really think you nailed the progression / meta-game.

Interesting twist on the formula as well with the "between encounter" cards.

Congrats, one of my favorites from the jam!

I feel the movement mechanic has a lot of depth, it feels good to see mymastery growing over multiple laps. I would also totally buy a game like this^^

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Oh definitely gonna check out this "Option" xD

I think one-hit-kill combined with short levels and ambushes was a great choice. Because you don't lose so much progress when dying, the game can be more punishing without being frustrating, and the player can feel like a badass once they memorized the layouts and enemy spawn locations.

I'd be super interested in a micro-release, as I'm super sold on the humor and gameplay. I had a friend that found the bugs in a closet, and for each one decided to kill or spare depending on the message on their signs, was hilarious.

The intro alone has me rolling on the floor laughing. Was completely caught off guard, and I'm listening in disbelief as it's still going after 5 mintues xD

I really liked all the sneaky squirrel ambushes, and the incentive on scanning the rooms quickly. I got some nice Hotline Miami vibe from one-hit-to-kill and fast paced gameplay.

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That felt great. Both the traversal and interpreting the maps. 

I'm a bit tired of Ubisoft style games where you can turn your brain off while you follow a UI waypoint. Being only given imprecise hints, and having to figure out the rest was very refreshing. It felt like a big discovery everytime I found those new spaces hidden in the nook and crannies of the level.

I feel the world is just the right size as well. I thought I would get lost and frustrated but that wasn't the case.

Being given multiple maps at the beginning is cool as well, in other games with similar mechanics I tend to obsess over a specific landmark, but here I could stroll around I was more likely to find something that matched a map. Nice touch btw to have to look down to look at the map, I think it adds to the immersion.

I can tell a lot of polish went in the grappling hook feel as well, it felt nice to combine it with the gliding. I even found this neat trick to gain infinite height thanks to the hook momentum conserving so well, maybe it allowed for unintended shortcuts but it felt great xD

Nice ending btw, made me laugh x)

Wow thanks a lot, that warms all our hearts! I'm glad you were still able to find openings in his attacks, as I was worried it was too fast. To be fair the upgrade system we use is heavily inspired from the game Hades x)

Thanks a lot! I felt very comfortable with the controls after remapping. Here's a playthrough, but beware it could be frustrating to watch as I'm colorblind xD 

Yeah we really wanted to capture the frustration of trying to set your heater to the right temperature, but always being too cold or too warm :P
We used Blender for the furnace's rig.

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After you gave me the tip to get past the second barrier I was able to complete the game^^ Took me 5 tries in total but felt fair! You may cringe watching how slow I play sometimes xD

Thanks, I may give it another shot!

I quite like the high difficulty, it gave me a good amount of tension when I was facing enemies, and I will probably feel very proud if I manage to finish it despite the challenge^^

That's very nice of you, don't feel pressured though x)

* WASD for horizontal movement
* Space for upward (or/and left shift)

* C for downward (or/and left ctrl)

That's what I got used to, from piloting similar vehicles in Subnautica and Outer Wilds.

Hey congrats for finishing the game ! I followed the development quite closely on discord as I was hyped from the pictures you posted.

I really like the color scheme, and the UI specifically stood out to me as the animations are very slick.

The feedback is good as well, very smart to have bullet impact sound increase their pitch as an enemy gets closer to death.

Sadly I struggled with the controls as the layout is quite different from what I'm used to, I had to shuffle my fingers a bit which added some friction to the experience.

Oh just realised I could jump on the eyes x) Got around 50m as well, but I struggled to get past that.

I'm struggling a bit to get upward momentum, do you have any tips ?

I like how the "debug overlay" fits the game theme xD

Very cool aesthetic, and the weapons feel quite good to use. It's impressive how much content and polish you managed to get during the jam, congrats !

Gave me some nice Quake / UltraKill vibes.

I'm a bit sad as I got stuck at the part with the laser, I couldn't find how to open the second force field :(

Hey thanks a lot for playing !

Oh I see you have an eye for procedural animation xD Indeed the legs are using procedural IK. The body itself is using normal animations though (but well it just has one bone so quite easy to animate).

Yeah metagame is something we wanted from the start, to see if we could make the small content last longer, and one of us spent a lot of time during the jam working on it.

I saw some videos of your game on the discord (and the cool smart gun) but I have yet to play it, I'll probably give it a shot soon.

Had a pretty good time playing this one, actually restarted a few times for the heck of it as it was enjoyable. The spatial sound the goo makes when spreading is a really nice touch, it helps when hunting the last ones.

Very soothing music and environment.

I liked flying inside a building for a while, then emerging and seeing the vast environment again. 

The controls were quite smooth as well, I expected to bonk into everything but that wasn't the case even in tight spaces. 

It gave me some Subnautica and Outer Wilds vibes, I now wish there were environments similar to this one in those games^^

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Thanks a lot Peter ! Yeah it can be quite counter-intuitive that the upgrades apply to the boss. Your idea of balancing player and boss upgrades is quite cool. That's actually something we wanted to try early in the jam (increasing the boss difficulty would give you more skill points to invest in player upgrades) but sadly we didn't have the time to implement it.

Alright I'll give it another shot when the jam is over^^

Pretty cool. I got quite high until a point where I couldn't figure out what to jump on.

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Hey thanks for bringing that up, now that I look at the credits on the page I agree they make it hard to trace back to the songs. I'll see with the others if we can get that fixed at least for the page, for the game though upload is blocked until the gamejam judging period ends so we can't update yet.

Edit : Pardon my ignorance but what does a game have to do to comply to cc-by-sa-nc ? Everything I read online is quite confusing.

Hi, thanks a lot for your kind feedback. Sadly we are aware of this issue, we tried to fix it but it's a hard limitation we had with unreal physics and the way we coded the car, at bad framerates the car simulation becomes super unstable :( 

Sorry I'd like to but unfortunately it's impossible to build for mac without having a mac :(

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Sorry I'd like to but unfortunately it's impossible to build for mac without having a mac :(

Your playthrough was amazing, so many clutch moments xD

Oh no sorry to hear you encountered a bug :( Thanks a lot for playing !

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I was so scared I had to turn the volume down at some point to be able to continue playing xD The LMB click / hold controls were a bit finicky for me and worked sometimes inconsistently. Amazing work on the sound design and storytelling.

Tell me if you want me to edit my comment to remove the spoiler, but I was super scared that the doll battery would ran out xD

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"So I often got shot off right in the air when I had no way to dodge :D" Oh no :( Yeah that's something I tried to fix for a long time during the jam. I reduce their accuracy a lot when the player is in the air, but it seems it was not enough to solve the issue.

We've been thinking about reaching out to Simon Stalenhag for a while, but I'm a bit intimidated by him xD

Your game is amazing btw.

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The mix of first person platforming and exploration was quite neat (as you had to search where would be the best place to jump from). I liked the character designs as well, they are very cute^^ Btw I'm Marc from work

Thanks a lot for the kind words :'D

I understand that you can feel frustrated by the level of polish of some jam entries.

In my experience online contests are not a level playing field, as participants often come from very different backgrounds.

When hobbyists or students are competing against people who are doing this for a living, it can feel unfair to have them be judged on the same scale.

Art assets are not only thing that make a game good though, in jams we constantly lose to games that have less impressive graphics but better gameplay.

Anyway thanks for playing our game, I hope you'll be able to relax this weekend as I'm sure you had an exhausting week working on your game as well.

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I understand that you can feel frustrated by the level of polish of some jam entries.

In my experience online contests are not a level playing field, as participants often come from very different backgrounds.

When hobbyists or students are competing against people who are doing this for a living, it can feel unfair to have them be judged on the same scale.

Art assets are not only thing that make a game good though, in jams we constantly lose to games that have less impressive graphics but better gameplay.

Anyway thanks for playing our game, I hope you'll be able to relax this weekend as I'm sure you had an exhausting week working on your game as well.

I really love the simple inputs but deep mind games and counters. I can't wait for it to be released on steam so I can play with friends with the "remote play together" feature.

Merci beaucoup ca me fait trop plaisir venant de toi^^

Je suis bloqué sur la premier ile :( Qu'est ce qu'il faut faire ?

Best game I played yet in this jam xD we spent a good 30 minutes laughing and typing crazy game names