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Rileys Legacy

A member registered Jun 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's a tough thing, it feels like the amount of work to finish a game just kind of stretches out forever it seems :D

This was a fun game! Simple, and I liked the basic platforming, a lot of room for interesting levels and buying decisions in future levels if you decide to develop it more. Good entry :)

Nice little game :) Juicy effects, I loved shooting the enemies bullets. Thanks for the fun entry!

Such a fun idea! Simple and interesting, I thought it was fun you added in the robot dialogue, that was the best part for me. On one level I died and then got stuck or something and couldn't respawn, so maybe look at how the player respawns :) Great entry!

(1 edit)

Hahaha this is great! The dialogue was great, this was a really clever idea. I liked the vertical orientation :) Great job!

Edit: I think you should flush out the game for a full release. Polish the art and the dialogue and this would be a great full game :)

Thanks a ton! :)

Hey thank you! I agree I think the game fits well on mobile with such simple controls. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback, you're right there are some tricky balancing issues. Congratulations, 2390 is really good :D  I agree potentially the game could use some balancing, I think I'll add some more enemy types and tweak the starting speed and speed increase in the future.

Thanks a ton! I'm glad  you liked it :D

Love the puzzle mechanic. Simple concept that made for some fun levels, I really enjoyed it. I think if you made the respawn speed a little faster it might improve the user experience a bit, but that's just me :) Great job!

Hey thank you! I see we think alike, I enjoyed how the color changing idea in your game as well, that's a fun puzzle idea.

Great idea thank you! I considered the killing enemies mid air, I think that would work well with some flying enemies possibly. Congratulations on your game by the way, I really enjoyed it and I think you nailed the ambience :)

Thank you! I appreciate it :) I really liked your entry, very interesting idea with some really cool post processing

Hey thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it

Hey thank you! I'll make sure to rework the tutorial so it's a little clearer :)

I love that glider mechanic! Fun game and good job :)  Lower that life count and I think that would help the user experience quite a bit :)

I love your concept, and I think the levels were great. I feel like the potential level designs for this game are endless, really cool idea! I think you should work on the art and polish and develop this some more. 

I love the text throughout the levels, and to the contrary I thought the level design was really fun. It was juicy and fast paced and I really liked it. There was a part where I bugged out and couldn't jump and couldn't progress any further, but fixing a few bugs and I think this game would fit in great on the app store.

This game is gorgeous. I am in love with the lighting and the minimalist design, and it fits great with the gameplay. When the first enemy killed me, I almost jumped out of my seat! I would definitely get some slower, more ominous retro music in there, and maybe a redesign on the character/ enemy sprites, and this is ready to publish on steam. I'm impressed this game is so polished in such a short amount of time, nice job!

I love the pixel art! It's cute, and I'm impressed how much content is packed into this game. I think the tutorial was a little long and needs a way to skip through the dialogue once you are done reading, but this is a great little game and I think my wife is going to love it. Nice job!

That is one cute little square. I felt pretty bad forcing him to dive into lava over and over :D

Fun concept, worked great for the jam! If I would change anything, I think the jump was a little floaty and a higher gravity scale might help with the game feel, but that's just my personal preference. Great game, nice job, I'll have to check out your channel :)

Wow, the UI in this game looks really good. The action selection and all of that looks awesome, I'm really impressed, I can't believe you were able to bring so much together in such a short amount of time. Mad props for an ambitious jam project, I think you pulled it off nicely! I think a tutorial would be really helpful to teach some of the intricacies of the game, add some polish to the animations, and this would make a great full release :)

I love the sound design and the cool look, this is probably the most creative concept I've played for the jam. Super different, and the emphasis for speedrunning was a smart move, it fits this game really well. I think teaching this game to the new player is pretty tough, just cause there are a lot of moving parts, and if you decide to develop this more I think nailing the tutorial will help a lot for a full release. Great idea, and well executed.

Man those enemies are tough! While I think it was a bit too tough, the nostalgic gameplay was great. The enemies animation's are great, and it felt like I was breaking some unspoken rule by going to the  left which was awesome. Weird how things like that can get ingrained in the minds of gamers. Anyways well done :)

As I soared out of the level at the speed of light, I thought to myself "dang this is awesome".  With some levels and some polish I think this game would be a great release game. You could do some really wacky stuff with the crazy speed concept. Great concept :)

Haha this is a great little game!! Delightful idea, I really liked soaring through the air and then getting points when I hit the ground. I think if you added a little more friction to the movement that would help the experience, it was a bit ice skatey. But that's a small thing. I also loved your little developer's journal, that was a nice personal touch! If you get time to develop this one a little more I'd love to play it some more, but if you are busy with the other game jams I get it :)

Love the funky music, and the loading screen is awesome! I think the gameplay could use a little more variety, and possibly making that movement a little less like being on ice skates (but that is real nitpicky). I liked it, good job and a real unique funky premise :)

Thank you!! I really liked your game as well, very original

Whoa I did not expect that! I opened up the menu, clicked play, and dang the game looks and feels really polished for a game jam game. I would love to see you work on this more, once I got the movement figured out it was really satisfying and compelling movement scheme. It was good that I read the description before I played so I found out the movement controls, but I kind of get it I imagine the controls are better with a controller. I did bug out once when I died and then couldn't see my character, so a few things to fix, but I loved your idea.

This is a really cool concept, and the visuals really help sell the idea. I don't know how you got all that cool functionality working in such a short amount of time, props! I enjoyed it a ton

I really liked the look of the game! That unique, tile based darkness reveal style was really satisfying. and worked really well.  The trick level with the tricky climbing made me laugh :D

I'd say if you made the jumping a little less floaty it would help the experience (but that's just a personal preference). Love the level design, nice job!

I really liked the look of the game! That unique, tile based darkness reveal style was really satisfying. and worked really well.  The trick level with the tricky climbing made me laugh :D

I'd say if you made the jumping a little less floaty it would help the experience (but that's just a personal preference). Love the level design, nice job!

I'm in love with the art direction. Coloring was great, pixel art was great, and the sound... was great! I love the delay after you attack to see what happened to the fighters, that was a nice touch.   

Sweet! Let me know if the audio runs okay. I had some issues with the audio when I was doing mobile builds, and while it's working fine on my device now I wasn't sure if other people would have issues. Thanks!  :)

Hey thank you! I'm glad you liked it, thanks for playing :)

Fun, simple concept! On the web build I couldn't see the whole map on some levels, maybe widen the view a bit.

Trippy!! I liked it a lot, especially the ominous look and feel to the game.  Very unique, great job :)

I think I glitched out on the 2nd level? Couldn't progress for some reason. But man the game is pretty, and sounds great.

Wow! I enjoyed that so much. The writing was really fun, and once I understood what was going on, I had a total blast. Looks great, plays great, and I laughed a lot :)

To my chagrin I got pretty frustrated at first as I banged my head against the wall trying to kill all the waves up front, but it was great, nice job.