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A member registered Jan 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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The game is really good, it has great platforming gameplay. The game is entirely based on the knowledge of the levels and not really on skill though, so you can't really replay it. But still a great game overall.

Keep up the good work then XD

Also :

Great game, nice music, maybe gamepad compatibility and particules could have been a good thing.

How did the driver got that drunk ?

More seriously, the game is pretty good overall but the audio isn't great, the motor sound becomes quickly repititive.

This is gdevelop game jam ?

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I'm N1 less goooooooooo (for hard)

love the musics btw

I love it ! (at some point it gave me a skelettion pun instead of a logical error but it's fine)
Very fun !

The controls for turning are weird. The gameplay is fun when you don't throw away the cristal (left the game at stage 7 with this). Also maybe create a button which would set timescale to 4 or something like that in order to make the player wait less time. Other than that, great game overall.

Cool infiltration game, a bit hard with no adjusments but they are easy to make. The player can not only shoot, but go through some walls with time scale set to 2.

i did

you're right, i seems i forgot how to count XD

I guess blowing up 'only' a third of the building isn't that bad...

it's about a cube who doesn't like spikes, what game is it ?

Seriously, i love the neon graphics and the ball gameplay. Sad it didn't last longer.

Nice platformer, it's hard but some platformers in this jam are harder.

Great platformer but Rex and Lena can go very far and skip most platforms (Rex because he has a lot of acceleration, Lena because lightweight and double jump). Biomes and music changes are really cool by the way !

This is a great game for a first game : parallaxed environnements, a lot of visual effects and solid gameplay...

By first game, do you mean the first one you published or your truly first game ?

Oh i was wrong then. Sorry.

Yes i'm pretty sure updating game page after the jam time is over is ok, i've done it for 4 gdevelop game jams and i never took any penalty of any sort.

This is a very cool game, it's original and the levels are tricky. GG !

I think this game misses some blinking...

Looks like a parkour shooter prototype. It has great graphisms but I was around 40 fps on a 2060 mobile so smartphone players will probably get 10-20 fps. Also maybe you should have deleted the debugging texts before posting it. But great game base !

Great game with solid level design... Maybe two levels isn't enough ?

But everyone had limited time, so it's not that much of a problem.

Maybe try to get the checkpoint activating as soon as you go by the checkpoint's x coordonate. Going back to activate a check point isn't a good thing. Apart from that, great platformer that gives the perfect impression of speed.

Genre : Horror !
This really looks like unity : semicolons, crashes... 

I got the game working at the end !

This is nice, keep up the good work !

Nice game, i got 56, acceleration of the radiation is cool.

It seems a lot of people agree on the fact this game has a tough start.

Thanks for playing !

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i tried to get the spikes with flat part up but it looked weird, spikes shouldn't be able to hold themselves with their flat part up

Also thanks for playing and for feedback !

oh ok. Yeah they were disappearing but i guess i didn't think enough about it.

Hello everyone, here's how to beat lv 5 : (used wetransfer because only supports videos of less than 3mb and this one is 62,6)

The game makes great use of particules and also i think the music has been made with bosca ceoil (which is a great software) am i right?
Also this has some good platformer gameplay

i did !

It has great graphics and sfx but the crosshair is a little too small maybe ?

I think she broke something like 12 legs...

This made me realize i hav't spent eough time on gdevelop racing template...

I'm pretty sure it's the same guy who made all the machines, bridges and buildings in all repairing videogames...

If you click several times the restart button at the end and click start fast enough, you will get back to the start menu while having started a game. It's possible to get very high by pressing multiple times Jump Left and Right.

But honestly for a first game it's very good.

It's fun but police cars don't deal damage, they just push you around which is even funnier because then you can use police cars as a taxi when you're supposed to be killing them... Also great backstory and ending !

This is a great game, it's way too under-rated !

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This is great and also a fun platformer, but what does it has to do with the theme ?