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A member registered Oct 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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I was wondering what the bones were for! Also, they didn't seem to disappear when collected them.

I found it a little punishing to get to the lifejacket and first aid kit, only to realize I've missed an item or two and can't get back because there's no safe platform to jump to. Falling to your doom isn't an option because there's also a checkpoint there and dieing resets progress to that point anyway.

Negatives aside, this looks like it could be a cool story game solving puzzles to get to the end.

You have a great core here from a graphic, audio, and mechanical concept standpoint. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the jumping mechanic is very punishing to use due to its distance and cooldown. I get why the cooldown is there, but right now the vertical/horizontal distance provided by the jump doesn't seem to be balanced with the cooldown duration. I also could not get past the Ghost, I think you're supposed to attack him but using the attack did not provide the result I was expecting.

The death concept, though, allows for some great puzzle-solving shenanigans to the point that I could work around the jumping mechanic to make a string of dead bodies so I can just walk across the pit.

You've got a great base for a game here, I'd love to see it grow.

Cute game, has a couple of bugs with the UI (pressing Enter does nothing and the Pet Upgrades button doesn't not seem to do anything). This game also seems more active than what an idle game would suggest. Though I do see how it turns into an idle game once you get your pets.

Audio could be better with some munching sounds when you pick up munchies, also the Scooby Doo tracks are definitely Copyright Infringement.

Good effort, though!

Thanks for the feedback! This was my first attempt at making animations myself, definitely have more to learn!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I hadn't thought about using tethers as a means of stopping enemies if they're intersecting the path, something to think about. Campfire would give the Arrow Tower flaming arrows if you tethered it to one (Ice Block would cause Arrow Towers to slow enemies).

And I agree, the drawback for only having one level is that it drops you in without any tutorial. That will change post jam.

Thanks! Yeah, I'll have to keep that in mind when I balance the game in the future.

Good project so far, there's definitely a real challenge in trying to click on objects and dodge the environment at the same time. Could use some polish/balancing with collisions and clicking on objects on the screen. Felt a little tooo precise.

It's a nice little puzzle-platformer that can start as a base for something more. I did encounter some bugs with the switch and collision between the two playable characters. I also didn't notice the intended method for getting through the third level until I saw the gameplay gif afterwards, but that's on me.

The game is also lacking audio, but overall there's potential here.

What if "Katamari" and "Ski Free" had a baby with some funky electro-funk music. Love it!

Could use an audio slider, though.

You definitely should have spent more time on this game rather than attempt to post a game on the first day.

There's no connection to the theme at all, the sliding mechanic seems to be buggy for some of the objects you're meant to slide under, there's no audio, which makes this feel like a janky generic infinite runner.

There's potential here, but it's been capped off at the knees before it can even be given a running start.

(1 edit)

Control scheme can make the game unplayable depending on the keyboard of the player (older keyboards limit the number of keys that can be pressed at the same time). Music is too loud (with no volume slider) and seems to be the only audio there is.

Looks promising, but definitely feels incomplete. There's a level that's just nothing but grey.

Game feels like it has a solid start, but it's missing a fail condition to solidify the loop.

Jump feels a little buggy (holding up slows your fall, seems like it's constantly apply upward force) but that intro got me in the feels. Good effort!

The game's world gives me Katamari and Cool Spot vibes, but holy crap is the music LOUD!

Thanks! I was struggling to decide whether I wanted to let the player jump or not and sorta put it on the back-burner while focusing on other systems. Will have another thought about it in the future.

As far as following the theme goes, it seems like the only thing potentially connecting this game to the theme is that collecting peanuts makes you bigger, but with no additional effects.

And it seems like getting bigger actually plays counter to the sliding mechanic, Which is not only difficult to perform (especially as you get bigger), but poorly explained to the player.

Graphics mesh well together, it doesn't feel like anything is out of place, audio is good as well if a little spartan (but sometimes less is more).

If you can explain the sliding mechanic better I think this game has potential, but for now it's just too frustrating for me.

The game feels more like a unfinished prototype than more of a complete game but there is enough there to understand the direction the game is going. 

The first level has the most complete vision but is also the most unfairly punishing of all the levels, the rest seem like they've been blocked out and ready for more content but there was not enough time.

Collisions are missing on some blocks and the minions that attach to you are difficult to manipulate, though with what I can only imagine are bugs with the minion counter once they do eventually fall into the dark void of space it doesn't seem to matter for completing the levels.

Audio is limited to minion death sound and a short looping music track which can get irritating if left going for too long.

All that negativity said, I do understand where this game is going and how it connects to the theme for this jam. There is some quirky fun potential here that, if given more time after the jam, could blossom into something fun.

Rough around the edges, but with polish could really be something. The combat had some inconsistent feedback where it would sometimes be hard to tell if I am actually doing damage with my sword swings or abilities. Sometimes the enemies would give little flashes and sometimes they didn't (the mage seemed to be the worst offender).

Thanks! I am thinking about what I'd like to do in the post-jam future with this.

Thanks for the feedback! I do wish I had spent some more time with balancing but also wanted to make sure mechanics worked.

Played around with 2.0, it's working really well! Though I have a couple of notes.

- If you save your model and then go to File>New, and then you try to save again it overwrites to the last save file you saved to without even prompting you about overwriting or asking what you want to save as. Lost a model due to it (not a big deal, I'm mostly playing around at this point and I know anything I make may not live)

- The scaling handlings (especially for up/down) like to moving in inrregular increments or directions contrary to how you move your mouse. It seems like rotating the camera can reset this behavior or may even occur at certain camera rotations. Can do more testing to narrow down what is going on.