Hey Nacho Sama, this game is blowing up here in Brazil! Would you be interested in working with me for a Brazilian Portuguese localization? Let's get in touch, if so!
Rafael Games
Creator of
Recent community posts
I was wondering if I'm allowed under Creative Commons to use the banner gif and background image used in the Not Enough Time page (https://locjam.itch.io/not-enough-time-locjam-edition) on my own entry page.
Thank you!
I'm getting it too, but it seems like a common false positive:
containerfile: C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads\not-enough-time-LocJam-1.0.zip
file: C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads\not-enough-time-LocJam-1.0.zip->index.html
webfile: C:\Users\xxxx\Downloads\not-enough-time-LocJam-1.0.zip|https://itchio-mirror.cb031a832f44726753d6267436f3b414.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/...
Hey there!
I'm having a similar issue, but it is when typing the words. I understand the engine doesn't differentiate the accents, but whenever I try to type them I get these ominous DEAD or META inputs before the letters with accents, which I imagine would be very confusing to the player trying to type with accents.
Is this normal? Does this happen to everyone?