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A member registered May 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! In classic gamejam fashion we worked on basics till very end and never properly balanced the whole thing. But from what I got after some tests it looks like after you get through 2-3 lvls it's pretty much all over

It's pretty addicitng! I managed to get 2700 points;

Controlling feels very smooth and I really like how the game increases tempo with time.

Ranged enemies sometimes like to stand off-screen or behind UI.

Two exploits, kinda I think?

1. Spinning invalidates melee enemies

2. Spamming right mouse button gives both speed and projectile blocking

These are not enough to make the easy tho

It's definitely a take on the theme I didn't expect.

Gameplay is pretty interesting altough I would prefer more information on how resources influence health. It's well-made balancing act.

Very pretty artstyle.

I respect wordless tutorial.

Are you sure "hard" is actually possible?

Interesting idea and solid execution. I really like how each NPC is easy to tell apart from the crowd.

Once there are more NPC targeting becomes a little unwieldy

Very unique concept and interesting execution,

I feel like second level is by far the hardest

Cool game, the main mechanic could pair really nicely with platformer built around building and preserving momentum.

I know everyone is sick of hearing about coyote time but jumping between platforms doesn't feel very good.

I love how Mark cannot escape shoot to move in these gamejams.

Really cool idea and great execution. I love the mix of problem solving and action that goes into getting higher score.

I feel like jumping is too high or too fast for the map, because I ended up bonking my head into ceiling and not landing where I wanted a bit too often, but it's minor problem.

I got to turn 48 and I challenge anyone reading this to beat it.

Thank you for kind words! After gathering feedback from the Jam we plan on making a summer project out of this idea

(1 edit)

Very interesting idea and I would really like to see some more puzzles. It's got a lot of potential.

I'm sorry for being nitpicky, but somethimes autopathing takes my character through darkened exit tale, prompts "I cannot leave yet" text and cancels movement.

Very nice puzzles. It really goes a long way having a few levels for presenting main mechanic.

I don't have anything major out of negatives, but lvl 4. felt like a bit of difficulty spike.

You throw enough challenge at nephew to lvl him up for final boss without killing him. Pressing space out of combat is less controlling more like speeding up time for him to move.

Truly impressive for just a week of work. Only real complaint I have is one obut camera control. Strategy games with view from above usually do better with camera controls relative to world and to the camera, hovewer it may be personal preference of mine. Overall great job!

(1 edit)

Hmm... the line showing off your's jump trajectory is supposed be visible only when player can jump. That didn't work for you?

Thanks for the tips! They will of great use. Maybe could you consider to place them in-game or at game's page?

I really like the raven-chechpoint idea but I don't think I would come to that by myself.

Overall as far a I went game seems truly great, altough this bugs are realy slowing things down. I got yet another one (same thing, game freezes and upon minimizing i see this error) while starting work in flower store.  Thats weird because I did like 4 times and it crashed only once. Besides that, the game have save&load system? In menu I see "continue" option but I haven't seen any way to save,  neither it saved after starting chapter 1. And the very last (for now) thing (but I'm not sure if it is a bug): after starting fight I can't find any way to exit the fight (so also a screen) without killing every single enemy on said screen, even those that aren't aggro on me.

This all sounds  very negative, but I really enjoy the game, so good work, keep going.

And another one when trying to talk to Krefer after working at flower store:

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_interact_parent:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,1] out of range [1,1] - -1.message(100128,1)
at gml_Object_obj_interact_parent_Draw_64
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_interact_parent_Draw_64 (line -1)

Got while using magnyfying glass in-fight:

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_player_battle:

Variable obj_battle_cursor.<unknown variable>(100094, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_scr_player_battle_skill_observe
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_player_battle_skill_observe (line -1)