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A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing, and I appreciate your feedback! In our original design there were cranks on all four corners so you could always move to the closest crank, but some script designs made that functionality...problematic so we scrapped it. It would've been fun if Father Time had moved up and down or around the platforms, that would've been very dynamic!

I think making a combo system would be an excellent idea!

Haha I appreciate the comment! I wanted to make something ready to pick up and play for a couple of minutes whenever you had time. 

I wanted to make a basic music/volume settings page, but I couldn't due to time constraints. Next time for sure!

Thank you so much guys for taking the time to play! I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you had fun!

I appreciate the well thought out response!

I agree that the AI definitely needs some work. Our team was very surprised at how difficult it was to make cohesive enemy logic when many of the platforms they travel around could "disappear" and "reappear". Our solution was definitely one of the solutions ever designed, but it was a good learning experience nonetheless.

Putting the tutorial instructions on the screen during a first playthrough is a brilliant idea, I wish I had thought of it!

Fun fact, there actually IS logic to make the player rotate with the gears! I can't remember if it is still active or not, but it is definitely in the code buried somewhere. 

Again, thanks for playing. :)

Thank you for playing! Yes, I agree that the view definitely needs some work. My team's original idea was to emulate the style of the Mushroom Mix-Up minigame from Mario Party, but it didn't turn out quite as clean as I was hoping. 

Thank you so much for that great feedback! I was thinking about putting a small white outline on the ground where the player would land to help the player gauge their location. With your feedback, looks like I definitely should do that! 

I'm glad you found the game satisfying to play, I tried to add as much juiciness as I could in the time I had. :)

Thank you for the feedback -- I completely agree. The isometric camera looked pretty cool visually, but it was difficult to gauge depth and where the player was.

Unfortunately by the time the team realized this it was too late to change something as integral as the camera. Oh well, lessons learned for the next project!

Thank you for playing! Originally the enemies were much heavier and dealt damage on impact, but those were eventually changed to make the player feel like they had more control of the game's pacing. You could get dogpiled and launched off the gears pretty easily, but maybe I should reconsider bringing that back!

Thank you very much! Always wishing I could've done more, but I'm proud of what I have nonetheless. I appreciate you playing! :)

There were a TON of enemies all spawned in on frame 1. Is that intended?

The narrator reminds me of Stanley Parable. Very funny!

I enjoyed the eating sound effect a lot LOL. Upgrade system is always a plus too!

The sound effects that played when the generator was getting damaged were very well done, conveyed a sense of urgency!

Music was boppin, mechanics were interesting, but the player moves obscenely slowly. It felt like I could never get anything done!

The gear box puzzles are actually kinda fun but the platforming makes it really difficult to execute level completion

That intro cutscene was awesome. I love camera manips that show the world scale like that!

Genuinely I feel like this idea could be expanded upon as a great puzzle game. More watches with different internal configurations? Untapped market!

I love the lore, I just wish the game felt better to play. Good work!

This would be a cool co-op game

I wish there were come kind of sound effects. That would've enhanced the game a LOT! Not bad anyway though, good job. :)

Truly the pinnacle of sound design. It really grinds my gears when people don't put as much thought into sound design as you.

Very fun idea! I think this could be pretty cool with some expansion. It felt nice to play.

Pretty good foundation! I wish the gears didn't rust QUITE as fast, I didn't feel like I had the chance to get enough gears before I was all rusted out.

I love the lil' guy we play as. He looks very strung out. Good job!

I genuinely had a blast with this one. I love resource management games, and this scratched that itch. My biggest complaint is that the game ended!

I wish the mechanics were more adequately explained. I struggled to even beat the first level because I didn't understand all of the tools at my disposal.

There is quite a high level of jank lmao. I liked the art though, it was fun to look at!

Climbing walls this way was innovative and fun! My biggest complaint is that it can be hard to move underneath platforms because you'll cling to the sides. Also the timer is VERY tight on a lot of the levels.

Whew, close one. ;)

gear clicker simulator 2000 is an excellent pinnacle of modern gaming

Not bad at all! I was fortunately able to beat it first try, and there weren't too many outstanding bugs. Good work.

Mean ol' teacher. The feel of this game was great lol, reminded me of middle school.

I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do, and there's no cooldown for the player whenever they take damage. I touch something bad, and I'm dead in three frames. I wish I could see more of the game!

Fun concept! I am the king of rotations, 1000+ strong. Look and feel was excellent!

I struggled with these puzzles. It seems like I should be able to rotate objects, but I can't.

The visuals are incredible. This game is a joy to look at! Even after reading the instructions and playing a couple of rounds, this game was difficult to understand. Perhaps some clarification of instructions would be helpful?

Showstopper of a release. Insane that you were able to get this level of fun and polish in just a few days. Very fun game!

Honestly this felt way smoother to play than I was expecting. The character is kind of floaty, that's the only thing that felt kind of off. Very nice job!

This game was great! Sometimes the lack of agency when it came to player movement was frustrating, but nothing was impossible. I beat the game in 276 seconds!