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Pedro Poblete

A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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There's something exciting in seeing someone else implement a similar idea that you had in a different way. The fact that you are a solo developer and managed to make 5, code, and do art assets it's quite amazing.

Very creative idea and a beautiful presentation. Really made me think about what other things we can break by making falacies real!

Presentation and humor are on point. This game is amazing. Mechanics are simple, but tell a wonderful story. This is one of my favourite games of the jam.

Extremely beautiful game. Simple, but effective. I have nothing to say other than congratulations!

The lassoing mechanic is very very fun. I would really like to see this game polished and finding new ways of interacting with the zombies and the environment.

Did you make this on your own? That's pretty impressive! Controls are a bit finnicky, and I'm extremely bad at physics games. Still, very good work! Can see it being a mobile game my girlfriend would play.

Good call! We were looking for ways of making it so it's less "optimal" to turtle around the shield. Still, you're right, it can feel a little bit of a "win more" kind of situation, rather than a way of helping struggling players. Thanks for the review.

With a bit of story and narrative I can see this really nailing the "joined together" theme. I did find myself at a loss, though, on how to prevent Buddy from being hurt, so I just speed ran through the level :).

The art is delightful and the premise is very unique. The social aspect of managing ghost is an amazing idea! It has so much potential, very nice job!

We took the "hell" part of bullet-hell to heart with this one! Thanks for reviewing, yes, we are aware of the out of camera bug, it was fixed, but then it was not... you know how it goes!

Metroidvania + Cronenberg body horror? Sign me up! Fun game, reminds me of SNES-era games like Krusty's Fun House. The "Joined Together" connection to the theme is a bit loose (no effect on gameplay), but there's potential in the game. I like you can restart with upgrades. One good thing is that despite the "samey-ness" of the environment, it wasn't very hard to navigate it regardless. All in all, very nice for a single developer in the team!

Exquisite graphics, delightful level design, amazing puzzles. The best game I've played in the jam.

Thanks, I hate it...

Really solid game, very frustrating in a fun way. Very good job, mate!