"YET ANOTHER COMMENT TO SAY THIS IS GREAT" - i had my doubts but i honestly haven't smiled while playing a GGJ game in awhil;e..KUdos for the charming game!
Paul Barbato
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This is a very charming title, we have the same taste in memes too which is a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. I was able to get to level 8 without skipping ahead, quite nice and well designed title with hilarious SFX. One suggestion- perhaps the restart should automatically trigger after the fail animation- doing this can improve the flow a bit. Having the "R" for in-game is invaluable but having to press it after death made me sad. Anyway great work- love the art style, animation and game concept- esp the 3D/2D hybrid- bet it would do well as a mobile app. <3
I know the music was pre-existing but it REALLY works well with the game you've built. This reminds me a bit of the 3D sections of Sonic but more whacky and with vertical maps. I wish there was more ramping of difficulty with each new thing being introduced. But in general this is a very snappy and fun game mechanic- curious to see how far this could be pushed in terms of polish. I almost felt like I was controlling a pinball within a malfunctioning pinball machine, so maybe other levels could be re-skinned if you continue to develop this. overall good stuff!