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Rescoop Studio

A member registered Feb 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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thank you for your support! <3


Thank you so much! :)

We really appreciate your feedback on how we can make the game even better. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

We're thrilled to hear that you're having a great time with Bubble of Life, and we really appreciate your feedback on how we can make the game even better. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

Thank you so much for your kind words about Bubble of Life! We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the game, and we appreciate your suggestions for improvement. We'll definitely take them into consideration as we continue to develop and update the game <333

We appreciate you playing and will do better next time <3

This is my comment as a player.

1. Love the narrative idea. Make the player feel curious to follow the story.

2. The artstyle is cute but maybe can make the obstacle more interesting instead of just triangle shape.

3. The animation is good tho can be improve.

4. The control quite "clunky". Need to make it smoother.

5. Overall, it was a nice game.

This is my comment as a player.

1. The tutorial can be improve. Maybe can put some icons instead of full text.

2. I think can be a fun game to stream or to content as the difficulty is quite good.

3. It is quite difficult for starter area as it makes player lose interest to continue the game.

4.Not sure how this game fit the theme.

5. Overall, it was a fun experience to play.

This is my comment as a player.

1. I like the game. I think the slowing time when take a deep breath is quite good and unique,

2. I think its better if there's a limit how long the player can hold the breath so it will be more challenging.

3. The artstyle can be improve. It looks weird the water drops like that.

4. More mechanics and obstacle can be add to make the game more interesting

This is my comment as a player.

1. I love the game. The animation is smooth. I love how the character is moving.

2. The background music is quite annoying haha

3. The game mechanic is good too. For the demo game, the game mechanic is good enough.

4. Hope to see full game where there is more game mechanic and level design.

Wish can try the game as the thumbnail make me curious.

This is my comment as a player.

1. I like how there's tutorial mode. But i think the tutorial need to improve as it is quite hard to clear and the player may be more confusing.

2. Its great you manage to create a few levels in this short of time. And the difficulty is increasing.

3. Hope the lantern can do more instead of just light up the room. as it is not important to do so.

4. overall it is a nice game. hope to see a full game with more mechanics and puzzle.

This is my comment as a player.

1. I like the character selection. the character design is quite cute.  I think if the artstyle can be improved, many children and girl player will like it.

2. Overall world is cute too. maybe can add bigger island or another island with different element on it.

3. The game mechanic is too simple and can be confusing. 

4. It will be great if different character can do different thing. So, the game will be more interesting and player has more option to play repetitively.

5. A lot more need to be improved.

6. Hope can see a full developed game soon.

This is my comment as a player.

1. The starting area is quite confusing because it took me quite some time to start the game. I dont know that I need to hold the attack button to start.

2. I like the animation and the SFX.  The animation is smooth and SFX is really great at conveying the game.

3. Im not sure how the game represent the theme.

4. I know this is just a minigame/a demo, but I wish It has more clear goals and objectives.

5. I think it has good potential if can develop more levels and puzzles. 

SUPERB! Can't believe you guys pulled it off in a week!

Nice game! I love how simple it is, dash and clean! Great job guys!

Awww thank you! Congratz to you too on publishing "The Breaths of Vision". 

Thanks for such a heartwarming comment! Got it! We will definitely take your advice about text scrolling! :)

Hi thanks for the feedback! You're right, the game is like Endless Runner. Thanks for your time :)

Thanks for rating! When you accidently shrunk your bubble, you can collect those little bubbles to restore your "bubble health". Again, thanks for playing ! :)

Thanks for your time! :)

Thanks for the positive criticism! You're right Murzy, if we can include power ups, like magnet, double point that would be so much better!

Thanks for the feedback! You're true developer indeed, we forgot to to include 1 crucial mechanic, that is bubble decreases overtime.

Thanks for the rate! You too, congratz on submitting Chakra Time!