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A member registered May 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Really nice game! Please make hotkeys later if you continue the development :p I love how you dealt with alchemy that was smart. The game is coherent all along well done!

Yeahh, another card game! I don't think you have anything to envy to ours. Your game is incredible. I had a bit of trouble getting into it at first, but then I got really hooked on the story and the gameplay. 
What I love: 
- The unique graphic style and the music 
- The fluent gameplay experience
- The uniqueness of the gameplay that complete the lore
You managed to create a great unique atmosphere!

What I would love to see: 
- A little bit more polish regarding the start of the game. Maybe better visuals (like a written letter effect), maybe  scrolling text for better immersion (or cinematics if you can afford, like fadeout images etc...)
- Maybe better contrast between cards and the rest of the board (like a darker background) => but that's totally subjective
- I like the card art style but sometimes the handmade font was hard to read.

Overall well done!! The playable experience is great, I retried the game even if I managed to reached the end :D

Congrat on your entry! The amount of feature is impressive! The gameloop is coherent and I got immersed into the game. The theme is very well respected!
I would make 2  suggestions better introduction on how to use the cauldron vs transmuting (crafting items throught your inventory) and give some rewards when the player kill an enemy (maybe some item, even useless ones)

With a little bit more polish I could see it on Steam :)

Impression amount of work, game is pretty polished and perfectly matches the gamejam theme. Well done!
Actions were not very obvious at the beginning maybe put more description (moving, attacking, shadow etc...) would help. And maybe prevent enemies to attack you right in front of the spawn xD
Other than that, gameplay loop is well done and matches your MMO spirit. Art and polish is really good. You can be proud of you :)

What a game! It's so well polished. I absolutely love the mechanical climb for the knight. Love how you made something smart about the crafted items for the gameloop. The atmosphere is very well done. Could defo see it on Steam :)
Congrats guys !

Hi it's the a similar card-stacking game for the jam :D I really love the fact that you fit very well the theme and used alchemy to create shadow. Would love to see more  in your GDD what your ideas are for the shadows cards. We don't really have much more content than you do, we just spend more in polishing so be proud of yourself :)

Thank you so much for the detailed feedbacks!

Au top les feedbacks un grand merci !!!

Thank you so much for your feedback. I'll have a try to your game :D I was almost working the whole 2 weeks (10+) on the game (I skipped 2-3 days for social stuff and resting). Can't tell about my mates,  but code/gamedesign/integration/level set up is what takes the longest. (But when system is done it's very fast integration)

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10/10 Defo in the top 50 of all games here.

I'm so impressed by the amount of work you've done in such a short space of time !!

Here's what I loved :

- I was very immersed for the few 5 minutes, well done for the atmosphere of the game
- Love the character animations
- SO MUCH content, craft, stats, combats, a pretty nice progression and balancing and theme is perfectly respected!
- Gameplay is very fun, both aspect of alchemy and battle is complementary and well executed.
- Even if there's a lot of content, everything was clear and straight forward for me well done!
- Placement based on attack is smart

Here are a few subjective suggestions for improvement :

- Make it available full screen!
- Early balancing cause it's hard to grind back when you don't have any parts left at early stage
- Better phone "buying items" feedbacks (cash sounds, VFX) and even more background animations
- Moooooooooore VFX please!! VFX everywhere will add a lot of juice to your game
- Maybe more light variation/shading in the combat scene cause it looks a little bit flat comparing to the main scene.
- Heal button a little more contrasted or slight animation or make it interactable like other buttons.
- Why can we drag and not undrag item :<
- I found sometimes the info/icon hard to read/understand
- I found out frustrating to loose knowledge of an ingredients when I run out of it

Here's some few suggestions:

- Different color for the homonculus
- Be able to rename the homonculus
- Maybe colors for the tool (cause I get that it's giving a different rune color but I never remember what it is)

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Game is fun :) Power ups are hard to read. A slight improvement would be making the map borderless (so that the player returns on the other side of the map)

Loved the intro ! Concept is cool, music is good! Gameplay is simple but works well. Great job!

Very cool original concept, art and music are stunning, love the environment and the barmaid effect. It's stunning ! The aiming is a little bit frustrating when some enemies are getting close to you but target is locked far away on other enemies.

Very cool concept. It would be easier to visualise with 3D assets but it still cool anyway :) 

Cute little game, it's sometime hard to steer the cat but guess it's intentional

Really nice game, it's simple but fun and addicitive and super well polished!
It's a little bit repetitive (but can't blame for a gamejam :p

I was wondering about this rule : 

  • The game must be a new game project started and finished within the 7 day time frame, not just another week of work on an existing one.

But you also mentioned 

  • You can use any game engines, libraries, pre-existing code/algorithms, pre-existing art, etc.

Because the rules are already announced. I'm seeing a lot of people on the dedicated discord that showed their work and already have a decent game. How will you check those who really starts on time ?

Wow super nice polished game I love it !

Nice game and challenging one !

Great game ! Simple but well polished

Love the effects, great game !

Wow really nice game, I loved the voice, graphics and the game was pretty original, i would love to see more from you guys.

Graphics are neat, i love the idea, the idea is pretty cool, i would love to see more !

Graphics are kinda cool, controls are not super comfy i was litterally playing with 2 hands, one on WASQ and the other on X. The mechanics are cool but maybe it would be cool to add more challenge (faster farmer and some things to catch up farmer's (like unitled goose game)) but overall the idea is great !

Loved the graphics, the level design is really well made keep going on !

The game is really cool, loved the gameplay.

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Thank you very much ! We are really fustrated because there is a bug that hides a lot of dialogues but we are happy that you enjoyed the experience.

Hi thank you for your feedback, there is a post process effect for the distortion around the black hole. All objects that can interact with the black hole have a rig so we just applied physics on each rig bones and reduced scale over time.

Loved the level transition, would be cool to have some obstacles and a longer version of the game.

Hi thank you very much for your feedback ! Did you play in the browser ? I think windows version should be better.

Ö, The Mystic Link is a dreamlike single-player action-adventure video game,  with an AI controlled four-legged friend. It was a school project made in 4 months.

In a flat world made of archipelagos, Voy, a musician traveller, discovers within the island Tae a great blue and gluttonous creature named Rua who, like her, carries strange marks. In this forbidden land, a mysterious presence does not accept their intrusion. Will Voy and Rua manage to trust each other to face this hostile environment? Immersed in a magical and mysterious world, the player discovers a fantastic creature, grow attached to it and join forces with it in their journey. Gifted with a superior intelligence to an ordinary animal, Rua has its own personality and will evolve according to the player's actions to adapt to their gameplay.

Ö, The Mystic Link intend to amaze the player, to make them thirsty for discovery and to challenge their patience with an endearing but mischievous companion.

Link to the game :

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Hi, thank you for your feedback. The game is still in developpement, so for now the combat is really hard, we still need some improvements for balancing. During the combat on the right top corner, there is an image that indicates the weak spot to defeat the Boss.

We wanted to give more personality to the AI companion but we couldn't because it was a 4-month project. Feel free to share any suggestions, I will release an update soon.

Thank you very much :) We are thinking to maybe improve the gameplay, fix some bugs and add some levels, if you have any suggestions leave a feedback.