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A member registered Oct 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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This one was really fun. 

Those poor wolves could never expect the death incarnace descending upon their homeland.  Everything about this game is just so satysfying, especially the sound effects. I love how a kid that got stranded in the woods doesn't mess around and just goes on the rampage, obliterating 5 wolves at a time, sending each of them flying to the air with a loud WHACK and all that before he even got an axe. The serious narrative combined with beat em up gameplay made the whole experience really fun.  I playe dthrough it again, this time blasting DOOM music, let's just say it fits.

Overall a really fun one.

Hands down my favorite submission in this jam.

Amazing open world, genuinely fun mechanincs that are difficult at first but get more fun as you learn to use (and abuse) them as you keep playing. The main mechanic with the head was a bit tricky at first and it took a while to adjust to it, but once you get the right rhythm this game plays incredibly well.

 The platforming challanges were difficult and very well designed, and new abilities made going around the world after getting to the end really fun. The graphics are amazing as well, the pixel art style is great and works really well. I could definitely see this become a bigger fully released game and would definitely like to play it in the final form. I really shoud've gotten to it sooner, the thumbnail didn't catch my eye and i first saw it during the yesterday stream. 

I sort of menaged to cheat the final section by jumping out of the window and climbing the wall up from the outside. Getting that last bonfire over the bell was the true final boss, i tried climbing, dashing and many weird explosion combos, but menaged to light it. My favorite section has to be the cave. Falling through the bridge and beeing greeted with the dramatic music, combined with the toughest platforming challange so far, just made this section really memorable. I'm a sucker for metroidvanias and platformers and this one hit my taste just right. 

More as a small note, it would be nice to add an option to disable some fancy lighting, the first section was a bit laggy, but strangely enough performance improved the further i got into the game.

Overall, absolutely amazing. 

This one was pretty interesting. It's always nice to see a blend of simple gameplay connected with a deeper story. I menaged to beat it by going with the classic maze strat of hugging the right wall and it worked out quite well. 

I like the hand drawn UI/Tutorials, really adds this extra flavor that a basic font coudn't provide. The whole game had this nice atmosphere of eeriness, i don't know if it's just me, but the walls seemed to move a little, and the black objects that definitely moved added this bit of sense of danger to the mix. Also, for somehow Steam that was just running in the background detected this as VR for some reason(?) Though it's likely just Steam being weird, happened some times before. 

Overall, a climatic submission.

I absolutely love this character creator! Such a simple way of making something unique with just 3 buttons. I'm a sucker when it comes to personalisation so i spent way too long just making sure my robot looks just right. 

The gameplay was nice too, i imagine it's best experienced by playing with other people, sadly it's just me in here at the moment. The controlls were clean and the game played well, but the bots could be just a bit more aggresive. It would be really fun with online multiplayer, but i understand that might be difficult to set up for a game jam. 

Overall, a nice game with an amazing character creator.

A really solid submission! 

The voice acting really caught me off guard, first with the title of the game, and then again when opening the options. I half expected the announcer to also shout "Back!" when returning to the main menu.  I haven't even started the game and i was already pretty impressed. 

The gameplay was a bit hard to learn at first, but the general idea and execution were amazing. At first i wasn't sure what exacly causes the sword to grow, after a few losses caused by bumping into enemies i realized that ist acts as a sort of reverse health bar. That's such a cool and unique idea. 

I beat it maybe after around 5 tries, and had a really good time with it. The voice acted boss was another welcome surprise, although the fight was rather easy.  

I really love the artstyle of the menu, complete with animations and all. You sure made the final boss look cute on the bigger art. Using that artstyle throughout the whole game would make it look amazing.

There were no major problems on the techincal side, maybe just a little bit of getting stuck on the bridges, but that's literally the only thing i can think of in terms of flaws. 

Overall, amazing work.

I don't even know where to begin with this one.  

I'm amazed by both the size and quality of that game. As i write this, i still wasn't able to fully finish it, and now i find out there is actually a bunch of different endings. The writing and the story are really good, the puzzles are engaging and i love how they all seem to have multiple solutions.  The character designs are interesting, and while the style might not be my cup of tea, i can tell they got a ton of love put into them.  

There are still some minor bugs that i encountered, mostly related to hitboxes being where they shouldn't be, or the opposite. I can tell a lot of that has been polished in the smaller updates, cause when i first played it on day 1 there was a lot more minor problems. I'm glad to see that you're doing your best to polish it all up, it really improved. There is also that visual glitch with the leftmost statue in the first puzzle bathroom (At least i think it's a bathroom, that would explain the slippery floor). When pushed it would randomly phase out of existence and the reappear when pushed again.

 Other than that, it's a really well made game and i'll definitely give it a try again. (Still haven't figured out the Rat and the infinite corridor)

Interesting open world, cute graphics and surprisingly scary gameplay.  

I really like the idea of having multiple exits and a world that's sort of divided into smaller sub-areas. It was an intersting challange to outsmart the cat on all possible fronts. I really love the moment when the cat sees you, exerything from the tense music, the growling animation and the red frame around the screen. The pathfinding on the cat was good as well, made running away a real challange. It's a shame that there is no animation for when it catches you. Making the screen fade a bit faster would definitely make it a lot cleaner.  

Overall, very nice game with very little to complain about.

The mechanic of sacrificing things, as well as the wide selection of different things with various debuffs is amazing. Mechanically it gives the game a ton of variety and would work extremely well with a rougelike in mind. 

That being said, i feel that the game lacks some polish in places. As mentioned by Mr. Pdf, the gravity makes it a bit scary to jump, I actually sacrificed one of my legs and that kinda fixed the problem by decreasing the jump height. 

Still, it's just a matter of small tweaks, the game is still really well made and i enjoyed finding all the different debuffs and testing them.

That was really fun.

At first i didn't read the controlls and just tried pushing those clowns our beloved passengers into the train. I laughed when i realized i can just pick them up and stuff them in by force. Really had a blast tossing trash cans to add some modern deco into the compartments. I got this small bug where i sort of got stuck in the door desperately trying to help the last respectable customer get on the trainIt went off with me still hanging off the side of the train, the passengers didn't seem too eager to help. 

Honestly it was amazing, the music, the silly and fast-paced gameplay and just the ridiculousness of it all.

This one was quite the experience. 

I really like what you did with the camera, the idea of switching between 2 different modes depending on the situation. When that wolf first came running at me i didn't see it coming at all, it felt like a jumpscare (In a good way!).  I love the stealth element with leaving behind your tracks and being followed because of them, i don't recall seeing a simillar mechanic in any game i played before. The graphics are simple and cute, my only complaint would be the lack of animation for walking. 

 Overall, it's a very nice game.

Nice smooth gameplay and satisfying animations. 

A very neat little game, with a simple, yet effective idea and clean execution. The music gave it a nice relaxing atmosphere. 

I gotta say i've enjoyed this one. The atmosphere really conveys that feeling of urgency and looming danger. I chose to leave my men behind at the first castle hoping to defend it. The moment i saw the sheer difference in number between us and the enemy, the weight of the incoming attack became clear. 

 If i were to complain about something, it would be that the game might be just a bit too easy to win.  I feel like the feeling of despair would be much better delivered if victory was extremely hard to achive. The sense of hopelessness would make the eventual succes that much sweeter. 

Overall, a very nice submission.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I have tried to fix this bug. Currently, in the browser version new game button should work without a flaw, but it will also reset all the trophies, i couldn't find a way to get past it :/ In the downloadable version, i added a button in the corner that will force new game to start normally, but will reset the achivements. After pressing it once, both new game and load game buttons should work fine.