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A member registered Oct 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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I also fell to Umi without standing a chance.

The small resolution on the itch page mixed with the fact that aiming stops working once the mouse leaves that area made it difficult to fight the bosses, since I was concentrating more on not getting hit than attacking.

Short, but good humor and some unexpected stuff!

Nice game! The art and music is great and I like that you tried something original in the combat system. Like others, I had a lot of problems with the controls. I think more visual indicators would have helped, indicating that there's 2 rows of enemies, showing which enemies an attack will target, etc.

Same, stuck after the intro.

Nice job! I liked the humor and puns! 

I made it to the ending on my third try. The first I tried evenly upping stats but ignored sanity too much. Second try I went all fortitude and met a quick end. Third try I went balanced stats while always keeping sanity at 5/5. But even then I was failing checks left and right. 

I think my main question is how the check system worked - was I passing some checks and just not being notified about it, or not seeing the notifications?

Is there a way to play any part of it?

Well put together game! Solid music, art, and gameplay. The controls were a little hard to figure out, and I still don't know why sometimes I can't place a ranged unit in a given location at one point, then later on can.

The learning curve was a bit hard at first, even though I read the how to on the title screen. It would've been useful to be able to access it through the pause menu.

Switching back and forth between keyboard controls and mouse controls wasn't a good experience, though it's one I'm guilty of in my game as well!

I liked stage 1-3, where they circle around you looking for an opening, and the demon attacks!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! 

You're absolutely right. We got to sfx ultra late, as you can see from our git history - the last 24 hours! We'll do better next time.

Thank you for playing!

> That the character changes at the beginning of the jump and speed after the transformation is really cleverly done.

Thank you! I really wanted to include that detail.

>  The level design is just right. 

Our gameplay/level designer joined the jam when it was halfway over with no game dev experience and did a great job! He has plenty of  design experience with non-video games and it translated perfectly.

Thank you for playing!

> The environment and characters don't match, which might have been a time-restraint issue, but even if you only use a similar color palette that can help with cohesiveness.

Our environment artist dropped out, and the artist we brought on as a replacement halfway through didn't have time to work on it, unfortunately. You're right, we could have done a better job with the 'programmer art' - we just didn't think it would be the final look, and there was too much to do the final days!

Thank you for playing!

> It seems there are multiple route you can take to clear the game, not sure if that was intended but it rewards creativity.

We wanted the second trip up to be much easier, where you could 'push up' through the barriers that had previously stopped you! Glad you liked that part!

> Personally, I prefer if the jump key is W or up arrow key instead of space. 

I will keep that in mind for next time, thank you!

Thank you for playing!

> On a side note it took me embarrassingly long time to realize that the direction I was facing was the reason some of my wall jumps were failing despite hugging the wall.

We knew this was an issue but didn't have enough time to rework wall jumping. We put a reminder in the pause screen. But really we should have had some in-game dialog reminding you near the first difficult wall jumps!

> I did find that the hitboxes on some of the blocks were a bit wonky though, especially the ones placed on top of the floating walls near the end.

Those almost had a last-minute redesign into being non-damaging spikes that you couldn't land on, but the physics was funky so we changed them back to hazards at the last minute. We should have caught that!

This is one of my favorite games so far! Great art, solid design, and it's a 'complete' game!

My favorite build was leaf blowers + triple cast + strong seeking. I saved up all my leaf blowers for the start of the round, then used them to take down as many enemies as possible, then I'd mop up the rest. I beat it with this build.

My nitpick with the gameplay is that enemies have so, so much HP. It makes the first few rounds, when there's only a few enemies, seem like they take forever.

I would have liked different controls for SFX vs Music. I like the music, but some of the SFX, particularly the barking, is a bit too harsh.

Beautiful environment art! Love the parallax background. The character art was good too!

The audio was a bit hit-or-miss - some of the sfx were too loud and there was no way to turn sfx down. The music was good. When you use magic against a high hp enemy the hit sound spams very loudly.

I tried to hit escape to see if there were volume controls and it kicked me right out of the game with no confirmation.

It took me several loops to realize that I'm walking through the same scene over and over and supposed to spot differences! I also had trouble making the right click work but figured it out after several tries.

Absolutely wonderful art and aesthetic! The animations were great too. Some sfx, like the footsteps and conversation text sound, seemed tuned a bit louder than I thought they should be but not a huge deal.

Really cool concept for a game and I enjoyed the dialog!

Very beautiful game, great 'mood'! The music and art all fit the theme very well, and the animations were cute.

I found the controls a bit unresponsive, IMO 'on button down' is better for twitch things like jumping.

I didn't really get what the collectables did - did they increase damage?

It felt a little bit cruel to restart from the beginning when I got hit by the fifth boss. I appreciate it when jam games give frequent save points!

I ran backward and was able to fall off the level and had no way to restart without refreshing the page.

Very beautiful game, great 'mood'! The music and art all fit the theme very well, and the animations were cute.

I found the controls a bit unresponsive, IMO 'on button down' is better for twitch things like jumping.

I didn't really get what the collectables did - did they increase damage?

It felt a little bit cruel to restart from the beginning when I got hit by the fifth boss. I appreciate it when jam games give frequent save points!

I ran backward and was able to fall off the level and had no way to restart without refreshing the page.

In my haste to make the deadline, I realized that one asset wasn't created during the jam: The font, which is a free font obtained via

Absolutely! want to chat? popa_tj on discord.

I'm an experienced unity developer who has been learning some godot. Hoping to find a 2d artist to work on an entry with. I'd like to make an action/platforming type of game but am open to other genres!

This is awesome! Thank you!

Absolutely love the visuals! Amazing!

Absolutely love the visuals! Amazing!

Love the vibe! Great art, fitting music, cool usage of the pictures. The 'drag item to dialog choice' mechanic could use a demo the first time it's used - the missing item looked like a bug at first.

Hey, experienced team looking for an artist, we love your style! Would love to chat if you haven't found a team yet. We're getting our discord set up now.

I beat it! 

Cool take on a diablo-like game. Had some pacing issues in the beginning - I think I was level 4 when I beat the first boss and that took forever, then beating the boss shot me up to 16. The second dungeon was a cakewalk and I finished it first try. Then the third dungeon was very hard, and level scaling made it so I had to grind a bit to power up. I beat it at level 30 by stocking up on potions and tanking the dragon.

All in all a fun grindy game when the balance is right, which for me was definitely dungeon 3.

Did you do the art and music? It looked really good!

I hit a soft lock while using the warp portal. It transported me beneath the ground, I think - I could move around but couldn't interact with anything. I had to quit the game and then the continue button doesn't work (quit button also doesn't work). Is there something I have to do to save?

Figured it out! You have to let the full attack animation play out - attacking again interrupts it. If you interrupt at the right time the trigger stays active so you can spam attacks - I had thought that was the intended way to attack so I was spamming!

I'm playing with a controller and having some trouble with hit detection. I can't seem to consistently hit enemies with my pitchfork.  Any tips?

(1 edit)

Amusing take on how dungeons get reset between attempts.

My favorite part was the puzzle design! Big fan of simple mechanics like this for game jams. The last level's throwing puzzle was a great culmination of the mechanics we'd previously learned.

There were a few buggy parts, mostly clipping/hit detection, but the instant reset button was a good workaround.

Well done!

The discord link doesn't work.

Yeah, the html5 version was way too fast. Felt like a much better game concept once it was slowed down in the .exe. I feel like it could've been even more slow, at the beginning at least.

Great job!

Cool concept!

... and our final! Thanks for hosting this! 

Here's our beta.

Yeah, we'll post an html5 version eventually. Maybe soon!

Our take on the theme was to add one mechanic to an existing genre - in this case, adding 'tap a block to change its color' to match 3.

We're in the final stretch! Try it out here if you want. Using Unity 2017.1. Load the scene "Gameplay".

Can't wait to start! We're going to limit ourselves to 48 hours from tonight at about 7 Pacific to Sunday at 7. Considering streaming some coding.

Really? That's awesome, thanks! We'll definitely participate. Great idea of a jam, by the way.