haha the light post is tricky for sure!
Thanks for giving the game a try!
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Hey everyone if you are interested in a full run through of this game we have the complete session recorded over on YT. I will post the link if you would like to see the complete game start to finish.
SAYOR (Spoil at your own risk)
Part of the fun is seeing the different ways that everyone comes up with getting past an obstacle!
Well that is pretty cool! I tried z and for some reason alt was only working for me.
I wonder if in the character select screen instead of using a cursor to select your character options if you could just do it more like a menu. Arrows to change between the options and then a confirm button.
Either way good job! I'll have to look into GB studio, seems like a cool engine.
I think you were only suppose to have a max team of 5... but there were a lot more people listed in the credits... ;)
Credits were hilarious. All joking aside the game was pretty good! Hit boxes felt good and everything seemed to work well. Just wishing there was more levels, enemies or mechanics. Great job!
This has for sure been one of the most fun games. It really sucks you in. I definitely feel like there are some balancing things that need to be tweaked but those are always hard with this type of game. For example if you get a few of the basic upgrades and then just focus on movement speed you can clear the level so fast all the other upgrades seem pointless.
I got to the point where I was clearing a map in less then a second, and rarely even firing at any enemies.
I still had a ton of fun playing and would love to see where this goes in the future! Great job!
Cool game. The art and whole thematic was really well put together. The settings menu and art looked awesome.
The game play was a bit frustrating which I think is the point, I felt like sometimes I was able to shoot and gain height really easy, and other times I just couldn't and I am not too sure why (probably just a skill issue).
Seems like we had similar ideas on games for this one! Great job!
Cool game! I would love to be able to attack in different directions, also throwing was pretty OP, you could pretty much just dash back and forth as fast as possible, its also way easier to move that way (at least horizontally).
Pretty cool game though! You should be proud of it for sure! Great job!
I thought the game wasn't loading, but it eventually loaded after a while. It is a cool idea for a game, it is a bity tricky because the mouse goes off the screen and is a bit hard to control. Also the running into things screen shake and noise is a bit much. Maybe an option to turn that off would be good just because after a little bit it started making my head hurt.
The concept and functionality was pretty cool though! Great job, fun game!
Good game! The art is really good, the always falling over mechanic was pretty infuriating, but I get why you had to have it like that, it just made the brick platforming level a little difficult. The game overall was pretty smooth and fun to play. I was a bit confused on the last level, there was no indication of health or anything so I wasn't even sure I was doing it right until I won. Also on the last level the get up mechanic seemed to be bugged because I if I fell over I wasn't able to get back up at all, just had to shoot around.
Overall great game good job!
Game is pretty fun. I agree no indicator or at least mouse is a little strange, but because you have inf ammo automatic cannon, it isn't that bad. I kept having a strange bug where the cannon would flip 180 randomly, but other then that seemed pretty good.
Also would be cool to have a health indicator on ships or something.
Great job!
Wow that was a fantastic game! I loved the puzzles and movement, very impressive for only 2 weeks worth of work!
Really felt like a full game despite it only being a few puzzles, great progression.
Only thing I would have liked is if the map showed you what you had already picked up, or maybe let you mark off where you had been or something.
Great game, loved it!
Very fun survivor type game! I beat it first try!
The mobs look great and the music and sfx were awesome.
Could just be a browser issue, but once there were a lot of mobs that were spawned the game started lagging a lot, which made it difficult to play.
Also it seems like the drop rates on health items and magnets were very high. I was getting a magnet pretty consistently and never felt the need to have to go pick up XP myself because I knew a magnet would show up soon.
Overall great game! Keep at it!
Sorry getting this error, and I can't run :(
Could be a me issue, idk.
Error The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
this is my browser:
Sorry I can't run this game :(
I am getting this error in my browser:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
This is my browser:
spooky spooky.
Yeah lighting is a bit tricky in the browser and the mouse sensitivity seems a bit high, it makes it kind of hard to make little turns (this also could be because the game wouldn't full screen and I had to play it in the small window, and that was causing some mouse sensitivity stuff idk).
Anyway, cool game, keep at it!
Hey cool little game, fun puzzle!
I agree with @planschi it would be cool if you could see like maybe 1 room around you any items that are inside or something. It does feel a bit random at first just clicking into random rooms, and kind of takes away some initial strategy that you could have.
Overall cool game though! Great job!