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Thank you so much! Happy to read that you had a great time playing! :-)

Oh ok, no problem! Glad I finally received your comment! :-)

Thank you for your reply! :-)

Thank you so much! :-D

Did you save your rating? For some reason did the "Rated by ... people" counter not go up ... And this would be my 20th rating! :-)

Haha, yeah, these birds are quite something else! Thank you for your feedback, glad you had fun! :-)

Sure, I am going to play your game later! :-)

Thank you so much! :-)

I finished it and my highest score was 65! Short and sweet game. Also a nice touch: the falling animation of the player character. 

I would have maybe spawned the coins at different locations just so that the player has a bit more to do before the action starts.

Thank you so much! :-)

Yeah, these birds have quite the appetite. ;-)

Cool concept, nice art and fun game. Gets really addictive ranking up those funds! ;-)

I encountered a bug: I reached day 16, bought a "Lightning Rod" but did not place it. Then day 17 came, I opened the shop again, and at some point the "Lightning Rod" card disappeared (or maybe I accidentally placed it?) and I could not place my next card "Farmland". I waited till day 20, but I still could not place it. Also swapping the cards in my hand (for 1500 coins) did not work, so I got stuck.

This is a really fun but also really difficult platformer! I also like the cute cloak animation. 

I wanted to comment on the movement, but I've read in your other responses that they are intentionally designed like that for difficulty purpose.

I think I am at the last jump, where you are at the highest point in level 3 and have to jump and ride the wind to the right, but I can't seem to get enough momentum, I always land where the ropes and the two spikes are ...

Cool idea! And the art looks nice!

Sadly I get the following error message at the second battle when one of my bees dies: "RuntimeError: index out of bounds". I tried around 5 times to get there but I always get the same error message ...

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! :-)

Thank you so much for your feedback! Later on it's German words. ;-) Yes, if this becomes a full game, I'd have to rethink the difficulty increase!

Thank you for your feedback! Glad you had fun! :-)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! :-)

Thank you for playing! :-)

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! :-)

My game is a fast-paced typing game about a young blackbird chef who wants to become a master gourmet chef:

I've just finished your game, rated and commented it! :-)

Nice RTS game! With nice graphics and the music was really fitting. Sometimes clicking on the buildings did not register for me but selecting and moving the units was smooth. Would have loved if the enemies could start an attack (or recapture buildings) on their own to create a bit more pressure, instead of just waiting for me to absolutely destroy them and capture their base! ;-)

This was a hectic but fun game! Love the charming GBA styled graphics. Glad I stopped reading the walkthrough after the first bullet point, so I could find out the solutions myself. I totally ignored the gramophone at first, but on my second try I managed to keep them all alive! 

Good job! :-)

1000?!?! Wow good job! :-D 

Yes, endless mode is max difficulty without any further increase. I thought about increasing the difficulty depending on how good someone is, but then I thought maybe it is difficult enough. :-)

Thank you so much, glad you liked it! :-)

Hey, I've just played your game and also gave it a rating and a comment! It was a really nice experience! :-)

If you like you can check out my game here:

Really cool game! It really created this "calm before the storm" feeling. Or more like calm before the apocalypse! And also really nice idea to combine the catching of the fish with various mini games.

Hey, I just finished your game, rated and commented it! :-)

If you like, you can check out mine and give your feedback and rating:

I liked the really creepy and mysterious atmosphere. The usage of the altered images gave this game an uncanny vibe that added to the creepiness. 

Not a major thing but maybe add a visual indicator for "back"?

I wouldn't mind playing a longer version of your game! ;-)

Nice Tower Defence game with nice pixel art and animations! The interest rates are a cool touch.

I encountered a bug, where the bomb thrower suddenly did no damage against the blue blobs/raindrops. Otherwise it was pretty polished!

Thanks, glad you liked it! :-)

Thank you! Happy to hear that you had a blast! :-)

Here is my game:

I've just played your game, rated and commented it. :-)

Simple and well polished! In the beginning, it was a bit too easy. I had the most fun in the middle where the pace picks up significantly.

Here is my game:

I've just created the universe in your game, and commented and rated it! ;-)

This was a nice unique idea. A though game to beat, but I had fun. :-)

Here is my game:

I've just played your game and also rated and commented it! :-)

Nice arcade-style game. Visuals are nice and I like how everything intensifies the closer you get to your destination.

Here is my game:

I already played (won ;-)), rated and commented your game! :-)

Nice visuals and animations. I especially like the falling animation of the little guy. :-)

Here is my game:

I already played, rated and commented yours. :-)

A solid platformer with a nice art style. I like the torch mechanic although it makes this punishing game even more punishing. But the changing death sound effects are a nice touch. Maybe change the dash from "E" to something else like "Shift" for more comfortable controls? 

Hey, I just rated your game and wrote a comment. :-)

Here is my game:

Short and sweet game. I like the retro Atari-styled visuals and sounds/music. 

Really cute looking and fun game! At first I was not sure what to think about the respecing of your skills, but now I like it. It makes the battles more dynamic and fun. Good job!