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Quirky Duck Studios

A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fantastic to hear! Art overhaul and roguelike elements being worked on currently to give it more variety. Both coming soon

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Great to hear you liked it! I'll have a rethink on how to easily differentiate the types of cards and elements. 

Tundra is definitely a challenging one. It took a fair few goes myself to beat it as you see in that 3rd screenshot but it's a fun stretch for this initial version.

Thanks a lot for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look at redesigning those to make it clearer. Quickly being able to identify the type is key

Thanks for the feedback! The game being quite RNG dependent is a design choice as while it gets some lows, it makes the highs even sweeter. Same with multiple lives.

You can influence that RNG as it's an ongoing trade off on what to sell vs keep based on how far ahead you are on the quest.

Do you sell some spells you need later to open an advanced or expert pack for the chance at powerful cards you need now.

Greatly appreciate you taking the time to leave the feedback!

Maps will have the same layout and units but their stats and gear in boxes/inventories will reset. Main driver for this was faster load times but it also makes inventory management more important. It also results in higher risk hunts when you're holding a lot of shards which keeps things interesting. I have been thinking about the ability to buy a house in a village that will keep your stored items saved but that needs some more thought

Fix pushed to avoid backpacks getting into that state in the first place and also added a note in the tooltip to highlight it's right click to open as that was missing.

To fix any existing broken backpacks, load into a map, drop the backpack on the ground and then loot the tile to pick it back up and it should now work again as intended.

Great to hear you found it quite fun so far, a lot more to come!

Thanks for raising. Issue found and fix pushed. Great to hear you liked it!

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See comment below related to this. Also added the faction name to the target info screen to make it clear who & what they are

Just pushed an update.

You can't restrain but you can damage their head or torso when downed so it takes them longer to recover. Go too far and kill them and it will have knock on consequences for that faction for the rest of the game. As part of this, I fixed the issue with uninteractable dead bodies.

Made some tweaks in dialog and what they say out loud to highlight that each faction won't work with each other to escape as they hate each other that much. You have to pick a side.

To balance this out, there are now 2 members of each faction as prisoners and I've increased their stats so you have a better chance of escaping with them.

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Thanks for raising. Found the issue (if anyone on the map starved to death, you had a game over). Fix pushed

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Hi Tahnan, did you enter a character name at least 3 letters long before pressing the start new game button? I've just pushed an update to auto-generate an initial name if you want to get started asap