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A member registered May 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Glad to hear it!
Agreed, we made the wrong design decision, as it ended up feeling more random than difficult! We'll definitely be updating it. Thanks!

Great to hear! Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing! Good luck on the leaderboard!

Thanks for playing! It was cool to see a similar mechanic out there (imo your implementation felt a bit crisper)

Thanks for playing and your feedback! We want to fix the extra spin/facing the planet mechanic as it can feel unfair.

Well done on the leaderboard! Thanks for playing and the feedback! The chance to allow an inward facing launch was a design mistake, (it's our number one feedback on mechanics) and we'll fix it after the jam. As for the balance, that's good to know, we'll check it out!

Many thanks! The whole map is hand crafted, so I'm glad you got to explore! It's fun (and weird) when two of the planets are together or orbit each other. Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much! I'm glad someone saw the "unstick" mechanic work!
Thanks for playing!

Thank you for the pointer! It's our number one feedback, so it's something we'll update after the jam.
Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing and the feedback! We're going to try to add a little balance after the jam so it feels more fair.

Thanks for giving it a go!

Thank you for playing! We'll be updating that mechanic for sure, so it feels a bit more fair.

Thanks for checking it out! That's so sad to hear, we implemented a feature that should "pop" the player if stuck, but it's a little iffy at times.
We appreciate the feedback! The number one request is what you said about pointing inwards, we'll be updating after the jam!

Thank you for playing! "It seemed like a good idea at the time"
Playtesting has definitely made us rethink our design decision! We'll be adding some help when stuck pointing at the planet after the jam!

Thank you very much for playing and the feedback!
Such an indicator is a great idea!

I really like the direction this is going! I love playing with scale, so seeing the two and having it directly impact the gameplay is a super fun design decision! It followed both themes well!

Nicely done! I love the switching from one side of the screen to the other! Always fun to see!
I couldn't for the life of me get the timing on the bounce pads, but I like the direction!

This is fun. This is frustrating. This is good. :D
I love the art direction and "story" and it had me playing a lot!
I like that it stuck to the themes as well, and the controls were tight and made sense!
Nice work on the physics, and the rotation on the hand to explain the rules to the player.
I also liked the design decision to include the lil starting area to help the player learn the rules.

I like the direction you took "momentum" in that it isn't purely physics. That mixed with some solid gameplay and a good spin on the regular platformer made it a lot of fun!
Nice overall, and interesting variety in the level building!

How y'all got it to work in the game window is awesome! I'm not clear on how it fits the Foddian theme, but I LOVE some of the gameplay you created with the dragging to solve problems.
The backstory is great as well!

This is awesome! Super cute and fun graphics, and the gameplay is fun and easy to understand.
I think y'all made some great design decisions, such as the continued projectile, not on a single cooldown. It added a lot! I hope y'all take this somewhere!

Yooo, this is one of my favorite games from the jam. It's very unique, I dig the aesthetic, it's fun, understandable, well done! I think it fits the theme very well and the gameplay is fun! Everything is communicated well to the player.
Nice job!

An incredibly frustrating experience, paired with a cute color scheme. I don't even want to know how I'm supposed to experience those moving platforms! Great job on the controls, theme, and all around game design!
This was a fun game to play, and I didn't manage to get very far, but I felt like it was fair.

Really solid game all around! I like the mechanics!
As mentioned the cooldown on the ground could be faster - I also think an argument could be made for a quicker in air cooldown, so the player could combo (however, this might affect the difficulty).
I'm torn between what you have, and the ability to move very quickly. Overall I think it's got a great color scheme, and control feel!
I like the planned feature set!

Yoo, this is a great take! Gameplay is awesome! Easy to understand. Fit the theme(s) well too!

What a cool game! Unique take, fun to play, easy to understand, and the music is awesome! I love that it reacts to the speed!

That's a fun game. Nice aesthetic and music too!

Incredibly simple and easy to lose progress, it's great! I'm not sure I follow how the second theme of "momentum" is incorporated as much, but overall fun and fair, makes me want to beat it!

Yoo, downright frustrating, but (therefore) awesome! Well done, the controls are tight and the sound/effects are really solid. Cool idea!

Hi there! I'm a self taught Unity dev, I'd be happy to start forming a team! I sent a request on Discord.

Super good take on the theme, lots of fun!
There was so much content too!

This is great. Please share your knowledge and wisdom. Fun game, cool idea, interesting questions.

Cool game! It's fun and different. I like the take on the theme.
It's a little difficult, and I'm not sure what the win state is after getting all the apps slotted.
However, it's a great level of polish for a game jam, and a fun idea!

This is my favorite game I've played so far. A great take on the theme, and a fun game to figure out.
I think the difficulty ramps up a little too quickly, and a "next keypress" might be nice, so you can start planning, but I only nitpick since the game has everything I want from a jam.
SUUUPER well done!

Cool idea and well executed! The art and feel of the game go together well.
As others have noted, it was a little hard to know where to place the bois, but once I did it was fun. Some game balance might be due (on early levels) but I also like that it adds complexity over time.

This is so cool! I love the art and style! The card effects are interesting.
It was a little hard to understand the effect would be, but still fun to play!

I like the game, it's a cool concept, I had a little trouble understanding what to do on some levels! Great work, and a nice color palette too!

This is awesome! Simple and fun game loop, cool effects and sounds! Nice work! I like that the complexity builds over the levels

All around super cool! Solid game loop and take on the theme! The leaderboard is a great touch!