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Lunar Cowboy Games
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Really nice! I enjoyed it a lot but I have some tips:
- Jump could be mapped on up arrow, would be a little more intuitive but this is minor
-The game would work better as just a platformer, the throw and follow mechanic was really well made and enjoyable so platforming sections were very nice and with some refining I could see a full game made out of it, but the enemy freezing and moving around is more tedious and annoying and adds some unnecessary complexity to the game that doesnt really add enjoyability to it.
-At some point a door was just locked and i had no idea what to do, froze the enemy tried to climb the walls throw lantern on everything, nothing happened. This might be a bug or just something i missed but either way something needs to be either fixed or made more clear to the player.
- It would be nice for the story to be in text before the game starts or something along those lines since i can see effort was put into it but its just on the game description that not a lot of people will spend time reading.
Overall really good and could be expanded into something more that's why I took the time to go in depth on how it can be even better. Really great job!
Hope you can also check out my game :D
Really nice and enjoyable quick game. The addition of screenshake shockwave effects etc. really brought it to life and made it feel good to play, however i have some tips:
-Having to move towards where you shoot gets really frustrating after some point of gaining speed and makes it completely random whether you win or not because you cant control whether some bigger blob will show up right in front of you and you wont be able to do anything about it
-Id recommend adding some blur to the background or something like that to make it less distracting, it really gets in the way with how detailed and colorful it is in some areas.
-The enemy texture should be a little cleaner. Everything else in the game is crisp and clean so the enemies stick out not in a good way, this is minor but still something i thought would improve the game
Those are my tips but the game was overall really well made and satisfying to play! Well done!
Hope you can also check out my game :D
Cool concept and the art is cute and has a nice tone. However the gameplay is way too clunky right now, if movement was a bit more responsive and there was also some polish like sound effects a main menu/win screen it would elevate the game a lot, but nonetheless good job on creating a game in any form in such a sort time!
Hope you can also check out my game :D
This was really nice! And very impressive for such a short time, I loved the unique bosses the cute story and the art all around. This was great but I have some tips:
- A health system with health pickups would really help since losing points isn't really that big of a deal when you are invincible so the game doesn't really have stakes
- Some audio like the main music only came out of one headphone, so that's probably a wrong setting somewhere
-Normal levels could be trimmed since the bosses are considerably better so the actual levels feel a little slow and boring.
- A little hit indicator such as making the enemy sprite flash white and maybe some screen shake would go a loong way making you feel more powerful and making the game more fun.
These are just tips because the game is great already! If you want to spend some more time with it to make it even better I think some of my tips will help. Hope you can check my game as well :D
Very reminiscent of Crypt of the Necrodancer, really like the art and concept but i felt like the inputs were a bit off so i could never consistently get into the flow state rhythm games like this need, so maybe some better and more clear windows for when you can move would make this really good, also I'm not sure if its bugged or that was the last stage but the one with the two hearts and two enemies i could not win and there isn't an end screen so I'm not sure.
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I think the objectives in the first stage were a little too hard and as for the bosses not feeling like a real challenge that's kinda what I was going for since its overall very silly and the player does stupid actions that somehow easily kill gods, i thought about adding health to the player to make it more challenging but I don't think that would work at all (also the lighting is some weird Unity stuff it was lighter before I built it and I didn't have time to fix it). But im glad you enjoyed it and yes the dances and verses are probably my favorite part as well :D