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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah I thought the same thing as I was submitting lol.. if I could add one more thing before I submitted the reset button would have been it. Thanks for the comment!

I wasn't really thinking about controller support at the time (seriously ran out of time on this one due to bugs lol) but if it's easy to implement I could look into it! I know there's some issues with the collision as well but yeah ran out of time before I could fix everything. Thanks for playing!

Cool atmosphere/vibes to this one! I think it helped a lot with setting the narrative up. The dialogue/text effects were pretty cool too.

Some constructive feedback:

If you rub against objects, you can make lines appear in the environment between tiles. Look into pixel perfect camera in unity to solve this, could also maybe be your collisions somehow but not sure.

I had to backtrack a lot when I found out I didn't have 20 warmth (missed the one behind the house and didn't know you could take it from the campfire). Maybe throw a few extra in or another campfire? You did a good job by placing them near the path though.

The overall art style is nice, but I think some of the assets clash a little. For example the characters are almost as tall as the trees that seem like they're supposed to be pretty well sized; the scale seems off. LOD/shading choices seem to be inconsistent a little bit as well, for example some snow-piles/rocks are shaded and some aren't and the trees seem a lot more detailed than anything else.

Interesting concept, and I like the graphics. I think you could improve the game by making less bees in the swarm so that you had to think more about how to avoid the flies and avoid dying, as the others said here I found the game pretty much impossible to lose.

I wasn't able to replicate it when it occurred unfortunately, and I'm not sure anymore since it's been a few hours. Sorry to be unhelpful even though I left a comment about it.

Whoah, cool atmosphere you built with this one. Overall the combat mechanics are pretty fun! I ended up making it to around 3000 score. I like it.

If I had to add one criticism, it would be that the player is somewhat difficult to see because he's the same color and value as the background, as well as being able to get very close to the edges of the camera. 

Interesting premise, enjoyed the game. I think I wish my paddle was a bit faster, because it would allow me to catch balls for a little longer (since at a certain point, fireballs will spawn where you aren't physically capable to catch all of them, causing you to lose). 

Cute game! I like how the slimes can fall out of the trees lol. There was a bug that caused me to not be able to add logs to the fire anymore, but I wasn't able to figure out how to reproduce it.

Great artistry here (art, music, animations) and the levels are well done! If I were to have one criticism, the jump animation feels a little bit unresponsive or laggy (it feels like you start jumping a second after you actually press the button). Pretty well done game!

Impressive 2.5d visuals and music, especially for a jam game. The one thing I could say that you could add is a way to drop through the platforms.

Impressive 2.5d visuals and music, especially for a jam game. The one thing I could say that you could add is a way to drop through the platforms.

I know it ended up looking a little unfinished in places (shop UI and sound particularly) due to overscoping, but nonetheless I feel like the game systems and unique concept you were able to make were pretty cool for the amount of time you had. The presentation looked really nice as well. Good job!

Cool concept, I like how you combined survival aspects with the normal card game mechanics. There were some bugs for me with the card drawing, and if I passed the turn the UI text would end up stacking on top of each other? Other than that, nice little game.

(2 edits)

I only died once I think (on the first block you can run into), so it took me around the same amount of time that the song / auto-scroller takes to play. Maybe a minute or a minute and a half total?

I think it's okay for the game to be somewhat short since you only had 72 hours to make it. Personally, I think short, polished games are nice in jams because I plan on playing and rating maybe 20-30 submissions, and it's better to play that type of game rather than a game with a lot of frustrations or misunderstandings but ends up taking longer because of it. 

In the end, if you still feel like it's a little short, you could consider adding more levels.

EDIT: Although after reading the other comments on how you ended up implementing the note blocks, It feels like making each individual level could end up taking a long time, so I can see why you only had time to make one.

Cool game! I think the pacing was done pretty well, but I wish that the temperature regen was a little bit faster. I like the trade-off between making a fire and having to find them.

Cool game! I think the pacing was done pretty well, but I wish that the temperature regen was a little bit faster. I like the trade-off between making a fire and having to find them.

I like the minimalist aesthetic and simple platforming gameplay. Fun to play, not much other feedback since I feel like what was done was done well.

(1 edit)

Cool game! I like the ambience and artwork. I feel like the cat treat bars should drain a little bit slower in the beginning to get players used to playing though since there's a lot going on at once.

Cool concept, interesting use of limitation ("scores") lol.  

(4 edits)

Cool ambience, I like the way the rain and audio make for a "desperate" feeling. I think I got stuck here in a room where there's 2 logs that I can't get past, though?

The aesthetic / coloring is great! I feel like the amount of time to warm the beacon could be sped up, though. I feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over after a little bit. Cool concept.

The aesthetic / coloring is great! I feel like the amount of time to warm the beacon could be sped up, though. I feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over after a little bit. Cool concept.

Interesting game, I liked the visuals. The projectiles are a little bit fast though so it's hard to react to the cops! I kept dying to the first one and since you die in one hit before you buy anyone it ends up being pretty punishing.

Fun little story. I feel like it would be great if you added some ambience (audio-wise) to it as well.


Hi, I would like to submit late. 

Here is the link, it's set to public:

Thank you!

Very chaotic lol. I actually came back to this one because I didn't understand it at first but slamming the helicopters felt pretty cool after I got what it was.

Thank you :)

I agree with the feedback about the background. I was debating either drawing a looping one or adding some kind of camera effect + motion lines like the ones in anime when you're in the air for a few seconds, just didn't have enough time to add it by the deadline.

I like the mechanics and think the initial difficulty curve is designed well. I played until I got 10,000 points, after which I decided to quit because I felt like it was not getting any more difficult after a while.

Overall enjoyed it, and I kind of think it's cute how the spider is defending a donut lol.

(1 edit)

I left you a comment and rating. Feel free to play mine and leave a rating as well :)

(2 edits)

I like the starfox-esque aesthetic! Pretty fun. Sometimes it was hard to react to the webs for me depending on where the opening was so I didn't end up getting super far, though.

Clean mechanics! I got really far in the last level but wasn't able to beat it after like 10-15 minutes lol. It was fun though.

Pretty fun! I like how you can move up and down on the web lol. 

Level three was kind of hard so I ended up stopping there.

Really cool mechanics on this one. Once you learn them, it feels fun to basically start speedrunning the obstacles lol.

Nice visuals! It can get a little hard near the bottom where you can die if you go under the screen though.

I like how you can "build up" your webs to make a structure out of it. Really cool! I feel like I don't understand why my entire web breaks sometimes though :(.

Art is amazing and game is pretty fun. Kind of reminds me of QWOP in a way... lol.

Art is amazing and game is pretty fun. Kind of reminds me of QWOP in a way... lol.

Presentation was amazing on this one, short but sweet. Good work!

Pretty unique game! I ended up getting around 260 score. I wish I had something to move faster though, I keep getting dragged to the left when I play it seems.