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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello. Thanks for trying out the app.

Regarding your suggestions:

  1.  I've been working on a toolbar for my game UI. I guess that testing it in the generator is not a bad idea. I'll probably do it in next version.
  2.  That bug has been pointed out. It will definitely be fixed in next version.
  3. The exporter creates one file for each animation when the character is wielding a "large" weapon. I tried to explain the reasoning behind this decision in version 0.4 devlog.
  4. There are more animations created for LPC characters (running, climbing, jumping and sitting). Unfortunetly there are very few clothes adapted for this animations. That's why I haven't included them in the generator.

Thank you for taking the time to help me.

Take care.

I'm not plannig on adding more animations to the app.

As I said before, there are running, climbing, jumping and sitting animations already made, but they have considerably very few clothes for those animations, and that made me take that decision.

Sure, running animations would be cooler, but to me, more clothing options was way more important.

Sorry for the delay in the response.

What happens when you write something in the "File name:" text box and press the "Save" button?

(There's no need to fill the "Save as type:" text box).


there are already a couple posts with the same problem.

Unfortunately, I don't know the reason for the issue (I also don't have many info on the issue).

What's your OS?

Does  a "Save file" dialog appears when you click the export button?

If so, can you save/load characters ?

Do you have anything on the log file (in windows it's in %AppData%) ?

Hi, thanks for the interest.

It is possible to create new races or modify the existing ones.

If you open the chargen.pak file (it is a zip file) you can see how everything is defined in json files, and all the used textures.

Also, if you create a "data" folder in the app folder, and unzip the contents of the pak file to this folder, the app uses the lose files instead of the single archive.

This way anyone can try to add/modify things in the app.

I never wrote a guide detailing the process of creating a new race, but, for now, by checking the existing ones, and some patience, you can modify almost everything in the characters.

I haven't published the code to github yet. In the past the code was a bit messy and I wanted to clean it first. After I did clean it, I started building on it, trying to build a working game prototype. I think it now needs to be simplified a lot. Otherwise it would be a game engine (a simple game engine) and a demo application.

Time will tell.

Thank you for using the app, and even more for liking it.

The original goblin head I used had no die animation. I just rechecked and it is now done. I'll include it in next update.

Since v0.7 you can define the layout of the exported spritesheets.

It requires some configuration but it is working.

The base for that feature was RPGMaker (although I don't know if it was RPGMaker MZ), so maybe you're already covered.

Please see the v0.7 notes carefully, and check if this is what you need.

Sorry for tooking so long to reply.

Glad you liked the app so far.

Does the arrow keys or WSAD doesn't work for you? Or am I misunderstanding you ?

The animations implemented are walk, slash, thrust, shoot, cast, die. (you can test the animations with the keys 1-5, and backspace (use 5 to came back to life). You can check the keys in the initial app page in, or by pressing F1 in the app.

If you are asking if it is possible to integrate some kind of AI image generation in this app, I don't even know where to start. It was never in the goals of the app.

If you are asking if you can use the images obtained with this app as a base to create new images with a AI algorithm, I truly don't know.... I got all these assets from, and they are very mindfull regarding how their assets are credited.

Best check the rules in, and when in doubt credit everyone.

Hope I answered you question.

I guess it is possible, but it would be a convoluted proccess.

First you would need to create the image, with the some colors already used on the body images (that's where current heads take their color from).

Then you would need to create a new race to use that head.

It doesn'd seem difficult, and is certainly doable, but there's so much details that anyone would get many, many errors until it would be done.

Depending on avaliable time, I'll try to think on something for future versions.

Thank you very much. Appreciated.

Regarding the running animations. short answer is: sadly no.

There is a project by Death's Darling, called LPC Revised that has running, climbing and sitting animations. Unfortunately, even thought there's plenty clothing options in LPC Revised, there's not as many as I gathered here. Most important, the clothing is not 100% compatible with my version of LPC, and I'm not planning to mass convert so many assets as I have done already.

Regarding the export problem, I'm at a loss here. If you run the app from a command prompt, does the program writes any error messages ?

Hello, glad you liked the app.

Every race defined in the generator doesn't use all possible combinations of body and heads because I thought that it looked weird (for example, a skinny minotaur). However, by editing the race files (*.race) that can be done (Hope I understood your question).

Regarding the owl head, I haven't found any yet. If I do, I'll gladly add new race for it.

Also, the Godot Addon sure is a sweet piece of work. Playing With Godot might took some inspiration from this app, but it stands on it's own now and you can only praise his work.

Hmmm, I staticaly link all the libraries (except the one included in the zip) to avoid these kind of problems....

Maybe you don't have the C++ runtime I used to build the app.

I builded it with Visual Studio 2015. Do you have this runtime version installed ?

It's being worked on. Stay tunned for next update.

Hello TS,

I checked the issue, and the bug is really on me. I didn't include the special animations when I rewrote the export process in v0.7

Sorry for the trouble.

That way, there's no quick fix for the problem, except to implement it. I'm already doing it and expect to release it this week.

On another note, it's amazing that you explored the app data files and experimented with it. That was really cool. Thanks a lot.

Hmmm,  sorry I hadn't considered that requirement.

I will implement that option in the next update.

Yes there is.

The ini file has a setting named "export_individual_sheets". Set it to "true".

Thanks for trying the application.

Many thanks for your kind words.

Hoping for success and fun in your gamedev journey.


sorry for the delay answering.

When I first tried to build a game, I wanted a 3D space game, where you commanded a small ship, with a small crew (something like Firefly), where you could also walk inside.

And I soon became overwhelmed with the quantity of assets that I was requiring (models, animations, textures, sound effects).

I tried to use as many assets as I could find on the net (mostly, but soon reached a point where all the assets didn't work well together. Which was really expected, since there was no creative direction in the asset creation.

So I became disappointed and quiet for a while.

Later, I thought that I should tone down the game a bit (a LOT, really) and went looking for 2D assets. I found LPC the best free option, so I started messing with it.

In the process of developing the character equipment system, I started having fun and went too far with the scope of it.

It ended in the generator, which consumed a lot of time (and the game is stopped again :)).

I hope I answered your question.

Take care.

Glad you liked it.

I havent't release the source code yet. I'm meaning to do it, but first I'm getting around to cleaning it (it's a bit over complicated).

Seems I need to learn more about AppImage than the script I made.

I'm gonna take a look into it. Thanks for the info.

Nope. Only the first and second (the second is the first with different color sets) has a thrust animation.

You can use the app to test this. Press:

1 - Test slash animation

2 - Test reverse slash animation

3 - Test thrust animation

SPACE - Only play a valid weapon animation (randomly if there are more more than one)

If the character plays the animation empty handed, that weapon doesn't has the respective animation.

Hello Da Flarf,

1. since version 0.4, when the character is wielding a large weapon (one that does not fit in the single image spritesheet), the app creates one file for each animation.

Creating a spritesheet with large weapons, would create a extremely large file with mostly blank space.

2. The creators of the LPC sprites created almost all weapons only one animation. Only a couple have more than one animation (sword, halberd and dagger come to mind).

If the app doesn't show the weapon in that animation (in this specific case, key '3') it will not be on the image.

Hope this clarifies the issues.

I didn't know of any LPC guns, but you made me look again and I found a pack that has a couple.

Unfortunetly it's male only, and would require some tinkering, because they change the walk animation.

I'll give it a try. I'm curious to see it working in the existing system.

Let's see if something cames out of it.

There another post with a similar situation happening on Windows, so I'm assuming you're also on Windows.

The fact is I could not yet reproduce the error. Guess I better roll up a Windows VM to try to see and debug the error.

Sorry for the trouble.

Hi. Sorry for the late reply.

Unfortunetly I have no plans to implement localization in the immediate future. When I get a better understanding of what's involved, maybe I'll give it a try, but for now there's other stuff I'd like to implement first.

Thank you for your interest.

Thanks for the info. The problem in now fixed in version 0.7.1.

Sorry for the trouble.

Just one thing... When the character is holding a 'large' weapon (most staffs) the generator never creates the universal sheet, but instead creates individual sheets for each animation.

Stay tuned for the next update. It will implement these requests.

Hmmm.... the log file in   C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\LPC\   says anything useful?

Is the select folder dialog shown ?

Does the character saving/loading works ?

Because it's much easier, the authors of those sprites usually mirror the left and right animations (I'm guilty of that myself).

The bodies sprites are also mirrored, except for the shiny spot on the head.

If I find that I can script a solution to the issue, I'll surely fix that in the future.


The running animation is  not on my plans. Even though there are running and sitting animations for the base bodies, there's hardly any clothing made for those animations.


Can you explain what is happening, and the equipment you are using, please?

I don't know if it will help, but the chargen.pak is a zip file. You can extract the assets and check the layers of the cloaks (they are in textures/gear/back/cape)

Hi. I'm glad you like the tool.

Regarding the issues you pointed out:

1. I'll look into it.

2. In the chargen.ini file, the parameter "export_individual_sheets" does this. This is just one of the settings I ended up never documenting. :(

3. I'll do somothing about this in the next version. I think the UI has so many elements already that I was pleased to replace the v0.4 buttons with the combos. But I also think you are right. If you just want to browse all the options, the comboboxes becomes annoying.

Thanks for the feedback.

ImageMagick might not be the solution for your problem, or maybe I didn't understand it yet.

That said, version 0.4 made this possible (and I completely forgot to mention it).

In the chargen.ini file, the parameter "export_individual_sheets" does this. Set it to true, and see if that solves your problem.

Thanks for the interest.

Regarding your suggestions:

1. I'm trying to understand what you mean here. Are suggesting that the app also exports a file with the frames coordinates that compose each animation?

2. Yes. I also mean to do that. My plans are to build two buttons. One to randomize bodies and one to randomize the clothing. That way you can randomize the clothes of a fixed character, build several characters using the same uniform, or randomize everything using the two buttons.

3. Definitely. That's what I'm working on now. The arrows are bugging me also. When there were few items, it was ok, but now it's really bothersome.

4. Hmm, it's not happening to me, but i'll try on another machine with another OS, to try to catch it.

Again, thanks a lot for the input.

(1 edit)

Beeing the insightul person that I am, I only saw the idle animation after I had implemented my own version. I also lost some days creating modular heads for the bodies, only to see that Universal Spritesheet Generator v3 had done that already         :(

Elf ears are allowed for Dark Elfs only (but they are called Long Ears). Maybe I should also apply the on the Demon race...

The sizes are indeed diferent. The character combat sprites are 64x64. The large weapons take 3 times that space 192x192.

The weapon is arranged in the center block, and the character image is overlaid in the center block also.

I hope this image explains it better

The purple region is the weapon sprite and the blue region the character sprite.

Thanks for the kind words.

Thank you for your interest.

Regarding sprites, I'm currently implementing most of the missing items from Universal LPC Character Generator (that is by far the most time consuming task). 

Code wise, I've considering open-sourcing the code. I've not done so yet because this tool is a by-product of a game I'm making, so it uses way too many things not needed for such a purpose (for instance, the entityX library). Any newcomer to the code would call me crazy.

Anyway, i think it's a matter of time for me to finally do it, and you can check the code.

I know that ImageMagick can be a bit frighting, so, I tried a possible command to extract and scale the walk animation. Hope it works for you, and if so, you can include it in your workflow.

magick -extract 576x256+0+512 female_universal.png -scale 200% female_walk.png

If you wish to use LPC sprites in your project, you will need to credit everyone who helped contribute to the LPC sprites you are using.

If you wish to credit me or this tool, that is appreciated, but not required.