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A member registered Feb 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much. If we see some interest after the jam, we just might :)

Yeah, I was aware of not needing to hold left, but holding left did slow down the slide which was helpful in being more accurate. 

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Love the viiiibes. Very charming and cool. 

The music and announcer voice are really cool, gives me like a late 90's capcom vibe. 

the jazz guitar solo in the main track was really nice, did you play that in or midi sequence it? Also loved the big band brass vibes :)

I think the controls can use a bit of work. As of now, the wall jumping made me irrationally angry, sort of in the same way as some NES platformers do.  I think the main issue is how the movement controls affect the wall jump. 

If i'm on a wall on the left and want to jump right, i need to let go of the left arrow right as i jump, otherwise firefrog will start going left in the air.  if i press right before jumping  i'll come of the wall and will fail the wall jump.


holding left while jumping

pressing right as jumping

Both of these make the wall jump require more precise input but in a way which doesn't feel really fluid. 

An idea to make it feel better could be having a slight delay before coming off the wall when you press right and also keeping the trajectory of the walljump until you get another KeyDown (so the left that was held at the start of the jump doesn't affect the jump trajectory until left or right is pressed again)

Maybe these could cause some other issues, so you'd have to play around with that but it could be a starting point. 

Great job though, the game is fun, even with the little bit of rage :)

Clever idea!
since the turning is linear if feels a bit unintuitive to control. You could try adding a bit of acceleration and inertia to the turning so it would be a smooth on-off thing.
Great job!

thanks, i was going to do it :)

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Wow, this is really cool, i think one of the more interesting executions of scaling as a theme i've seen! (at least for puzzle games) 

and the art style is lovely!

This is simple, cute and funny!  And you made a rhythm game for a gamejam! Lovely and fun game, great job! you and your family seem really great! 🌟 

The amount of care and attention put into this was amazing! So wholesome! The art was great, the bass slapped, and whoooo the hell animates the gmtk logo in such an elaborate way. Awesome!

The adventures of coke elf and kangaroo kid will never be forgotten. 

Definitely one of my favorites I've seen from this jam. Yes, there are some bugs, but the theme is awesome and the overall execution is great. The game oozes style, the pixel art is great (I really like all the animated details) and most importantly, you went ahead for a full send making a freaking rts as a solo dev. That's such a bold move and the fact you almost nailed it is insane. Great job Piranha!

Thanks, and thanks for visiting our stream!
Sure, you can show it in your video 👍

Oh, sorry forgot to paste it hehe.

In case you're interested i've also written a short blog showing some of the  behind the scenes of the scaling mechanic.

And yes, I definitely agree with having scale related mechanics. We will consider that if we ever end up developing this idea further.

Thank you for the kind words!

Our aim was to make the handling feel different and thus enforce different gameplay styles depending where on the field you play. When you're high and large, you have a lot of inertia, so it takes time to move and to change direction, meaning you need to be more predictive with your inputs, while on the bottom when you're tiny, you can move nearly instantly, and change direction on a dime, so you can play more reactive and twitchy. 

In the start the differences are not that significant but as you build up speed and the margin for error gets smaller it becomes more and more relevant.

I think the game lacks a bit of visual feedback on how the size affects you and we've seen many players not really notice these differences until they play for a while. If we end up  making an update for the game that's definitely something we'll look to improve.

Nice one! Thanks a lot. Did you give hyper mode a try? :)

woooow, this is so cool and charming!
Really impressive solid gameplay as well! favorite so far!

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Thank you so much!

I think the decision to keep the art Style very simple helped since it gave us much more time to focus on juice. 

Also bolt is just a really talented programmer and brought a lot of clever tricks to the graphics.

Also, just turning on literally every post processing effect known to man.

This game is so cute I can't even. 

As others have mentioned, scaling the window small essentially cheats the game, perhaps making it so that the bigger the window the faster they slurp would help to make the mechanic more engaging. 

Great entry, lovely artstyle and immaculate vibes!

thanks a lot for playing!! The memories definitely inspired us!

hehe, you're the second one to mention this. 
We'll add that after the jam!

thank you Gwanabanana 🍌

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That's really impressive that you managed to get this set up, and in under 1 day! honestly a great advertisement for your framework!

The art style is so lovely! i love the intro. The mechanic was also clever, i really like the multitasking vibe.

Soundtrack really tied this together. Cool experience!


this is an excellent goosterpiece.

Love it, it's so goofy

Hey, good job on making a jam game. 

few thoughts and pointers:

i felt like the 2 players could interact in more interesting ways, a majority of the puzzles felt like "player 1 needs to go to the middle and player 2 needs to go to the middle."

i think having the logic be more like "player 1 needs to get to x so that player 2 gets to y but quickly because player 1 needs to get to z " etc. would be more engaging. 

also, i noticed you have a nice cityscape/factory background, what could add a lot of life to the environment is simply adding a bit of parallax scrolling to the background.

Wow, respect for going ahead and making a game in java, definitely an outlier in this jam. 

I like how much complexity you managed to get into the gameplay. 

I think my main issue is that there's no diagonal movement, making it feel a bit frustratingly stiff, otherwise, cool job!

Hehehe, I really love the vibe of this. The dramatic lore is fun and the knife animations are great. Feels like a game you could find on the DS. 

Few thoughts:

 I noticed quickly that the bell pepper is invincible so i ended up disincentivized from using any of the other veggies. Coming up with some good reasons to use the others would add a bit to the game. 

I felt like sometimes the knives were moving in weird angles. i assume that this was mainly to keep the knives visible. A solution could be to make the fov of the camera a bit wider and bring it in, so there's more perspective shift happening, that would keep the knives almost always visible except in the center of the camera. 

I really like that the game has a proper menu and a saving function. 

Wooow, the presentation is excellent on this, all the little details, like the checkpoint screens, fireballs, hand cursors. I also love how the game integrates well into the itch page. I feel like the idea of "you play as the developer" is a very common one in this jam but you've made a very enjoyable interpretation of that idea with a cool twist. the puzzles were fun and the progression was good, the tutorial for "The tutorial" was also easy to understand.

Also here's the time for my attempt to get through the game.

Pretty cool, i really like the chunky commandline style interface with the unnecessary y/n and the crunchy noises.  the gameplay is a bit chaotic but in a predictable way, which is nice because it forces you to experiment a bit more and see what happens. 

I love this idea, i could really see a bigger version of this having tons of weird sandboxy emergent behaviours. Very neat, though i wish there was some sound design as well. 

Very cool. i've seen quite a few games trying the idea of "you are the developer" but I quite like the vibe of this one. I think with some more features it could be really fun to try and tinker the dungeons, preparing for different types of players, etc. 

R.I.P.  Walther. you'll be remembered fondly

Nice artwork, i like the style, sadly I got stuck multiple times.

Cool idea, i like the aesthetics as well. I think having some sound effects for the cassettes and movement would add feedback, and i agree the puzzles ended up being a bit simple. what could be cool is if you had a move counter to incentivize beating the puzzles in the least amount of steps. 

you did good, plant. You did good.

thank you for the kind words ♥️

thanks so much for the insights.  

Yeah the physics wigging out definitely need to be dealt with and I agree there a lot of work left to get the balancing right.

We did play a bunch with it to get some nuance into it and seeing people play it has shown that there's already surprisingly many different approaches that work, I think we just need to incentivize that more and make sure the game is stable when the plant gets more complex.

And we're definitely brewing up more ideas for features, events and abilities.

But thanks so much, really appreciate the in-depth feedback!