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A member registered May 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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So cute! The artwork reminds me of a storybook from my childhood. Great work, Magpie!

Such a thoughtful review! Thanks for taking the time to play, Gatlink! And for the record, John Science loves you too. I'll try to record a playthrough soon (and there's NOTHING Congress can do to stop me).

Appreciate the kind words!!

Thanks!! I'm all about that juice factor.

Thanks JML! Just wait until they find out about our next project. Pluto's had it too good for too long...

Probably not on the moon. Just a hunch.

Rest assured that day drinking is welcome and encouraged for all NASO personnel! In all seriousness, it's so nice to see people appreciate the little things that made me happy when I was working on the game. Thanks for playing!

I'm of the mind that any mechanic can work with the right supporting elements! I really like both ideas you proposed for making it feel more intentional. With that said, as you mentioned, it's really not much of an issue to begin with since the rounds are brief. Great work on this one—and on your entry for the last Mini Jam, too! I thought I recognized your tag, haha.

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Using the timer as a sort of reset on your health and "fuel" capacity that contribute toward the greater goal of reaching your destination is definitely a good take on the limitation. The timer in the background is a nice touch, too! I might suggest implementing strict level boundaries if you return to the project, but that's ultimately a minor nitpick. Great work!!

Thanks for giving it a go! You know what? Just for that, I'll put in a word with the boys at NASO to leave Earth off their growing list of celestial bodies to blow up! For now.

Thanks for playing! It's definitely not easy to guide a rocket while inebriated, but our brave NASO technicians are giving it their all.

Fortunately, all active members are serving life sentences for crimes against humanity, so I shouldn't have anything to worry about. (Game feel is definitely important to me, I'm glad you liked it!)

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Thanks for playing!! Glad you had fun with it!

This is so cute!! The end screen is my favorite part. I'm sorry I don't have much to offer in the way of feedback that is actually useful or constructive, I just love this little guy. What a little man! In a post-jam version, it could be interesting to make taking multiple bites of cheese in quick succession grant a higher jump for breaching bigger obstacles. But anyway, what a cool little guy. Fun game!!

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Having to keep the rabbit in your sight is a cute take on the limitation! Oh, and that ending gave me whiplash. Good stuff!

I love this one. It's fun placing bombs strategically to block off enemies to make your strategic escape. For me, on a personal level, that often meant placing a bomb down, feeling real smug about it, and then realizing I've just trapped myself next to it. Which never failed to make me laugh, so kudos! Fun stuff.

Thanks so much! Something that may be helpful when starting out (for you or anyone else) is to focus on clicking farther out (closer to your targets). This is particularly useful for hitting your mark when you're throwing a barrage! Of course, bringing your mouse further from the center means you'll miss some flasks as they pop out of the cauldron — there's definitely a trade-off at play.

The push mechanic is what puts this one over the top. So funny. Good use of the theme and limitation, too!

Thanks, Magpie! The potion frenzy is a touch I'm fond of as well. It's actually the product of me playing around with the spawn rate and having one of those "What if...?" moments, haha.

Super impressed with the writing and voicework you pulled off for such a short jam. The game has a great atmosphere, but I found it frustrating how the "fail" condition (to avoid spoilers) puts you back at the start. I think some kind of hidden checkpoint system for completing certain interactions would really help with this. Overall, though, I had a good time with it. Nice work!

This game encouraged me to share the joys and thrills of Poison Week with my loved ones! What a gift. :) Super relaxing game. My most salient recommendation would be to have a deeper explanation for the numbers system, but at the same time, I do quite like the limited "in-universe" instructions that come in letter form—just something to consider. Great work!

This one has an awesome sense of humor, between the victory music and "bouncy brain venom". That zombies can continue to spread the infection on your behalf is an awesome feature—love seeing those chain reactions play out. Great work!

Thanks a ton, and nice score! The title is definitely (shamefully) a point of pride.

Yeah, I hear that! I adjusted the difficulty curve to make games briefer (and hopefully less painful). Thanks for the feedback!

These are great suggestions! Thanks so much for the feedback!

Thanks so much! Per your feedback, I adjusted the difficulty curve to make things more interesting.

Thanks for playing! Per your feedback, I prevented clicking directly on the fly to encourage a more engaging playstyle.

This instantly became one of my favorites! Everything synergizes so well thematically (rappelling, laying web traps, blocking with the super shot, and so on). Fantastic work!!

I am highly invested in the life and achievements of this tiny cubic spider. Fun game + controls well! Not so sure about the limitation, but that's up to interpretation. Good work!

I absolutely love the art for this one. It's a fun concept done well! The controls were a bit tricky at first, but that was a minor roadblock. Definitely my favorite so far—great work!!

This is cute! Good use of the limitation, too. At first, I was a bit confused about the web ball cooldown, but once I figured that out I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Good work!

Thanks Matt! In my testing, I didn't find a strictly impossible jump, but I definitely saw them get pretty pixel perfect in hard mode as things went along. Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into fine-tuning the distance values!

The flinging mechanic in this one is so well-done! I really appreciate how fine-tuned it is, including the visual polish on the bubble slowing down when held and the arrow expanding when drawn back. Honestly, I had a good time just knocking the thoughts around like billiards balls. Super cool!

Thanks so much, Daxie! I really appreciate that!

No worries, I still had fun with it! Jams are all about experimentation, after all.

This one's got a ton of heart. I love it, and I love your interpretation of the limitation! I think the jump could be fine-tuned a bit, but that's a pretty minor issue—essentially, it boils down to what xojobr already mentioned. On the whole, leading the spirits to the cats felt super natural. Great work!

This one's going to be hard to top. You'd think it would wear out on me, but the raw energy this game exudes makes me laugh every time. Such a creative use of both the theme and the limitation, too! Top marks!

Thanks for the feedback, Murphy! I appreciate it!

This is cute! I see a lot of potential here. I think the first post-jam consideration I would offer would be to touch up the platforming aspect—there were a few points where I fell from a high place and phased through the floor. With that said, I love the idea driving the mirror dimension mechanic! It fits the theme well, too. Good work!

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Cute submission! I was following this one on Discord, actually. One thing I noticed while playing is that warping through the windows could force the lower character offscreen. Post-jam, it might be a good idea to have the camera zoom out in those situations. With that said, I see a lot of potential here—great work!