thank you !!
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Game Title/URL: Luna Tone
Pitch/Information: A soundtoy/music box where you control the moon's effect on the tides, and place trinkets in the world. (Cycles = moon phases, sine waves, and repetitive motion).
I'd like feedback on: Anything! Please let me know whatever thoughts you have.
I need help on: Ideas for more interactive/interesting ways to use audio in games/things like this? In Unity specifically but also in general.
Thanks for playing!!
I love the music and the animations like the door between the levels, the actual gameplay felt pretty non-interactive cause it seemed like the level layouts didn't make much difference and then I press attack and wait for the end, maybe I'm doing something wrong - I think with more to control and maybe a speed up option it could be good fun!! Good job. I was dancing the whole time I played lol
I love this take on the fishing idea, and it looks so beautiful. Controlling the fish was nice but I would get a little disoriented when it got turned upside down a bit. Shark was pretty spooky felt like it was always behind me. Really good for 48 hours, I would definitely play it if it was tuned up just a little