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Peacock Games

A member registered Mar 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello, sorry for the late reply. The ending is the player looking at his own grave before passing on.

Damn, uploaded 8 seconds before the deadline, nice job!

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Probably one of the few games where I felt like I had an actual chance of making it farther than the starting point, nice job. Game felt very polished!

First read the game as 'Diving with Obama' lol

Neat game, could barley make it out of the starting point because of the delayed input, but it was definently fun for a bit

Had to play this just because of the Capybaras. Camera was a bit wonky, though im not sure if that was intentional or not. Pretty fun but I didnt make it very far :(

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Thank you for Speed Running the game, good to hear that you liked it! 104s is very impressive, we did not realize you would be able to use the glide in that kind of way. Good intuition! How long/takes did it take you to complete the game?

Was really fun to play and beat! If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :) 

Fun Concept! It was kind of hard at the beginning getting thrown straight into it without knowing what to do but was still really fun. If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :) 

Pretty fun to play! I wish there was a little more diversity in the levels, but overall really fun! If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :) 

Sorry to hear that, we are going to try and optimize it if possible so it works. I will let you know if we have!

Really fun and Creative! Looks amazing, can't believe you made this in 3 Days! If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :) 

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Simple, fun and creative! Good execution! If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :) 

Looks really fun and creative! Sad that I can't play it without a Controller. If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :) 

wow this game looks Beautiful! really creative idea, i have never seen something like this. Good job! If you want it would be nice of you to try my game. :)

Sorry about that, we didn’t have much time to optimize. Though even on our own system, it only lags for the first 40ish seconds while shaders compile, after that it ran pretty smooth, even if we restarted the game.

i recommend trying it one more time and giving it  a minute to adjust. 

Either way we’ll see If we’re allowed to do some quick optimizations.

I like the idea but its gonna be harder for people to try the game if they are by themselves 


I mean its kinda part of the challenge

On pretty much every Jam I've joined, there was at one person using Scratch. Just cause the tools are simple doesn't mean you cant make great games on it :)

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Hello there!

I am looking to join a team for this game jam, I have experience making multiple Unreal Engine 4 games,  which I usually model 95% of the assets needed, I have also recently started to learn 3D animation and so far I am happy with the progress.

I am also currently in college so I can't always be available but I should have plenty of time to contribute!

If you are curious about my past projects here are some of my works:

For my modeling experience: I have modeled everything in this  Trailer,  Game Jam Game, and this Asset Pack for the UE Marketplace.  The models are well optimized with a low Poly-Count to give your game the best performance needed

For my animation experience: Here is a Punch Test that I made, in addition, I also have good rigging experience for humanoid characters and I think a game jam would be a great opportunity to practice 

For my UE4 experience: Feel free to check out my previous Game Jam Games, they aren't perfect but it shows the style I like to go for. I also work with the studio as a gameplay programmer, so I have plenty of experience working with a team :)

If you are interested in having me join the team, feel free to message me on my discord: Skolas#8715      I would love to help contribute :)

No, I used UE4 on the last Brackey's Game Jam

That's a very good point, all of my games have an interaction system but it really should have a better notification to the player, I will definitely keep that in mind!

Damn, that was unexpected, it was short, simple, and sweet! Kinda sucks that the mom is gonna die now....

Yay, another UE4 user!!

I like what you're going for but the high camera lag is a bit much

I know people have pointed out the lights but I think it would look a lot better if you increased the attenuation radius and lowered the intensity 

And if you check "Create compressed cooked packages" to true in the project settings, you can reduce the file size by around 50%

But I did like the premise!

Those eye shadow things gave me the creeps! I do like the atmosphere 

Nice atmosphere! Always happy to see another UE4 using

And one highly personal recommendation, go to your project settings and look for "Create compressed cooked packages", check it to true and it'll reduce your file size by around 50%, cause a 1.8 GB file size might scare some people off

Also make sure you delete all the start content that you arent using cause that can really take up a lot of space

This is probably the most interesting game I've played in this jam, I love Wario-Ware so this definitely got my attention!

I'm a sucker for in-game cinematics/events so I really liked the ending, if not a bit abrupt as it cut to the main menu. Some textures like the skybox were a bit too low in resolution and the walking speed was a bit too slow...then again someone said the walking speed for my game was too fast so maybe I'm in the wrong haha

But overall I really liked this one!

Damn sorry about the motion sickness. And I can't do much about the lag because the portals used in the game are super expensive and it won't let me cull or stream them out without getting a bunch of errors 

I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of it though!

I’m really glad you liked the game!

The fps drop is due to the portals, I got them off the Unreal Marketplace and they are very performance heavy. The annoying thing is that I can’t cull or stream them out without getting a bunch of errors so they are always loaded 

I like what you're going for but I had no real idea what I needed to do, it was hard to see even with the flashlight 

I couldn't find the second campsite delivery for the life of me but I absolutely fell in love with the piano theme, it reminds me of this theme: 

Very interesting game, I like how the player seems to get used to this routine every year and no longer phases him. Wish I could have finished it, it crashed twice and started the game over

I really like the drawn style for your assets and textures. The ending was interesting but it happened a bit too abruptly, it could have used a few seconds to fade in and out. But besides that nice job on the atmosphere!

This is some neat cosmic horror! The ending definitely caught me off guard!

Very creepy atmosphere! At first, I thought it was just a forest and fog without a premise but then I found the house and was glad that there was more to it. One small thing though, did you add any culling to the trees cause my FPS goes down when I look in there direction, its not that noticeable and I could still play fine, just something that caught my eye