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A member registered Mar 26, 2020

Recent community posts

I remember last year I had submissions that I could vote for.

I don't seem to have the ability to vote this year.  Am I just missing something?

That is so much better! Thank you! : )

(1 edit)

How do I download this? it directs me to the page. but there is no download option that said page.

(5 edits)

The main image on page 1 is not anchored to the page, this throws it off and it looks weird.

The table on Page 4 needs to have it's text "Word-wrap". half of every sentence is cut off. 

The image on page 6 needs to anchor to page with the wrap set to Page wrap. 

Page 7 "WRANGER CLASS" is covering up the text that should be shown in the columns.

Again on page 7, the table is completely cut off beings of the two column format. 

Also, on page 7 it literally says "CLASS TITLE" as a palceholder. this should be removed. 

This needs a serious second draft and a proof reader. 

Once these things are addressed, it should be saved as a PDF and uploaded.  .docx files are unprofessional. AND if you are using any special fonts, we don't see them when we open the .docx file. BUT, if you save it as a PDF we will see it.

All of these concerns have been addressed with the most recent update.

doesn't exist

(4 edits)

This looks really good for a linear adventure. The one critique I have of it is that it doesn't state what level it's for. I'm thinking it's for levels 3-5? That boss fight could be brutal. 

The graphic design and layout are on point.

page 4: "She keeps Askall in this Inn, outside of worlds, and brought them to test them."  I'm confused about who is the topic of the conversation.

I'm a little confused by your choice of abbreviations for the six attributes. I'm used to seeing STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA.  You use "ST, DX, CN, IN, WI, CH".  Why is that? 

As far as I am aware there is no target party level.  It's entirely based on what target level you want your adventure to be made for

You're welcome! : )

(3 edits)

It might be a good idea for you to do a "Let's play" video running the game, you could then post the video on youtube, the shadowdark reddit, and the shadowdark discord or more to get some exposure?

don't forget to update coverpage #4 to show the updated background.  ; )

(1 edit)

My first party finally made it! I've run 5 sessions and 2 PCs have successfully escaped today! :D (~40 dead PCs)

They earned their Level 1 status and their legendary items from this dungeon. 

Wow! I love this. well done!

Awesome. Thank you

Awesome! Thank you. I love this.

(1 edit)

This is awesome!  After the jam I pray you will do Cleric, Thief, and Fighter! :D  I will pay you money.

100% allowed from what I've seen!

(1 edit)

Ok, I downloaded it and tried it.  We had a question.

  • If all players choose to use the Flee action, is the game completely over or do you keep your gems and get to do the whole setup over again in the hopes of finding more loot? Do you keep your points and delve into a new 'dungeon" and reshuffle the gems back into the deck?
(1 edit)

The artwork is amazing. Excellent job.  Being that there are no random encounters or danger level- I'd love to put this before my players and see how they do!  

Wow! you really did a lot to this since I've seen it last. you got the entire map colored, you made some changes to the PDF that really improve it. excellent job!

The only thing I'd personally like to see changed is to make the page margins narrower to really fill out the page.  This would allow the maps to be bigger and the font to be larger and even easier to read. 

Overall a good adventure that can be plopped down into almost any campaign with only a few hours of prep. It'd be good to keep in your back pocket as a DM if you should need it.

I really like the layout and design. The color choices were bold but they work.  I think the idea of Camp Talents quite a bit. 

I'd love to see an adventure someday in this setting! : )


(2 edits)

this is extremely helpful. I 100% will be using this. Thank you for creating it!

EDIT: nice! you updated with a version #2. This is even better knowing you are actively updating and improving it.

Wow! This has everything, goblins, rumors, random encounters, a dungeon, monsters, items, and a Dead Cow! Excellent art work. The map looks great. The layout and design of the pages are excellent.  I love that you used tight page margins to really fit the most into the 8 page limit of this contest.  

I bet you could have filled 8 more! 😅

Looks great. definitely something you should be proud of!

unbelievably great title page. Probably the best I've seen in the whole submission! 

The map itself looks great. the random encounter table looks great.

The one thing I'd change is to spell out that the Danger Level is High.  the text itself spells it out quite well though! "Role for an encounter every 3 rounds of crawling." on page 3. this is a minor and probably stupid quibble.  

Everything else looks great! you should be proud of this.

Looks great. It's a full dungeon adventure.  I like that you included the name generator! that'll be helpful.  I love that you used Dungeondraft. it's my all time favorite map creation tool.

Is there any chance we could get a player-facing map without all icons? 

Definitely Printer-friendly. Packed full of knowledge. I love the little margin notes. tons of useful lore. 5/5. You did an excellent job!

Looks great. I love the art, love the map.  

Any chance we could get player facing maps? (hiding the secret wall icons)

The layout and design of the pages are amazing!

This is the BEST layout of any submission in this Jam. 

I'm normally extremely ink-conscious when it comes to printing but I had to have this in my hands physically. 

Well done sir! 👏👏👏

you certainly packed a lot into 8 pages! I like that you used narrow page margins to really get the most of the page. It's a very printer-friendly pdf. I love to print my resources and hold them in my hand so I really appreciate that. 

Looks good. Well done. : )

The layout and design are really good and fit the theme well!
This would be a fun boss to throw at my players. 

Thanks for making this. I like it!

Wow. The monster stat blocks are very fair considering the party level.  The hexcrawl is well drawn, the maps are isometric.  It was an interesting choice to not have random encounters or a danger level in the dungeon.  I'd love to bring this to the table for my players and see how they do!

Thanks for creating this, it looks good.

Wow! That's some next-level thinking. I was unware.  Jolly good. 

oh ok! I thought you were being folksy saying "homebrewery" I didn't know that was some sort of template or program that does the layout and design.  I understand now. Thank you.


Wow. This is beautifully designed. Excellent layout.

I love life-path systems in games so this is a 5 out of 5 for me.  Useful and beautiful.  

Great Job!

5 out of 5 for the layout and design alone.  BEAUTIFUL. 

The only thing I'd love to see is a printer friendly version that is mostly white with black text.  I love printing out my resources. : ) Great job!

page 14's "Add +3 when in total darkness" is absolutely genius and should become the standard for adventure creation in not just ShadowDark but every Fantasy TRPG!

I might be overlooking it but what is the Danger Level of this adventure?

Love seeing 1 page dungeons! good job.

Very good job keeping the vibes of Shadowdark and the "look" of Shadowdark in the pdf's layout and design. 

Personally I'm not a fan of the font used on the title. But, everything else looks great.  I might bring this to my table if I have some mass combat.

Easy to read, clean layout. meets the page limit for the contest. Well done.  

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