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A member registered Sep 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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It was fun and really scary to play this game! I've enjoyed it! :)

Have you read the book before?

This means a lot! Thank you! <3333

Thank you so much! <3

Thank you! <3

Awww! So glad to hear! :)

Thanks a bunch for playing, Linky! <3

I'm glad to hear! 

Me too, I can't wait to finish the full game. :) 

I can assure you there will be more. :) Thanks so much for playing and enjoying the little demo. :)

It's still in progress. I hope it won't take so long. 

Thank you, thank you! :)

Dankeschön! <333

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Thanks so much, my friend! :) <3

Thanks for your feedback, apicici! :) Very appreciated! <3

Thank you so much for playing the demo! <3

Thanks for playing my demo! <3

Hehe, DuckMadeOfWood did a great work of creating the Crocodile Dundee-Lookalike. :D

Thank you so much for your feedback! :) Hopefully I can soon start finishing the game.

Thanks so much! I'm happy to hear what you liked about the demo. Yeah, there's still a lot of work, especially because of the GUI.

Thanks again for your wishes! I appreciatethat! :)

Thanks for your feedback! Glad to hear that! The full version is coming hopefully soon! :)

Great entry! I absolutely love the idea and the humor! I couldn’t stop laughing, especially when Verity learned the art of sarcasm. :D

The music and voice acting are fantastic, and everything fits together perfectly!

Great entry! I absolutely love the idea and the humor! I couldn’t stop laughing, especially when Verity learned the art of sarcasm. :D

The music and voice acting are fantastic, and everything fits together perfectly!

It was a pleasure playing your game! It has nice graphics and a great plot! The music fits very well to the atmosphere and the game gets more and more thrilling. Hats off!

(1 edit)

It was a pleasure playing your game! It has nice graphics and a great plot! The music fits very well to the atmosphere and the game gets more and more thrilling. Hats off!

Hehe, yeah! I know that problem with the too many hints. I learned to hide the hints between dialogue lines and make the hints not too obvious. The best advisors of your puzzle design are testers and streamers. The latter because you can see their reaction when they're struggeling with puzzles or think they were too easy.

Awww, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! <33333333

Awesome! Glad you liked it! Thanks for playing, Gendgi! <3

Patricia, thanks so much for your feedback and I'm glad you liked the demo. I really appreciate that. <3

Puzzles in adventure games are difficult to develop, because even after you've finally implemented a puzzle, you still have the feeling there's something you can improve on it. And every adventure gamer player is different. Some prefer more easier puzzles and others like it the "really hard" way.

Thanks for playing our little demo, Ben. :)

Glad you liked it!


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Thanks Dan! I'm glad you like our little demo. My team mates indeed did a great work! Can't wait to finish coding the whole game. 

Thank you so much, Steven! <3

Thanks a lot for your feedback, Steven! So glad to hear that!

I keep that in mind for the Yip Quest Enhanced Edition. There will be a completely new GUI.

Thanks a bunch!!! <3333

Neat, short game full of surprises. Well done! :)

How could I have forgotten to comment your game?! Sorry for my delayed feedback!

Your game is entertaining! It felt like sitting in a theater! The story and characters are really fun. Hats off!

How could I have forgotten to comment your game?! Sorry for my delayed feedback!

Your game is entertaining! It felt like sitting in a theater! The story and characters are really fun. Hats off!

Jetzt folgt auch meine Bewertung zu deinem süßen Spielchen!

Ich mag die Anspielungen auf Maniac Mansion und anderen LucasArts-Adventures! Es hat sich angefühlt, wie ein interaktiver Jugendroman mit unterschiedlicher Auswahl an Interaktionen, was die Protagonistin als nächstes tun soll.

Am Besten fand ich die Auflösung am Ende mit Graf Kürbis, aber ich möchte hier Spoiler vermeiden, weswegen ich nicht viel verrate. Das Ende finde ich originell, soviel dazu.

Dein Spiel ist auf jeden Fall eine schöne Abwechslung für Zwischendurch. Mir hat es Spaß gemacht, Topsy! :)

Thanks so much for playing! <3

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Thanks so much for playing game! I'm happy you could overcome all the obstacles!

Thanks so much for your feedback! <333

It was fun to play and I love the skills of each insect!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed my game! <3