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Peter Kaku

A member registered Jan 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun idea and very well put together!

Pretty funny and very slick execution! The giant lazer is huge fun to zap with! Only critique is it was hard to tell how much damage I was doing to the "protagonists"

Thanks! It took a while to tune the parameters to make it hard but not impossible. Thanks for the feedback :D

What a charming little game! A great mechanic with lots to explore!

Indeed, I did not have enough time to add mechanics! I have a few ideas in the works though to make it more controllable...

I love this sort of physics movement, and this game implemented it well. Good job!

Really great feel and atmosphere!

Thanks :D

Aha, fancy seeing you here! I daresay we'll accidentally enter the same jam again in the future haha

Great style, and pretty well polished! Made me laugh a few times :) At one point I dragged the gravity window offscreen and got stuck - might want to have a look at that

Yes, there's a certain nack to it I think :D

I appreciate that ^^

Love this - the mechanic is super fun and satisfying! Not to mention the art. I think the difficulty curve was well implemented

Very satisfying. I'm a sucker for a grappling hook :D

Both cool ideas to extend the game! I have a few ideas for improving the movement system that I didn't incorporate due to time restrictions

Love the idea of buidling a modular character! I also like how the larger the character is, the more difficult it is to avoid enemies, which is a nice trade-off

Thanks! Yes, perhaps I should have made that clearer


Brilliant graphics! Reminds me of a children's story book :) Goal was intuative too, without need for instruction

Dude you gotta change the scaling algorithn for the pixel art!

Really intuative and rewarding! Would be nice to have some warning when a red line is about to appear!

Had me laughing! Great concept and good execution. WOuld have been nice to see the satibilty increase as a reward for getting rid of a heavy thing

That first level had me laughing and was a great tutorial! I can see this being a decent game with more levels and polish :)

Well explained and great style! Would have liked to see some more challenging levels

nice simple style! Didn't feel much like I was working towards a goal

Lots of room for mastery here! But difficulty curve is too steep

Really tricky! But looks and feels great :)

I agree

On the third level, each respawn started an extra version of the soundtrack!

Wow, this was a very cosy little experience :)

Love that parallax!

Simple but effective :)

Very cool visuals!