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A member registered Nov 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you a lot for the feedback, I can't express how happy I am that is actually fun

When I click on UI buttons, my character attacks

Yeah, that was lazyness on my part, creating all those systems in such a short time span really exhausted me to the point that I just wanted to release it already

When I wanted to assign my potion, I was only allowed to assign it to 1 or 2, but I wanted Q

That is a tricky issue to fix, which I'll have to think about, but all the keys are rebindable in the settings menu, so that is hopefully a good enough fix for the time being

This looks and sounds pretty early, like a pseudo gameplay version so I'm assuming a real version would save your progress on a server

 Well... sorry to break your expectations, but the game is meant to be singleplayer/offline only, it is supposed to simulate an MMORPG(similar to crosscode and the sword art online games), but there will be a save functionality, just have to figure out how I want to implement it

Again, thank you for taking your time to write the feedback!

Rated based on the very limited time I had with this game, I got to level3, so the platforming is difficult, can't say it is fun, the character controls weirdly, slides on platforms, gets caught in collision, I completed the robot in level 3, but couldn't figure out how to get past the wall to the next level, not sure if there was a button or a lever I could pull, but I didn't see it, the music is nice but doesn't really fit the game(at least there was no story to explain the sad music), the robot splitting is a nice mechanic and could go in interesting directions, again, I couldn't get past level3 (I played the robotto v2)

I played around 5minutes as my laptop was going into overdrive, for starters, the map is too big with nothing going on, I have no clue what I was supposed to be doing, I picked up the weapons but left click doesnt do anything / can't fire the gun, the motion blur doesn't really help, the devlog says there are enemies, but again, the map is so big that I couldn't find them, the character leaning when you move the camera up or down is a nice touch, the character controls okay, overall a lot of work is still left to do for it to be called a game, I hope this doesn't discourage you from gamedev but there wasn't a lot to judge here

For a game being marketed to kids, it is good, the mouse cursor is a bit sluggish, the SFX do get a bit boring to listen to after a while, and the background does get a bit stale after a while, but overall it is a nice game. (also you got my hopes up a bit with the pictures as I thought it was a connect 4 type of game rather than tic-tac-toe)

I haven't gotten very far, just before the first zombie horde, the card almanac I haven't really had a need to use, I got the hang of the game pretty quickly, it was nice to have it, the way I played was, make multiple weapons and only use them to fight the enemy, if I got a hand full of consumables, then I would just end my turn doing nothing, there is a nice risk vs reward for that, one thing that was kinda annoying was the constant waiting to do stuff, I can understand why you did it, as time seems to matter, but from a players perspective, it's boring to just wait for the 3 items to be picked up, one by one, considering that there are a lot of cards, it builds up, everything I do takes time(like in a real world sense, every pick up takes a short while). 

The map, if you are going for a story oriented game, then it's fine, keep it as is, but if you are making a real survival game, consider changing up the map on every playthrough, I got used to the map and pretty much started speedrunning it to get to the point I was before I died, this is where having to wait for every action I take built up and just decided to start using the game editor(sorry), then I lost interest(this is totally on me for cheating)

Nice and fun, wouldn't mind having this on my phone, tutorial would be nice but it didn't take long to figure out what to do, the electric particle effects could be a bit more noticeable and you could consider adding a warning to when it is goin to happen rather than just happening when you defeat the big ghost, due to it's simplicity, I don't see myself playing it for longer than 30minutes in one sitting, maybe there could be some rewards that you could buy with points that you get(something similar to fruit ninja if you know that game), overall a great simple game, quite satisfying to play

Quite a nice game, the tutorial is decent and the mechanics of the game are easy to understand, one minor issue I had, was that at some points there were too many cards at the same time, became a bit difficult to navigate them and to keep track of what I had searched, also with crafting the sharp sticks, I couldn't understand whether they can stack or not, I just kept pressing craft, but I wasn't sure if anything happened, if nothing happened when pressing craft, inform me that nothing happened(the same issue is in my game) and if something happened, the show me that it happened, if you can have multiples of an item, consider adding a number next to their icon that shows me how many I have, overall a great game

Thank you for the feedback, at the start of the jam the concept seemed feasible to make, needless to say, I underestimated how ambitious I was with the project, which lead to crunching on the last day to make something that resembled a game, if it isn't too much of me asking, what are your thoughts on the combat?