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A member registered Aug 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really fun, and cool physics. It felt good to blast into the air and snipe the enemies. Took a few tries but I made it to the top!

This is amazing for a game jam, super polished. A lot of fun. Great job!

Now that was an experience. 5/5. I had a good time. Only thing I would change is the collisions for some of the object or the player seemed big, and spawning stuff from the bottom of screen doesn't give very much time to react and avoid it. I actually really like the buildings going by at the start of the level for some reason

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does the lightning prioritize lower level buildings? Got to level 47. It seemed like the biggest towers stopped spawning the big guys for some reason

Woah this is a really unique take on the theme! Really cool idea, art is great, sounds are nice. Fun to play, good job! Nicely organized UI  too. I like how to little guys also move when you use the wind, that's a nice touch that makes the game feel really cohesive. I wish I could choose where the lightning goes lol

thank you for playing! Yeah I think it is a bit difficult, the rng can be harsh at times too


The art is really good, made in 1 week is insane. Good job!

Thank you for the feedback! I have some ideas to improve this game once the jam is over. I agree with you. Overall it does need more explaining to the player, and it may be less frustrating to start with half health or something instead of nothing. Got a few ideas to have the overall progression more engaging. Thanks for checking it out!

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The audio and visuals are amazing. The gameplay is good, basically Kuru Kuru Kururin?

The more I played the better I liked it, except when I died lol. Kinda reminds me of only up

pretty fun. Fits the theme well, after playing a bit I was camping the coins by the cloud and it gets a bit scary because you don't know when he'll get mad, lol. 

Cute game, seeing in your other reply that you originally had a big scope for this, I could see how this could be a bigger game. Maybe some balance changes for a post jam version? anyway good job!

This is really cool. I love the artstyle it looks amazing. Fun game all around. Only thing I would change would be a distance to the tasks by the arrows so I can do the closest ones first

Nice game! The physics of the ufo were well done. Also thought the ambiance was perfect. Really great visuals!

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Great game, it's satisfying to collect the monsters and watch them grow. Only thing I would change is to have the player be a little less slidey, but that's a minor nitpick. The art is really well done too.