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A member registered Sep 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Oh ça fait tellement bizarre de voir le jeu fini ! En tout cas c'est vachement cool de voir tout ça, on voit vraiment que vous vous êtes donné a fond !

My best is 2590, I think a good thing to add would be some more variety in patterns and an increasing difficulty.

Yeah I started making this game with the music, that was a bad idead x)

Cool concept, maybe some less abstract game art would be a great add, but I like the gameplay.

Yeah initially I was planning to add more effects but I couldn't be focused enough to do everything ^^'

Thank you for your feedback :) I used Game Maker for this game.

Yeah, I'm not really well used with the combo guitare VST + Distorsion effect  (plus i'm using free cheap stuff, if someone have some recommendations that cost no money, you're welcome).

I'm not sure to understand what you are talking about when you say that the background is muddy to you, like, do you think there is a rendering issue ?

Speaking about the blood effect: it's not a sorting issue, it's intended to be that way, like some sort of HUD effect :)

This one is incredibilly well polished for a game made in that short ammount of time. Nice graphics, nice sound design, and i'm not even talking about that well made 2D car physics ! A really cool entry.

That was an original gameplay idea, but the fact that you could stop time like in superhot just break down the rythm of the game, IMO, also, nice graphics.

Love the visuals, it would have been great if you could have fixed the collisions not always matching precisely and the jittering player, but I know this one is a classical issue with Unity. (By the way I can only advice you to stop using Unity completely: they are dead due to the recent events, no one will trust them in the future)

There are some unique gameplay elements in this game and we definitely need more entry like this. I think that's the lesson #1 for game jams: make new stuff from old pre-existing materials. It's a good way to get something good in that short ammount of time !

That's some cool puzzle game mechanics for a game made in an ammount of time this short ! Amazing.

A rather original mechanic, for sure ! The difficulty is really well balanced ! My best score is 119 seconds, I don't think I'm a really good player :)

My best is 27, This game have a simple enough (but interresting) mechanic, but I think it would be great if the point of view was different... Because like this, the leftest side let you much less time to react than the others ones... unless this is a wanted thing, maybe ? Good entry, anyway !

This one really reminds me that old flash game called "The World's Hardest Game". That's a nice entry for a game made in 3 hours :)

I find this kind of mechanics fun for like 5 minutes, but I'm definitely not making a full game based on a mechanic like this... But i'm thinking about something completely different that could turn out as a full game or even a serie of short games... It's just not ready yet ;)

One of the best entry I played yet, This one checks all the boxes ! It's always nice to see some physics stuff in trijam games.

yeah, as always, we all have to make decisions to not take too much time (even if I took more than 3 hours this time, I had to cut a lot of what I originally planed)

Good graphisms, even if the cookie clicker gameplay is not really my "cup of tea" ;)

On a serious note, the game lacks some feedbacks imo, it would have been better if a sound or an animation was played when we interact properly with the cup ;)

Good to hear that ! Can't wait for all that stuff ! Take all the time you'll need :)

Un jeu profond qui dénonce les injustices du monde du travail, avec des employés a bout, qui n'ont que le café auquel ils peuvent se rattacher. Jusqu'au jour ou il y a une révolte du syndicat qui éclate car ils se sont fait sucrer le café.

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C'est l'histoire de Hugo, le petit garçcon qui se transforme en lutin et qui pars a l'aventure dans sa chambre avec son Spyro de poche. Sauf que ca dérape quand il se fait attaquer par Nounours, Aragog, et le clown, en plus de subir les moqueries incessantes d'un jouet cassé.
La véritable histoire de toy-story, hate de voir la suite :)

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Sympa ce puzzle game :) Vraiment bien polish, c'est cool, continuez comme ca !

I really love the visual aspect of this game, my best score is 87

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You experienced too much

yeah, the game lacks feedbacks... The visuals effects are getting more aggressive as you survive longer and longer, but clearly, that's not enough. On the other hand, I didn't wanted to just put a score system on this one...

thak you :)

Yeah... with the given theme, I wanted to have some sort of "in your face" effect... but sometime it's too janky and you often restart every half seconds...

That was a cool one, a simple concept that works very well.

Cool concept! Maybe some more enemy variety or adding some more bullet patterns would deeply improve this game !

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Thank you, I really enjoyed working on this one, maybe I'll improve it later, by adding new levels and features !

Cool simple gameplay loop... didn't figured out if it was possible to change the direction or if it was random...

J'imagine que c'est pour la Ludum Dare 52.

L'idée est bonne mais j'ai mis un peu de temps a comprendre les mécaniques et je me suis retrouvé bloqué a la fin :/

right now !

Maybe the game is a bit too easy... isn't it getting harder and harder ?

Thanks for the feedback :) 
Maybe you clicked out of the game's window while running...

Cool entry with a nice balanced gameplay !

Nice gameplay, I couldn't craft a better gun ^^'. I wonder if it's juste me or if there is an invisible wall...

My best was 6300. Sometime you have to put stuff in the wrong recycle bin so you have to make decision on what's the most worthy thing to do... cool concept.

Love the top down view with low poly 3D elements ! Maybe it would have been more interessting if the cycles never respawn so the player have to explore the whole map