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A member registered May 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh man you find it! I am so happy someone try to search it and discover it! Thanks!

I really like it, from the graphics to the gameplay, easy but very very nice. In my top tier list in this jam! 👏👏

Cool game, i liked the eggs of the spider used like "spawner". very nice artworks and i aggree about the text on the wall. Nice work!👍

The game actually end when you send your score, hack the wifi isn't the only way to make points. The game have a music background but becouse is a "computer" you must put manually going in the music folder and doubleclick on myplaylist.mp4

If you do it you have +50 points, if you change the background with right click on the desktop is other 50 points. And many more things. The way i think is: this is a game, but is also a computer... my idea is to improve with more details to look like a real computer. I already add command in terminal like color, cd, dir and more will coming

Thanks so much

Oh man, in the future update i will insert the possibility to copy and paste, the funny part is almost entirely around the easteregg. I appreciate you try it. Thanks

Happy to hear it 😁 thanks for playing

Great game, something i like is unlock ability with the progression of the game. Nice game's sprite and music. Lovely

Art direction is amazing, the way you use the particles system is great! Very nice also the way you set the gravity. Very nice game! Compliments

Great game design and i loved the music and the art direction. Great 👏👏

The idea is cool, i know probably the time wasn't enough for the jam but with some future update can be cooler. More ability, more level, a bit of sprite rework. I vote the idea and the idea is great!

Nice game. The chartacter is so funny. Maybe a bit difficoult but its ok. Great job for a week of coding.

Good game! i like the way you use the theme, is an original idea. Great!

Hi, i will be happy if you try mine 😁

I played it yesterday, one of my favorite! 👏👏

Nice game! I love tower defense and i think was difficult to adapt the type of the game to fits the theme; you do it well. Congratulation

(1 edit)

Lol, is true you are online... in the end you was able to send the message?

Yes the command are alomst exactly right. If you do in the real life you must change the mac address and have your own passwords list. Good to hear that you feel like a hacker 😁

Thanks so much 😁

Thanks, we really appreciate your comment. I will fix some bugs and improve the experience of the game in a future. Thanks a lot

I aggree with the typing of the code. This is why i put a lot of things like easteregg to make the game a bit more funny. I hide a portrait in the game with us. Did you find it? 

Help --> did you try to use cd command in the terminale to change directory? 😜

Yeah i know about the mac address... for have more fun i put different things like easteregg but unfortunately the score system that allow me to understand if someone find it dont work on the website. Probably some problems to read and write external files.

By the way, max score is 1250 but i will update with more things in a future and fix the score system. There is also a portrait with us hide in the game. Did you find it?

I like it, i dont really like the sprite but the background is very nice. by the way great job anf fits the theme very well

Very nice game, my memory is so bad😭 but i love it!

Is really a dark world. I like it and i have fun playing it! Great

If you want try it, i will be happy

The game have some bugs and i know almost all of them. By the way aren't bug in the hackcode i am sure about it. Probably you lost a - or a space or just you add more space between letters or  a space in the end. So what you typed is not a command 😁

When i planned the game in the idea i included also a linux distro with bash and many more things. In the end was no possible, I work every day and my free time wasn't enough. I will update for sure

Nice game, I enjoy the graphics take me back in the days! Good connection 

This is the link to play my game. Is an hacking game where do you must hack a wifi connection. I put an easteregg, let me know if you find it =)

Cool, the music is perfect for the ambience! I aggree with the small tutorial at the beginning

Cool tiles and particles! Well done

Great game! i image it in old game room with coins! Amazing

Hi guys, i submitted today my game. Unlucky... score system does'nt work like on my pc. Probably some problem with the file to open and modify from the game.

By the way, if you played my game, max score is 1250 and I hide a Easteregg, let me know if you find it ;) and post your score here!


Thanks a lot for the good comment 😎

Connection between classics! Great idea

Nice! An evolution of snake! I like it!

Ok thanks, i willl try in a while and then rate you, thanks for answer 👍

Cool game. I like the timing of the explosion cross with enemy shoot. Great job